Anthony Bourdain Died And Why You Should Give A Fuck (Not For The Obvious Reasons)

in #news6 years ago

He died. Well, he had a successful suicide.

I don't know the details, nor I care about them. If you don't know who he was: A chef and TV personality who made your typical "cooking around the world" programs. He commited suicide. HE DEAD.

I won't mourn. I don't mourn for people I've never met or didn't give a fuck about yesterday. All this theatrical social media sham is top notch hypocrisy. Just another opportunity to virtue signal what a good person you are. Go ahead, bury your head in the sand, collect the good-feel responses and act like you actually care and that this incident will change your life one bit.

Newsflash: It won't. And it's a disgrace to claim that, when his daughter and his loved ones will truly be affected for life.

Didn't you know already? They will be the ones deeply hurt by this. So fuck you trying to hog and suck the emotional tension, you pig.

That said:


A Suicide Is Always Heavier Than Death, Especially In This Day And Age Where Male Suicide Rates Are Higher Than Ever

I am not an animal. I get a sting whenever I hear about someone dying. Especially suicide.

We could even say it's an epidemic, though I don't want to fear-monger. The stats are in though and they're quite definitive:


The male to female ration reaches as high as 4:1


I think this is a more important gap than the wage gap. What do you think?

You won't here about this in the news though. It doesn't sit well with the "toxic masculinity" sentiment and the predatory attitude of society towards men.

I hate the victim card, I really do. Believe me, I don't blame society for what happened to Bourdain. Although, I can't help but wonder: What are we doing SO wrong, that suicide rates are skyrocketing in a day and age where you can live BETTER than a king, with very little effort whatsoever.

I believe I gave the answer away somewhere in there, but let's ellaborate.

You Have Miserably FAILED. Let's Do It MY Way

Most people will claim the reason men are dropping dead like chickens in a chicken farm, is the fact they don't talk about their problems, because of the hegemony of the masculine stereotype.

This is not entirely wrong, but that way you are patching the problem, not solving it. Telling men to talk about their problems, let their emotions flow free and let them control them, is like saying to woman to stop being sensitive an emotional.

There are some fundamental truths about genders, stemming from biological imperatives. Fuck the progressive shitload you are about to comment. I said we'll do it MY way now, since we've tried yours.

Imagine being a 8 year old boy. You were told from the get go that men are inherently bad and do bad things. You don't want mommy to get hurt, do you? Your father is already a scary figure in your life, so it makes sense...

Once you hit puberty, you start feeling guilty. The urge to conquer, fuck, pillage, dominate the world, all the stuff I've been talking about, makes you feel guilty of your nature.

You were raised to be a "good boy". Like a dog." No, this is wrong. THIS is correct". Be the nice guy. Be gentle. Women like that. Serve society, that's what men do. Sacrifice yourself and your well-being for the sake of other. Endure ALL the shit society tries to impose on you.

Every innate desire of yours, gets squashed under the pretence "it's bad for society". You reach an age where you realize "Shit. What the fuck happened? How did I end up here? Fuck, i wasted my life. It was all a fucking lie". And you sit there, contemplating your life's choices. You did everything right, how the FUCK did you end up here?

"That's what REAL MEN do"

Every cunt and every pussified man tries to inform us what means to be a real man. "Men cry and talk about their feelings. It's toxic masculinity that prevents you from doing this". No, you fuckwit.

First of all, what the fuck does a twat know about what it takes to be a man? You earn that right. You sacrifice yourself to be a man. You fight, you get bruised, you get in trouble, you get rejected 1000 times, you break your teeth, you lose a friend, you cry alone and you overcome hurdles ALONE.

Yes, alone. A man needs to prove to himself he can be independent. He can do this alone.

Everything got fucked up, when there was NO reward after the sacrifice. Actually, there is ONLY sacrifice. And guilt. And fucking pussyhats.

Do you want to know what's the problem with men today?

We don't have a purpose. Nothing to fight for. No meaning. Nothing to aspire. Everything has become souless.

Men need something to die for. Either it's their family, their business, their art, their nation, their ideas. We don't have that anymore.

What we have is the toxic mentality of "nothing matters". The mentality of guilt and perpertual remorse. We bow our heads to society and for what?

That's getting a bit too long.

Look, I am not saying men shouldn't talk to someone if they need to. Bourdain, Avicii and everyone else. They should know they have a choice. They should sit down with friends and just do what men do best. Talk shit, joke around, bust balls. The whole 9-yards. That's how we heal.

Men need to toughen up. This is not "suicide shaming". There are obviously mental issues involved that a simple "toughen up" doesn't matter. But I am looking at the big picture.

Men, as a group, need to live a more dangerous life. They need to lead. Take risks and aspire to immortal ideals.

Be safe out there.
Be proud.
And go have a fight. PLEASE.



"The urge to conquer, fuck, pillage, dominate the world, all the stuff I've been talking about, makes you feel guilty of your nature.

You were raised to be a "good boy". Like a dog." No, this is wrong. THIS is correct". Be the nice guy. Be gentle. Women like that."

Humans are really funny creatures. Anything that is beyond normal/ socially accepted norms is regarded as bad and inappropriate. Sometimes I get a kick out of seeing people claim that I did something wrong. After that they tend to make reassuring statements and compliments. Watching this from the side is quite a spectacle. But at the same time I recognize that even I at times do this. I often make fun of others for this stupid behavior. But at the same time I am also reminding to myself to not act that way.

Oh, I do this BIG TIME. I am a judgemental motherfucker. But because most people fake it, whatever it is they're trying to do. So what it is perceived as socially unacceptalbe, it's usually divergent personal behaviour.

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You earn that right. You sacrifice yourself to be a man. You fight, you get bruised, you get in trouble, you get rejected 1000 times, you break your teeth, you lose a friend, you cry alone and you overcome hurdles ALONE.

You just said it all!

Word!! Amen!! Men have lost their power and need to toughen up, big time. I don’t date because I’ve got bigger balls than most men do, it’s frustrating. If I wanted to be fucked by a bitch, I’d be a lesbian.

Keep in my mind women need to play their part as well. What's the incentive for a man to be a man if he's unappreciated and outright shamed for his nature?

Some men overcome this mindset, but the majority don't. Too fucked up of a childhood, biological predisposition and what not.

Yes of course, and like you said, men need something to fight for. Why would they fight for their wife is she is a slut and doesn’t treat him right.

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