HEADLINES: Monday, February 12th, 2018 - White Powder Sent To Donald Trump Jr. his Wife and Two Others Hospitalized, Elon Musk, Arizona Passed A Bill To Allow Paying Taxes in Cryptocurrency, The War Against Pedophiles, and More

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Washington Post, CNN, NPR, PBS all praise murderous North Korea and its slave state leaders
Defense Sec. Mattis Admits U.S. Has No Evidence Syrian Government Used Sarin Gas
Evil Liberals Mock Vanessa Trump For Being Hospitalized After Letter With Powdery Substance Sent to Her NYC Apartment
The Gateway Pundit
‘Unaccompanied Minor Refugees’ Costing Germans $70,000 Per ‘Child’ Annually
Liberals Celebrate, Joke About White Powder Letter Sent to Donald Trump Jr.
Elon Musk And Yet Another Year Of Magical Thinking
"There's So Much Stress On Campus": Amazon Cuts 100s Of Jobs At Seattle Headquarters
Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home
Democrat Corporation Pressures YouTube: Censor Content or Else
After Saying Don’t ‘Politicize,' CBS Touts Story of Illegal Alien Hiding in Church
Kim Jong-un’s Sister Oversees Brutal Regime’s Propaganda Efforts
CNS News
Newsweek top executives FIRED after propaganda rag exposed for running Monsanto lies as “news
BOOM! Judicial Watch President: CIA Laundered Clinton-DNC Dossier Into White House Intel Briefing – It’s Time to Question Obama
The Gateway Pundit
Soros PAC Continues Routing Funds to Local District Attorney Races

Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Mind the Generic Ballot Gap
Political Wire
Sessions Praises Sheriffs For Upholding ‘Anglo-American Heritage’ Of Policing
Germany’s Trumpian Moment
Three Stupid, Annoying Things People Often Say When Defending Trump
The Greanville Post
Trump, Pence Rain on Koreas’ Olympic Unity Parade
The Greanville Post
Propaganda! Pardon Me, Is Mine Really Bigger Than Yours?
The Greanville Post
Lovefest in Korea Leaves US Regime Fuming
The Greanville Post
The Deadly Rule of the Oligarchs

Mainstream Media

The only certainty in Trump's budget: Oceans of red ink
Vanessa Trump, wife of Donald Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope with suspicious substance
CBS News
‘Pretty sharp,’ says Obama of his presidential portrait
The Washington Post
A solemn procession, then vigils mark the deaths of Ohio officers
An officer was fired after he chose not to shoot a distraught suspect. Now he's getting a $175,000 settlement
Top Justice Department official Brand quit partly over fear she might be asked to oversee Russia probe
NBC News
Duterte Draws Fire for Crude Threat to Female Rebels in Philippines
The New York Times
Deputy head of Oxfam quits as Haiti sex scandal escalates

Steem #News

Steemit:MyEtherWallet vs MyCryptoWallet Explained
Steemit:Forbes Cryptocurrency Billionare List - Is It Too Late To Make Your Fortune? Steemit Update & Hodge Twins on Steemit | Coffee With Jane
Steemit:JPM says Bitcoin is going to $4,600 or $14,300 in the short term, thanks
Steemit:Two steps down, one more to go
Steemit:The War Against Pedophiles - Update on PedoGate & PizzaGate & Some Crypto News. - DTUBE VERSION
Steemit:Purdue Says It Will Stop Marketing Its OxyContin To US Doctors
Steemit:Open Secrets: Which US Politicians Receive the Most from the Defense Industry?
Steemit:LitePay and LitePal Explained

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.


If Trump doesn't start taking more active measures against the Left and it's propaganda arm, the the rest of us us can't help him.

This also means dealing with the gope that aligns with the Left.

Trump, you were elected to protect tax-paying Americans from mob rule and political corruption...if you don't don't understand the criminality of these enemies, they will hurt your family.

It's who they are.

(catch up links for Trump/Russia/FBI

Overall Trump's performance is outstanding. He's a business man and business is growing in the states. Does he makes mistakes? yes but he, look at the american economy DJI, can't deny an objective fact.DJI1.JPG

That's the part that confounds me about Trump haters. The man has personality flaws, yes. Guess what? We all do. It's part of being human. Every president in human history has had flaws, whether or not they're known to us. But when it comes to his accomplishments and the progress our country has experienced under Trump's leadership, they suddenly go quiet. Until he says something goofy or we find some way to possibly translate his incentives as "racist" or "sexist", they act like there's nothing worth saying.
Kind of annoying that people are so dedicated to one political narrative that they plug their ears to anything that doesn't support their idealized view of how they think our country should be.
Same thing happened with Obama. I have heard so many people shit talk the man, and they can't even tell you a single thing he did in office, either good or bad. They just hate him because he was "Left".
This is why I so greatly appreciate @newsagg and @dwinblood. They are the ones I come to for political information, because I no longer trust the reports of news stations to give the full perspective.

Curated for #informationwar (by @stevescoins)
Relevance: news compilation/bias comparison
Our Purpose

That zerohedge article on Elon Musk gave me cancer. Fuck him for trying to progress humanity, right?

Yeah there are a lot of Elon Musk haters. Just like Trump haters. They'd be happier with people doing nothing...

The stuff he is doing with Boring Company could have a huge positive impact on all of our lives. Especially if it is combined with hyperloop technology.

That tandum landing booster rockers was amazing too. I honestly cannot recall ever seeing a scene like that eve in sci-fi shows.

Does he have some negatives people can focus on? Sure. His companies get a lot of subsidies from the government. Yet, show me a big company (often way bigger than anything Musk has) that are not also recipients of such. Show me NASA that definitely qualifies and is more expensive.

One thing he definitely is behind is advancing a lot of technology. Some of it may turn out to not be the best thing, but they all are stepping stones towards potential other tech.

A lot of people treat the world like things HAPPEN in a vacuum. If they don't like it... don't do it and the world will be okay... Sounds like THEY are the magical thinkers to me.

Experiment. Learn from both failures and successes.

Trump haters have a lot more justification than Elon Musk haters...

trump is pretty racist and has raped multiple women..

my boy Elon is just tryna send rockets to space and dig some nice holes lol

trump is pretty racist and has raped multiple women..

Really? Have any proof of that?

I've seen accusations and allegations, but in searching myself I haven't found proof. The racist comments when I looked into them usually seemed to be tied to the person reporting it taking something intentionally out of context or resorting to their OWN opinion about what they thought Trump was implying. Yet, I thought their opinion was intentional reaching when I watched/read it in context the entire thing.

So no, I don't buy into the rape or the racist comments until I see proof.

Opinions are not proof.

So if you have any I'd be interested, as I didn't vote for Trump. Yet at the moment I probably would.


Thanks for keeping us up to date @newsagg. I invite you guys to read part IV and V of the immigration issue in Europe, posted this weekend: https://steemit.com/politics/@metalmag25/so-for-2-years-the-media-has-been-bashing-trump-s-wall-and-travel-ban-just-watch-europe-part-v-immigrant-child-molesters-in-the

wow great job............ Arizona Passed A Bill To Allow Paying Taxes in
Cryptocurrency.......that was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!


u just going on such a unique way...break a leg bro for ur job

Thanks dear sharing this news. I always see your post. And follow you.

waiting for more from you newsagg! keep motivating!

Nice post @newsagg . i like your
HEADLINES: Monday, February 12th, 2018 - White Powder Sent To Donald Trump Jr. his Wife and Two Others Hospitalized, Elon Musk, Arizona Passed A Bill To Allow Paying Taxes in Cryptocurrency, The War Against Pedophiles, and More post. thanks for share the post.

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