Lee Camp: US Government explains Saudi democracy in 20 seconds!

in #news7 years ago

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Why are mercenaries so much more efficient comparing to the State officials? Is it just because State officials can sometimes literary froze, or this is because mercenaries use grenade launchers even on butterflies? On this episode you can also find out what is the best weather for a war against democracy, and… do you want to know the Golden Rule of Golden Shower parties?

In episode 150 of Redacted Tonight, host Lee Camp delves into the recently leaked documents that reveal what really happened at Standing Rock. It turns out the Water Protectors, trying to keep their land and water safe, were subjected to counterterrorism measures by the mercenary army, TigerSwan, hired by the company building the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners. Counterterrorism! Like they were ISIS! This is just another example of an insane corporate state violent overreach at the expense of the people and common sense. Next, Lee shows a ridiculous video of acting Assistant Secretary of State Stuart Jones. In a press briefing, Jones was asked why he criticized Iran’s record on human rights while standing right next to Saudi Arabian officials and saying nothing about them. Jones went silent for TWENTY FULL SECONDS. Lee breaks down the sad, yet hilarious, absurdity of this hypocrisy.

In the second half of the show, correspondent John F. O’Donnell joins Lee at the desk to discuss the implications of US soldiers actively rejecting war. For five days surrounding Memorial Day, veterans from all over the country converged in Tennessee for the "About-Face Action Camp," which teaches veterans Nonviolent Direct Action, so they can better serve people's movements. The training was organized by “Iraq Veterans Against the War” or IVAW. They’re a grassroots peace organization made up of veterans and current servicemembers calling for, among other things, an end to our endless wars and militarism.

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Finally, correspondent Naomi Karavani files a report about the ACLU recommending a Texas travel ban after the state’s Governor Greg Abbott signed SB4, a new law which abolishes "sanctuary cities" and forces local law enforcement to take up ICE's role in checking citizens for immigration status OR face jail time.

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This and more on Redacted Tonight!

Earlier episodes of Redacted Tonight:

Redacted Tonight VIP #63 — Bill Ottman
Redacted Tonight #149 — Lee Camp: Can I pay with my liver?
Redacted Tonight #148 — Lee Camp: Pigs Sh*t for voters!
Redacted Tonight #147 — Lee Camp: LAST WARNING! Big Corps want to “Restore Internet Freedom”!
Redacted Tonight #146 — Lee Camp: Wall Street owns our Government!
Redacted Tonight VIP #58 — Power of Media and the great Exodus – Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan
Redacted Tonight #145 — Lee Camp: Lying Language Of War & Media
Redacted Tonight #144 — Lee Camp: Warning – War Porn episode!
Redacted Tonight #143 — Lee Camp: Waiting for the sky to fall? Works are in progress!
Redacted Tonight #142 — Lee Camp: Next Financial Collapse On Horizon
Redacted Tonight #141 — Lee Camp: Slave owners are among us!
Redacted Tonight VIP #53 — Abby Martin
Redacted Tonight #140 — Lee Camp: Surveilance State is not Adorable!
Redacted Tonight #139 — Lee Camp: I don’t watch TV to be spied on, but to be manipulated!
Redacted Tonight #138 — Lee Camp: Education IS Revolution!
Redacted Tonight #137 — Lee Camp: Brainwashing, veterans at Starbucks & liars calling liars LIARS!
Redacted Tonight #136 — Lee Camp: We Are Subsidizing Our Death
Redacted Tonight #135 — Lee Camp: War on Iran
Redacted Tonight #134 — Lee Camp: I'm beginning to think that politicians lie to us to get elected

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When hypocrisy strike.. All you do is laugh or slap to the face..

Redacted Tonight is the Progressive's Daily Show! I watch it religiously. I was however disappointed ( for the first time!) to hear Lee "poo poo" the whole Seth Rich murder story currently being investigated by online individuals, because law enforcement hasn't or won't! I will continue to watch, though, as this show handles more stories relevant to the progressive agenda, than any mainstream media show ever has!

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