Lee Camp: Wall Street owns our Government!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Maybe you didn't know, but Lee Camp (and Redacted Tonight) were born during the Occupy Wall Street movement. Today, or should I say Tonight, Lee Camp reveals bitter truth: Wall Street has occupied US Government and is holding hostage all its citizens!

In this new Redacted Tonight, host Lee Camp covers how it should be no surprise Obama is accepting nearly half a million dollars for a speech at a Wall Street-backed conference, as his ties with big banks precede even his presidency. While people claim Obama is a hypocrite for taking the money, Obama's criticism of Wall Street has always been empty rhetoric, given not only his, but his cabinet's well-known ties to Wall Street. Just listen to this… this… ex-pres in an interview:

(Obama pointing to his car)
O: "This is called The Beast. It's a Caddy, basically on a tank frame."
J: "Oh my god."
O: "Yeah, see? So, I could call a nuclear submarine right here from this-
(Jerry laughs nervously)
O: "I'll bet you don't have that in your car.
J: "I don't have that."
O: "Yeah, it's a cool feature. Plus seat warmers..."

Then Lee updates us on the lawsuit Bernie Sanders supporters filed against the DNC for rigging the Democratic primary in 2016 for Hillary Clinton, in which the DNC's lawyers argue that Bernie supporters should have known Sanders had a zero chance of being the party's nominee as long as the DNC had their way.

In the second half, correspondent Naomi Karavani joins Lee at the desk to explain how economic inequality only serves to widen the health equity gap between the rich and the poor.

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Finally, correspondent Natalie McGill exposes reprehensible school policies that allow school staff to "lunch shame" kids who can't afford their lunches by throwing away their hot food and branding kids who can't pay with stamps. All of this on the newest episode of Redacted Tonight!

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Earlier episodes of Redacted Tonight:

Redacted Tonight VIP #58 — Power of Media and the great Exodus – Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan
Redacted Tonight #145 — Lee Camp: Lying Language Of War & Media
Redacted Tonight #144 — Lee Camp: Warning – War Porn episode!
Redacted Tonight #143 — Lee Camp: Waiting for the sky to fall? Works are in progress!
Redacted Tonight #142 — Lee Camp: Next Financial Collapse On Horizon
Redacted Tonight #141 — Lee Camp: Slave owners are among us!
Redacted Tonight VIP #53 — Abby Martin
Redacted Tonight #140 — Lee Camp: Surveilance State is not Adorable!
Redacted Tonight #139 — Lee Camp: I don’t watch TV to be spied on, but to be manipulated!
Redacted Tonight #138 — Lee Camp: Education IS Revolution!
Redacted Tonight #137 — Lee Camp: Brainwashing, veterans at Starbucks & liars calling liars LIARS!
Redacted Tonight #136 — Lee Camp: We Are Subsidizing Our Death
Redacted Tonight #135 — Lee Camp: War on Iran
Redacted Tonight #134 — Lee Camp: I'm beginning to think that politicians lie to us to get elected

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I will cite a YouTube member @somecallmetim451

“Damn, I thought the Daily Show was pretty untouchable but Redacted just burnt their ass cheeks. That's how you know how bad things are getting.“

You certainly won't find a more cheerful look over that bad things…

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