Lee Camp: Are people allowed to live?

in #news7 years ago

Didn't you satisfied enough because you're born in a “greatest democracy that ever have been”? Now you would like to live in it? Well, have in mind that two greatest parties from the “greatest democracy that ever have been” consider you an ungrateful bastard that does not deserve a health care! No debate!

In this episode of Redacted Tonight, host Lee Camp begins by dissecting America’s worst ailment: the health care debate. The debate is an illusion that diverts from the truth: single-payer is completely possible but somehow not part of this daily theater of back and forth between the GOP and the Democrats. The ACA, may seem like a step in the right direction but it’s actually serving insurance CEO’s more than the ill Americans. Letting people live shouldn’t be up for debate. What will it take to provide universal health care in the only industrialized country that doesn’t have it already? Then, Lee digs into government secrecy as the current White House delivers statements via audio via the House’s lawn shrubbery via an completely ignorant press secretary, Sean Spicer. It may seem absurd, but it’s not that hairbrained when you think about the trajectory that the executive branch has been taking in recent years under Obama to conceal government decision-making. Although Obama may have intended to be the most transparent President in history, his two terms were the most impossibly opaque to date.

Next correspondent Natalie McGill covers the latest news on something that is going to affect everyone’s access information and worst, sexual pleasure: the internet may no longer be free. The anti net neutrality side has been beefing up their squad with automated bots trying to sway the FCC vote, and of course hefty donations from their corporate coffers.

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Finally, correspondent John F. O’Donnell covers the inauguration day (J20) demonstrator’s day in court. Mostly peaceful protesters are facing multiple felony charges, which hold draconian punishments, and up to 75 years in jail! Alongside this is a lawsuit that alleges gross police misconduct. This unconstitutional crackdown on free speech and protest is a chilling trend that is spreading all over the country.

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This and more on Redacted Tonight!

Earlier episodes of Redacted Tonight:

Redacted Tonight #153 — Lee Camp: Bezos Borg!
Redacted Tonight #152 — Lee Camp: America Is Being Sold Off!
Redacted Tonight #151 — Lee Camp: People need to chill out!
Redacted Tonight #150 — Lee Camp: US Government explains Saudi democracy in 20 seconds!
Redacted Tonight VIP #63 — Bill Ottman
Redacted Tonight #149 — Lee Camp: Can I pay with my liver?
Redacted Tonight #148 — Lee Camp: Pigs Sh*t for voters!
Redacted Tonight #147 — Lee Camp: LAST WARNING! Big Corps want to “Restore Internet Freedom”!
Redacted Tonight #146 — Lee Camp: Wall Street owns our Government!
Redacted Tonight VIP #58 — Power of Media and the great Exodus – Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan
Redacted Tonight #145 — Lee Camp: Lying Language Of War & Media
Redacted Tonight #144 — Lee Camp: Warning – War Porn episode!
Redacted Tonight #143 — Lee Camp: Waiting for the sky to fall? Works are in progress!
Redacted Tonight #142 — Lee Camp: Next Financial Collapse On Horizon
Redacted Tonight #141 — Lee Camp: Slave owners are among us!
Redacted Tonight VIP #53 — Abby Martin
Redacted Tonight #140 — Lee Camp: Surveilance State is not Adorable!
Redacted Tonight #139 — Lee Camp: I don’t watch TV to be spied on, but to be manipulated!
Redacted Tonight #138 — Lee Camp: Education IS Revolution!
Redacted Tonight #137 — Lee Camp: Brainwashing, veterans at Starbucks & liars calling liars LIARS!
Redacted Tonight #136 — Lee Camp: We Are Subsidizing Our Death
Redacted Tonight #135 — Lee Camp: War on Iran
Redacted Tonight #134 — Lee Camp: I'm beginning to think that politicians lie to us to get elected

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I watch the Keiser Report on RT.

This is “Redacted Tonight” @alvinfang. If you miss “Redacted Tonight” or “Keiser Report” live, you can always find ’em here – uncensored 😊

Thank you for your support

Note that the US is not a democracy...so need to stop thinking that way...

It is a republic and works different than a true democracy...

A true democracy really only works well in small groups and with an environment that people can leave and go somewhere else if it isn't working as they desire...

If the federal government makes everything equal for all citizens then eventually people that oppose those same things will have to go somewhere else to live...

Citizens can't sit back and expect others to work hard so they can have free stuff without having to work for it....

Democracy can only work if there are obligations and expectations for everyone to do their part for the betterment of the group...

Not betterment of the individual...think about that for a moment....

It is easy to sit back and vote for more free stuff....not so easy when you have to vote to give something away...

Note that the US is not a democracy...so need to stop thinking that way...

Note that I have put “greatest democracy that ever have been” under the quotation marks. You are right, of course, and I know that. It's the MSM propaganda that is trumpeting about “democracy”, and I don't have enough time to explain it in every post. Besides, whole point of Lee Camp’s “Redacted Tonight” is exposing a ploy between MS corporative media, financial oligarchy and crooked politicians that have long ago forgotten any idea of democracy.

Thank you very much for your support and for good thinking @josephmoyers

Great post, very interesting! Will

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