The author who wrote 701 (!) books

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Now this is truly inspiring. I just had a phone call with a musician, a great friend of mine, from Hungary. He told me about a Hungarian novelist who just released his... hold yourself... seven-hundred and first book.


*using the calculator*... That's around 14 books a year for half a century. 

Now, I haven't read his books, since they are mostly published in hungarian, but what I know is, that he's a well known and accomplished author in his country (you can look him up here). And if someone is consistent, I thought, then he.

But there was something else that astonished me. This author (his name is Istvan Nemere) seems to know his craft. Writing novels and refining his skills is just what he does and did for the past 50 years. 

...And once you attain mastery at something, things seem to come easier to you.

Like brushing your teeth. I did that more than 701 times (pha, here you go) perhaps around 20'000 times in my short life.

And I know, with time and practice, it gets easier - until it becomes a part of you - you don't think but you simply do.

Another example: Driving a car - such a complex thing, multi-tasking at its finest - but every driver who gets used to driving after a while knows that there's almost a "becoming one" with the car while driving - subconsciously. There's not much sel-doubt or procrastination involved but rather... just... the doing itself.

I'm sure, to write 14 novels a year, there is not much time to be wasted for self-doubts or other self-sabotaging acts created by fear. And it would be weird for me too if I suddenly had fears of brushing my own teeth. 

Even though: I wasn't born a toothbrush master. (no, no, no. That was hard work!)

But with practice and consistency things get easier and we become better.

The problem with aging: 

The sooner we grow up the more likely we are sidetracked with self-doubts. Kids generally don't have that much of self-doubts, they rather just try and go for it - great learners they are.

But essentially, we are learning creatures. 

Isn't it that, as soon as we master one thing, we look for something else to improve. If it's improving the same thing (like improving your writing skills for 50 years) or about learning something completely different (like leaving the tooth-brush practice and learning to poo all alone instead...whichever comes first).

Are we scared of learning? Or to look like fools? And therefore we don't even try?

I feel we live in a society where we scare away too easily from learning. Instead we want to be masters without effort (somehow what the media teaches us). Speaking of the "6 minute six-pack" and the "6 figure business in 6 months".

We start something, as soon as one self-doubt occurs we change our path again. And end up doing all sorts of things, but really nothing in the end.

Writing 701 books is an achievement. But much more I'm astonished by really everyone who attained "mastery" at something. There's a whole lot to go through. Ups and downs. Plateaus and sidetracks. But the ones who stuck with it eventually reap the reward. The reward of knowing, that there is perhaps no destination, but that the path alone is what counts.*

(*Don't ask me where those last few last lines came from... I was just inspired. I have no idea whatsoever if it's true, and yet it felt good to write - so... make your own story about it.)

What is it, that you are currently want to attain mastery at? 

Thanks for reading! and wishing you the best!



"The reward of knowing, that there is perhaps no destination, but path alone is what counts" this quot is lesson for another. Thank you for this inspiration quot.great meeting you friend

thank you my friend, I had a little typo in there, now as I'm re-reading it a day later. But nevermind, I'm glad it inspired you!
Best wishes and thanks for sharing!

The sooner we grow up the more likely we are sidetracked with self-doubts. Kids generally don't have that much of self-doubts, they rather just try and go for it - great learners they are.

So true. And wow, 701!!!!!! He must have been relentlessly writing. I salute him for the determination he has. Like what you said, he must have gone through so much, the plateaus and sidetracks did not kill his determination off. This is so inspiring. One day perhaps I can say I write 701 posts without skipping a day, that is good enough for me, not to say publishing a book, lol. Thanks @sams-world! You write very well.

Oh yes, you know I was hesitating to write my first book last year. And then I heard of an other author who in his life wrote around 300 books - it actually just made me put away the fears and just start :) I ended up writing 2 books last year. And yes, I'm assuming too, that he must have been going through plateaus and sidetracks... which is even more inspiring, because he just kept on creating.
Thanks for your thoughts, @happycrazycon wishing you the best!

Great post! 701 books is astonishing, for sure. I also agree that mastery of anything is worth watching/paying attention to. It's why I love watching the Olympics... the Super Bowl... anything at the end of the season, end of the game... those who are meant to be the best of their game.

I'm working at being the master of my own world - Terrenden (as you have recently become aware.) Working at mapping right now - a little out of my comfort zone, but it's coming along now - I'll post about it later.

thank you @viking-ventures, I look forward. And perhaps the fact that it's a little bit out of your comfort zone is a good sign that it will be exciting and certainly give you a lot.

Hello my friend, I'm back from my little break, just in time to find this "lovely inspirational nugget" you're produced.

I must say I am somewhat jealous of the writer that has had the discipline to refine his skills over such a long period of time. I would've become bored and tried something new (I as have done so often...)

I already thought where you are! glad to have you back :) and thank you for the feedback. Yep, in our world people become bored very easily. Why? To many things, choices, too little action?

Talk to you soon again! ;)

Yes, indeed we are spoilt for choice...

yeah, I guess it's an interesting age and time. so many choices let us be everywhere, but no-where really.. it's very tempting to just taste the surface before running to the next "thing"...

Ah, we all have the illusion that we can scoop the cream off the top;
but the rewards come from investing time and effort...

yes, i totally agree!

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