HEADLINES: Saturday, October 14th, 2017 - Spy Ring In Congress, Trump This Trump That, Obamacare, Catalan, Somalia Blast Kills 30, Henry Kissinger In The White House, Penguin Population Problem, and More

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Amid Management Exodus, Tesla Fires Hundreds Of Workers
FBI 'Hand-In-Hand' With Vegas PD, Begin Damage Control: "There Is No Conspiracy... Nobody Is Attempt to Hide Anything"
This Is What Americans Heard During The Mysterious Cuban Sonic Attacks, And Why Experts Don't Buy It
Senator Rand Paul Wins Tiny Victory for Free Markets in Health Care?
SGT Report via The Liberty Mill
Allies Press Catalan President to Declare Independence
Las Vegas Survivor Abruptly Dies Days After Posting Eyewitness Account of Second Shooter
Clinton Dismisses Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Her Husband as Already ‘Litigated’
Experts on Decertifying Iran Deal: Trump Should Have Killed Terror-Fueling Agreement
Bozell & Graham Column: Hollywood Moralists Exposed as Hypocrites
Soros-Funded ProPublica Enters Local Journalism Market
Bannon: Trump Will Win 400 Electoral Votes in 2020
Watchdog: FBI Has Found 30 Pages Of Docs Relating To Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

School District Pulls ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’
Political Wire
WaPost: Corker Slams Trump For ‘Public Castration’ Of Tillerson Amid NK Tension
Certifiable Nonsense
Trump Still Touts Obamacare Sabotage In Late Night, Early Morning Tweets
John Kelly Speaks the Truth
Trump Risks Harming His Own Supporters By Cutting O’Care Subsidies
How the Democrats Can Still Save Obamacare
GOPers Find Uphill Battle In Trump Punting To Congress On Iran Deal

Mainstream Media

Fact-checking President Trump’s speech on the Iran deal
The Washington Post
In California, Fires So Fast Hesitation Proved Lethal
The New York Times
Joshua Boyle says Taliban-linked captors raped Caitlan Coleman, killed infant daughter
The Washington Post
Somalia: At least 30 dead in Mogadishu blasts
BBC News
Which Was Worse for Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria or Hurricane Donald?
Daily Beast
Corker hits Trump for his 'castration' of Secretary of State Tillerson
Fox News
This missile testing site in North Korea doubles as a beachside resort
Business Insider
Trump says he spoke to US Virgin Islands' 'president' -- which is him

Steem #News

Spy Ring in Congress Person of Interest - Rao Abbas
Only two Adélie penguin chicks on Terre Adélie survived to adulthood this year, despite having over 18,000 breeding pairs!
Short Read : World Bank President Likes Blockchain More Than Bitcoin
Physicists exchanged quantum entanglement at a distance of 100 kilometers.
War Criminal And International Terrorist, Henry Kissinger, Back In The Whitehouse as an 'Honoured' and 'Great Friend'.
Article: The Elites🏛️Perversion With 👊 Power and Control - How Deep Does The Rabbit 🐇Hole🕳️Go
Pirate Bay is Mining Cryptocurrency Again, No Opt Out
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - My Experience
The Whistleblowers (Series): #28 - CIA Whistleblower: Exposing Massive Crime. "The US Congress & Senate Are Controlled By A Real Shadow Government - Working with the 'Deep State'".

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.


This whole thing with girlscouts getting into boyscouts is odd.

We already don't let males chaperone for girls trips/camping and the likes, now there will be male scout leaders with 10 or 13 or 17 year old girls on trips? From what I know there are almost 0 women chaperones for boyscouts(also for a good reason).

Not to mention many of us were Boyscouts. Myself included. At that age we were very much into girls. It seems like camps and camping trips where we get to spend the night in tents with girls is going to lead to some "different" side effects. All I can say is I bet I would have been having sex at a lot younger age had girls been able to be in the tents with us on Boyscout camping trips or at the bigger boyscout camps that lots of people go to.

I am not trying to bash boyscouts. I think it was actually a great thing. Yet, this seems like a VERY stupid move. People are so fixated on diversity that they will gleefully take their brains out an set it on a shelf. I got some news for them diversity is not ALWAYS a good thing.

Reverse what you said and the problem becomes very apparent boyscouts getting INTO girlscouts. And I'm not talking about being able to join their events, etc. I'm talking about the physical meaning of the word INTO.

Yes sir, I myself was a Boyscout for about 5 years when, I think 7 to 12 years old.

We had week long camping trips or weekend trips, which is where the issues will happen at night with a mix of boys/girls. We routinely ditched our camp tents after dark really late and went off and did whatever we wanted to for hours before we would return. Shoot, I got lost for 30 minutes before I figured out how to get back one time lol. We played like advanced hide and seek, you were allowed to climb up trees and it was fun(and pretty dangerous), and a bunch of other warrior/battle stuff with sticks and all that.

If they aren't going on any camping trips over night anywhere the chances of anything sexual/molestation/rape happening between a scout/scout or a scout/leader or leader/leader or leader/scout are pretty slim.

From my own memory, I didn't really want any girls around because they were into girly stuff and we were already around girls all the time in school and it was nice to be away from them(girls at my particular school got us put in time out all the time and we didn't do anything to them, they lied and made up stuff). Being with a group of boyswe were able to be rough with each other and just do general boy idiotic stuff. We went out shooting, bow and arrow, white water rafting, and a bunch of other stuff that was awesome.

I support them going day activities together mixed with girls, but not all going camping overnight together somewhere, nothing good happens at night!

Curated for #informationwar
Relevance: Examination of Bias

Note: the Lynch tarmac story released by Judicial Watch via InfoWars) is especially compelling in terms of institutional subversion and the Deep State

The tag #informationwar, and posts that would be classified under that tag include methods of Information War, Propaganda, and Disinformation. The discussion would include governmental doctrine, historical application, Information War on the spectrum of warfare modes, recognition of fakenews, public OSINT, the concept of a Deep State and reaction to it, and critical thinking in analyzing these concepts.

By necessity, conspiracy theory can be discussed under this tag as they often address what many view as Deep State disinformation; this means that discussion of PizzaGate could fall under this discussion. However, I don't want to make this type of discussion the focus of the tag, but rather discussing these issues in terms of method

The ultimate purpose of InformationWar is to provide you with the tools to defend liberty within this mode of war.

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