Did 'Ronald Bernard', the Alleged 'Illuminati' Child Abuse Whistleblower Die in a Florida River Recently? I don't think so!

in #news7 years ago

Several 'news' sites have carried the story recently that the alleged 'illuminati' whistleblower from the world of banking and secret societies has died in Florida. There's a few problems with that though - firstly, the name listed in Florida is not the same name and secondly, the age of the man in Florida is also wrong...

ronald bernard

I am regularly amazed at how poor the fact checking is of many websites that get a lot of traffic, especially considering the amount of work that I have put in over the years to exposing important topics which seems to be ignored on the internet... However, knowing the way that all major media sources (and the internet in general) are controlled by CIA and other groups (to the best of their ability), I am less surprised - but just saddened... If a story can be silenced or brought into confusion by misinformation, then there's a good chance it will be if it serves certain agendas. Recently, I have seen links passed around that claim that 'Ronald Bernard', the man who released an interview where he claims to have been part of 'the illuminati' at a high level is dead. Some posts remark how the author has 'done some digging' and 'quickly' found that he had died. Let's look at the evidence...

Firstly, in case you are unaware, here is his interview where he claims to have helped the crime gang that runs the finance of this planet to commit massive crimes - and where he says he had to leave them after they tried to get him to participate in murdering children in ritual sacrifices:

Dead men?

Here's an example, from the website 'newspunch' that claims he is dead: https://newspunch.com/dutch-banker-illuminati-dead/

Here's the police report of the death of the man in Florida: http://www.hcso-news.org/hcso-news/072417-lost

Notice that the man is listed as being aged 61 and that his name ends in Fernandez.

Bank of Joy

Ronald Bernard, the alleged whistleblower, went on to create what he calls the 'bank of joy', that is intended to replace the corrupt financial systems of this planet. This stuck out in my mind because his approach is similar to some other groups I have known about and communicated with and the name of the currency he created is the URA - he/they also use the same language constructs that I have used online for over a decade. This is quite significant synchronicity for me personally, for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of any connection to my own work though, you can see on his website that he is listed as having been born in 1962, which would make him around 55 years old now, not 62. His last name is also not 'Fernandez'.



Yeah, I know - sarcasm doesn't travel well online, but I'm tired.. ;)

Is it me that needs to do more research? Let me know in the comments ;)

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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@ura-soul Now you got me going. It is not just the plethora of dubious sites. The greater issue is all the people who swallow this crap and regurgitate all over the place. Sometime back, on other social media, folks were bewailing that the Man-Satan (Monsanto) Corporation had hired the Corporation, formerly known as Blackwater. I vetted and vetted, and it was not true. People wanted to believe it was true, so they kept on posting about it.

More recently, it was that Charles Manson was going to be paroled.

Responsible bloggers have to vet everything. I just spent one-hundred hours on a post, because of all the research to confirm or deny facts and factoids.

Yes, if I look through the 'truth' related groups on facebook I am a member of, they are probably more than 75% filled now with obviously false 'stories' and links. When I started out on social media over 10 years ago, this just didn't exist at all. I am fairly clear that the majority of it is deliberate misinformation intended to confuse and destabilise groups of well meaning people. :/

Also a lot of the fake stuff comes from clickbait youtube videos where people just make stuff up to get the views.

Yes, definitely, Fakebooc is awash with all that garbage - I just mute people that repeatedly post from them there.

Excellent update. Thank you for reporting on this.

You are welcome!

I had not even seen the false reports, but THANK YOU! It drives me CRAZY how many "truthers" repost bullshit before they fact check. This man's story needs more attention anyway. Nice way to raise awareness and have a teaching moment!

Yes, every moment is an opportunity for enlightenment :)

We need such people more . Who has the courage to talk about what's going on.

I have an ongoing series on whistleblowers on Steemit that is up to post 21. I am taking a break but will return with more soon.

Good :) I go and look what info you have there. And Thank you!

I haven't heard about the fake drowning story, but it is definitely good to know these misinformation techniques are being applied to confuse the public. Misinformation definitely is one of the key tools used against us by the Deep State. They love to cloud the waters, in this case literally.

For those looking for the compiled videos of Ronald Bernard's confessions all in one place, I put together a post for reference that also includes some other videos of the Gotthard Base Tunnel ceremony attended by the global elite in 2016. The videos show that all this subject matter is quite disturbing, to say the very least. Note from the links below that You Tube has been deleting accounts that have been exposing this dark subject matter.

Full post:


Steemit version of the same post:


Thanks for sharing!

Great post Ura. There's so much disinformation out there at the moment you gotta be vigilant when researching these days.
Thanks man.

Thankyou, you are welcome! :)


yes i saw this video, it seemed pretti legitimate his story !! Iam pretty certain the gentlemen in the film is Dutch so the name Fernandez is pretty ludicrous!! Who knows if this guy is still alive, if his story is true i very much doubt considering the level he was at and the knowledge of their financial dealings makes him a very dangerous pawn gone roguye!! nice post @ura-soul

Thanks for your comment. I always intend to remain open to all possibilities, including that he himself is a misinformation agent - since I already identified a few of them who are sent out into the world to carry out 'good works' for humanity, but who are in fact 'trojan' agents. I don't really know in his case whether he is being honest or not, but I do find it odd that he claims that he was tortured before leaving the secret society because he wanted to leave, but that now he is out and apparently under no huge threat. In that sense I can understand why people expect him to be killed - but it doesn't help if we jump to conclusions.

Yes well i agree with you ura-soul, these people are not playing games and they kill people for fun ! So having said that does seem strange they would let him ......sayu leave their fold when he has such key knowledge to their money making systems !! But as you so rightly say, we should not jump to conclusions ) SteemOn2Trtuh my friend ))

well its seems that he is dead now!! look at this !
so looks like he was the real deal (

That is the page that I linked to in the OP.

oh lol i see !! well that seems pretty legit to me so i think maybe we can assume that he is dead now, which frankly when you consider the level of info he gave out and it being true is hardly surprising ! It seems they were chasing him around for awhile in the woods before they finally got their slimey hands on him !!

I am unclear why you think it is legit when I already pointed out that the person who died has a different name to the banker guy and is a different age.

" Ronald Bernard, the elite Dutch banker who exposed the financial industry Illuminati in a series of TV interviews, has been found dead in Florida. He was 61." I dont see the name Fernandez at all in this partiucular post ! The 61 i am not sure about as i do not recall what year he was born from the origional video, but surely 61 could be his age looking at him !! Maybe a mistake made somewhere in the exact date of birth ? Also if you search this death now you will see many many links now which confirm this information !!

Fernandez is the name given in the police report for the dead man - which I linked in my post.
I also stated in my post that his age is 55 according to his own website, which gives his birth date as 1962:

This post has received a 8.03 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

thanks for setting this straight

His bank of joy project seem great, it has very interesting properties, obviously it's a "fake", {{they}} are smart/wise, they don't want to shoot themselves at the same time.

As a professional system architect and then system buster, I have written on these subjects for a long time publicly and several times have heard my ideas/words repackaged with distortions added. I don't know if that is what has occurred in this case, but I feel the connections are worth me paying attention to. :/

A few have said that 'Ronald Bernard' is just a stooge - I don't know for sure.

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