War Criminal And International Terrorist, Henry Kissinger, Back In The Whitehouse as an 'Honoured' and 'Great Friend'.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

For those who have been sleeping, it has long ago been fully proven that the 'democracies' of the world are totally fake and have been for decades. They are simply puppet shows to distract everyone from the reality that that the same shadowy groups call the shots regardless of which 'party' 'gets in'. The appearance of Dr. Evil - Henry Kissinger - in the whitehouse should be a reminder of this for those paying attention.

Trump made clear in the video here that he is 'old friends' with Kissinger and that he had been speaking to him a great deal before Trump even ran for the election. He speaks as if the two of them are a dynamic duo and as if this is a 'coming out' for his partner behind the scenes.

Draining the Swamp?

Apparently, 'the swamp' was so full of scumbags that they didn't have anywhere to put them all except for back in the swamp. To be more accurate, maybe some of them were moved to a less obvious swamp and then those in the less obvious swamp were moved into the main swamp - and the policies continue apace.

To fully list the disturbing background of Henry Kissinger is beyond the scope of this post, but in short he has been hanging around US politics and Presidents for over 50 years - having been responsible for possibly millions of deaths, numerous war crimes during the Vietnam war period and no doubt a long list of other nefarious activity that hasn't even come to light yet.

Add to this that he is a great friend of Hilary Clinton and I think you can start to see what I am pointing at here. You can read more about all this, including glowing quotes from Hillary Clinton when she reviewed Kissinger's book and also a listing of some more of the details of Kissinger's criminal history in this piece by the intercept.

Trump is psychopathic and a classic habitual liar

I have said this many times and to me it is absolutely clear and backed up by a mountain of evidence, but I know that there are so many religious supporters of the King of Trumpistan that no amount of evidence will sway them. It has been made clear to me that many of his supporters will rally behind him and reject that he is a classic psychopath and yet when questioned they will quickly admit to not even knowing what a psychopath is.

Anyway.. I don't really want to dwell on this as it is just so sad to see humanity so lost that they will accept all of this as 'just fine'.

Here's the video

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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Great piece, I wrote a little bit about this meeting yesterday.

Here is my take on this with (s)elected leaders, I would say that this has been going on forever really, I mean it is just that in the last two decades we have had internet and prior to that, it wasnt really possible to do any meaningful research on how the power structures are set up and especially the monetary system.

It is an unprecedented scam and Ron Paul said that only 10 people in the whole of US congress (out of 535) knows about fractional reserve banking and he said this in 2015.

As a person with libertarian values, I dont really see any real solution within the current system.

Stop voting and start using cryptocurrencies and just ignore the mainstream system as much as possible and spread the message.

Thanks - Carroll Quigley (linked in my post above) exposed the whole system, documenting it with names and dates exhaustively, going back 150 years. He says the modern denial system began with Cecil Rhodes and the use of his vast wealth to create a secret society that has the intentions of making sure that white men (English at that time) rule the world. Technically, by voting we perpetuate the system and give consent that 'someone' will rule us.
I was listening to a video about Bitcoin technicalities recently and the speaker made the point that it's not the 'best' solution that 'wins' but the solution that is 'good enough' and that gets big enough which will dominate. We see this in many arenas, including social networks as well as human organisations. It's a field that needs it's own research - namely, the mechanics of breaking down and replacing poor quality legacy systems that have become part of the psyche of the masses.

Great post, Kissinger has been around forever! It seems he has seen so many come and go. I have read some of his quotes about the NWO and his agendas. Thanks for sharing

You are welcome - he does appear to be on the way into some kind of spirit form now though (shudder) - I'd like to think he has lost his reincarnation privileges.

Henry Kissinger holds a Nobel Peace Prize. Consider that for a second, and realise how fucked the global establishment is.

Quite possible the most evil man who still walks this earth, Henry Kissinger, has a Nobel Peace Prize.

McCain is up there with him. Brzezinski is another. They are the humans referenced in the "“Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!" quote. They are monsters.

Their 'god' (not a god) is Draco... and they like to recreate occult sacrifices...

Yep so does Obomb-me!

what Kissinger did to Bangladesh is the same which Trump has plans for Myanmar.. as a Bangladeshi I have to say kill that bloody bastard.. and every American knew Trump is a scumbag and yet why American people voted for him?

Did you see the choices the American election offered? There was no point in voting if you wanted to vote for someone you actually wanted to win - if you weren't fully programmed by the wholly owned media to believe one was better, or different, than the other.

The Butcher of Libya was no better.

American voters have the power to select a president for their own country, and its not limited only choosing your own president. You are also choosing the most powerful and influential King who will rule all over the world. The president will rule for 4 years, in most cases they continue to rule for 8 years. Every single decision and action made by the president will affect the lives of every individual on the planet. He can start or stop any war in anywhere.

Today, the biggest crisis is the Rohingya issue in the Rakhaine state of Myanmar, and its not only limited there, these people who were living a normal life, having a normal economy which they have build suddenly are giving two options, either die or run away, but they didn't even have a place where they could run away.

Bangladesh itself is having lots of issues, during dry season we face scarcity of water because India have created damps to stop water flows, and during rainy season India would remove the damp and would flash out the water into our territory making us suffer from flooding for at least 2 months, and its happening every year.

Despite having so many other issues, these Rohingya refugees have come here to take shelter, at first we couldn't do much to help them, but Turkey, Indonesia and many others have offered their help to face these issues. But let me ask you..can these people will ever be able to return back living a normal life?

Germany is a super power, and they have opened their borders to accept refugees from middle east, and now despite being such a super power they are also finding it hard to control the situation and the vast number of refugees who have gotten mixed into their population. I find it hard to imagine what will happen to those Rohingya people once the grants and donations are stopped coming. At one point most people will forget about these refugees and they will be left alone to depend on their own livelihood, what will they do then?

But you know what? American President has the power to solve all these issues and fix them within a very short period of time.. Doing small evil will bring greater good in future is nothing but simply bullshit.

You need to conduct weird biological experiment on a living body in order to research future medicine that can save millions of lives doesn't give anyone to play with a life.. every life..even if its just one single human is extremely precious.. and we need to learn to value it..

My request to all American voters, please execute the authority which you have in every 4 years in the best possible way which will bring peace and prosperity not only to your society but the whole world, and when you have no option but to choose between two scumbags, then you need to bring young people with fresh dream into politics, who wants to help your society, as well as the world, who understands the real value of another human being and who will be a leader, for the sake of the people, and not only to gain power just to support few selected people to gain more wealth.

It's still not too late..wake up!

You're preaching to the choir.

There is an immense caveat, however, and that is how impossible it is for vast segments of the population, whose biological imperatives are so subtly manipulated by professional marketers to manufacture consent.

It's no secret that mental control and manipulation techniques have been studied by covert programs since the 1960s. The military further employs psychologists while torturing victims in filthy black dungeons, and not just to force confessions, but to research how to manipulate people.

In 1969 Delgado showed he could stop a charging bull in midstride with a remote control. Consider the state of computer technology in 1969, and how such research has improved that mental control similarly since then.

While this isn't exclusive to Americans, there are reasons why they are perhaps more subjected to such technology than most. The role of the US in global destabilization and all the profiteering that potentiates; the criminal syndicates that move black market goods, from drugs to children; and the transitioning of the world from the dollar, marking the evolution of the US to the next site of Hegelian Dialectic conflict, all are dependent on a populace compliant with orders of the masters of these agendas.

It is those criminal syndicates to whom the Rohingya are less than compelling concerns, except as profit centers.

The censorship and propaganda centers of the world, Gargle, Fakebook, Twatter, are primarily deployed against Americans, because they are the next profit center of the deep state, and have been used to create $500T in new wealth for their overlords since 9/11.

The indoctrination begins at birth, here, and never ends. TBQH, there are rafts of people whose redpilling is futile: it would be best to simply feed them a line that would redirect their dependecies so that they no longer impede the freedom of the peoples of the world by serving dark masters, bent on consuming our lives and treasure in perpetuity.

A better, more productive plan, would be to craft those infrastructures, like BTC, Steemit, Viewly, and so many more, that can enable the awake to render obsolete the power of states to wield such weapons as propaganda and surveillance against their subject populations.

Those that can wake from the nightmare will, and can be brought up to speed as they emerge. Those that can't will remain challenges; forces of nature that must be accounted for, like the ring of volcanos bursting at the seams of the Pacific today, so that they can be mitigated, and eventually integrated into a free, global association of sovereign people.

Cryptocurrency can't solve anything, as a matter of fact it will create more problems.. There really is no hope of a pure decentralized.. mining monopoly will be enjoyed by those with access to the cheapest electricity..

And one example why Steem can't also do any better is because of the killer whales war..

I checked out some of the whales who would spend more of their voting power into flagging others rather than use it to generate rewards for the community.. the people with high SP will speak any sort of slangs and threats to people with lower SP.. anyone who ever tried to say against those big shots got their account screwed with below zero reputation..

At one point this place would require a bunch of moderators who will make rules and force others to obey..

"At one point this place would require a bunch of moderators who will make rules and force others to obey.."

Or Stinc could change the rules that govern VP. Steemit is vulnerable to the present VP weighting scheme, and I am less than confident of it's long term survival in it's present form. I believe this same vulnerability affects SMT as well.

When you say cryptocurrency can't solve anything, I don't believe you have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the entire field that presently exist. It is easy to see that, alone, a particular currency - even one that was completely able to be anonymous, auditable, and free of external regulation, taxation, and other forms of plunder - can do little to change the world to a more free place.

I can't imagine crypto being the sole technological advent that impacts our ability to reign in states, and reduce them to something beneficial, and therefore tolerable, if they continue to exist at all.

It is good to keep in mind the burgeoning 3D printing revolution, which is giving consumers the power to produce the goods they need directly, without significant labor, or will, in the fullness of time, the miniaturization of surveillance tech - cameras are going to be as small as dust, airborne, and impossible to preclude from an area.

With the concomitant reduction in cost, there will be no place to hide for corrupt officials and other criminals. It is difficult to imagine how strongly this will impact society, but it will have a robust potential to reduce the corruption of states, and other institutions.

One must consider the concatenation of technological revolutions, rather than any single advance alone.

Steemit is being forked, and similar platforms are in development. This is not the end of the technological revolution in social media economy.

Edit: also, Steem isn't mined. There was mining that did produce the majority of the Steem in existence, before Steemit was public, IIRC, but now, all new Steem is created through inflation.

your knowledge is bigger than me... and so I want your help answering few questions.. would you mind if I ask you to check my post by following this link and help me discovering new facts about this analysis. You can ignore if you want.

PS: this is not a spam.


BTC and other cryptocurrencies are very volatile right now because few people use them. As large investments are made, the markets fluctuate. Then, when investors take profits, they fluctuate again. These investments will be smaller and smaller in proportion to the total value of BTC as more people begin to use BTC, and BTC will become less volatile.

I made a more substantive reply there.

We are living under a fascist, technologically advanced and sinister empire.. cut us some slack.

Kissinger should be behind bars, he's a real piece of shit.
As a minion of the Rothschillds he's had almost exclusive access to the Whitehouse for almost 50 years. What a disgrace.
Great post dude.

Thanks - sadly, the controllers have had a very long time to implant 'disruption technology' in the minds of the masses to confuse them and make them incapable of understanding political reality. I can feel another post coming on!

Imagine this... The last president of my country (Perú) is already in jail... with her wife. Before him, Alan Garcia was president and he is by far the most corrupted politician in the history of my country, he's been investigated tens of times but his mafia in the judiciary won't jail him. Before him was president Toledo, fugitive today living in the US, our justice system is trying to bring him back, without success. Oh yeah... Fujimori is in jail. Well, my point is, most of our leaders should be in jail for life!!

Some say the Gov. is some kind of macro product of the minds of the ruled...

I see great promise in blockchain and crypto currencies in this respect..

Gov will have to compete for revenue/taxes and Gov emps will become more like the custodial servants they were meant to be.

Blockchain technologies will increase Governing/Government (automatedgoverning functions) functions and efficiency greater than 3 orders of magnitude and reduce waste by 95%!

Agreed. The laws are not written for people like him though. Prisons are for people like us.

We the people, huh? We never had a choice :(

Well, it's more like 'we, the people over here'..

And now this guy is to treated like an older statesman. Unfortunately he also has some German roots so politicians used to invite him here to be seen with him.

I heard a definition yesterday of the word 'statesman', meaning someone who relies on the state and is part of it.. In that sense, it can be said that maybe he is that - but not in a good way.

Were did you hear that definition?

Unfortunately it's kinda true, but somehow it goes in both ways. The state always seems to be in the need to rely on those people too, however ugly their action were in the past

I'm pretty sure it was in the video from my recent CIA Whistleblower post.

OK, gonna check this too

My God! Why is this man capable of leaving his home without being physically-attacked? I kid you not, one of the world's most evil men!

It's a valid question. I imagine it is due to a combination of 'secret service' protection and that most people are more interested in beefburgers and arguments.

Man... It has been crony politics for a while now. Every election you have the illusion of choice and it always ends up business as usual. At some point people have got to wake up though, right?

I have the feeling that many are so unconscious that there is little of them to wake up - and yet they can 'vote' - which gives the illusion of 'authority' all the more weight - but it is just a house of cards. The rest of us need to come together to make greater alternatives to this enslavement/entrainment grid.

Yeah... to quote R&M: "That sounds like slavery with extra steps".

I'm not sure enough ever will. They are programmed well and seek a ruler. Our only hope is to find a way to coexist with them. Is that even possible? I believe it is... We just have to organize and stand our ground.

I know, was telling the family got to write a piece about this... The jail cell door is Open.. but Who will walk out?

Empires love war criminals

Every boss needs their lieutenants. Every king needs his pawns.

Like drug companies love diseases!

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