Lee Camp: How to read MSM -- Crash Course!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Before we see the next episode of “Redacted Tonight”, here is Lee Camp’s Crash Course in reading MSM Fake News on a random example of The New York Times. The Empire cannot survive without wars, and here we can read how the establishment media beats the war drums in the most subtle ways, trying to get your approval for another invasion. Lee guides you through how to read this paper by using an article about Iran’s presence in war-torn Iraq.

Is Iran increasing influence in Iraq giving them milk, yogurt and chicken? And not only that! They are helping them rebuilt buildings that U.S. Army collaterally destroyed chasing ISIS. But that's not all, folks! They are also smuggling medicines to help Iraqi civilians, casualties of the “fact of life” that civilians get hurt and die when U.S. military force very carefully targets terrorists with enormous bombs and white phosphorus!

This 9:21 is an excerpt from the full Redacted Tonight VIP 69

This and more on Redacted Tonight!

Earlier episodes of Redacted Tonight:

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Redacted Tonight #152 — Lee Camp: America Is Being Sold Off!
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Redacted Tonight VIP #63 — Bill Ottman
Redacted Tonight #149 — Lee Camp: Can I pay with my liver?
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Redacted Tonight VIP #58 — Power of Media and the great Exodus – Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan
Redacted Tonight #145 — Lee Camp: Lying Language Of War & Media
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Redacted Tonight #139 — Lee Camp: I don’t watch TV to be spied on, but to be manipulated!
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Redacted Tonight #137 — Lee Camp: Brainwashing, veterans at Starbucks & liars calling liars LIARS!
Redacted Tonight #136 — Lee Camp: We Are Subsidizing Our Death
Redacted Tonight #135 — Lee Camp: War on Iran
Redacted Tonight #134 — Lee Camp: I'm beginning to think that politicians lie to us to get elected

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i love this post

My favorite punchline: “I knew it! You look away one second, and they're giving people yogurt!”

Thanks for stopping by and watching, @alienposts.

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