Syria Propaganda War Heats up as Pentagon, Defense Department Join Bolton, Macron in Warning of Upcoming 'Chemical Attack'

in #news6 years ago (edited)

The sound of beating war drums is in the air, as the buildup to yet another staged false flag gas attack & new US strikes on Syria continues. Anti-Syrian propaganda intensifies ahead of Syrian Idlib offensive as more US leaders warn of chemical attack & Iran 'threat'.

Syria War Report, August 28, by SouthFront:

On Monday, Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon joined John Bolton and Emmanuel Macron in expressing "concern at the potential for further...use of chemical weapons" by Syrian government forces, in obviously scripted comments which read word-for-word identically* to those published last Tuesday in a joint US/UK/France statement which preceded Bolton's similar warning last Wednesday, and Macron's more recent comments also on Monday.

“We remain gravely concerned over open-source reports of a potential military offensive by the Syrian regime against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Idlib, which would result in devastating humanitarian consequences," Pahon said. “We also underline our concern at the potential for further — and illegal ― use of chemical weapons.”

(*Word-for-word identical to paragraph 7, lines 2-5 of the joint statement, with the exception of the qualifying term "open-source" before "reports")

As to the Russian claims that US warships have recently arrived in the Mediterranean in preparation of US strikes on Syria following an anticipated false flag chemical attack to be staged by terrorists occupying Idlib, Pahon said the claims were purely "propaganda," and that no US vessels have been deployed to the region. He did however reiterate that despite this denial, the US military is prepared to respond to such allegations (of a chemical attack) if the president were to "direct such an action."

“What I can tell you is that Russian reports of a U.S. military buildup in the eastern Med are nothing more than propaganda,” said spokesman Eric Pahon. “It’s not true. That does not mean, however, that we are unprepared to respond should the president direct such an action.” - Military Times

But as history demonstrates, all it takes for "the president [to] direct such an action," is for the White Helmet terrorist propagandists to release another propaganda video alleging chemical weapons use by Syrian government forces. As it turns out, that is exactly what the Russian MoD has been warning of for like 4 days now. Hmm...

Watch the following RT video report from Monday summarizing the current escalating Syrian situation and Russian MoD claims of an upcoming provocation:

At the same time, Defense Secretary James Mattis has now also commented on the escalating Syria situation, to "assure" us that they are pressuring Russia to help the US "in preventing this [potential upcoming chemical attack]":

"You have seen our administration act twice on the use of chemical weapons," Mattis told reporters. "I will assure you that (the) Department of State has been in active communication, recent active communication, with Russia to enlist them in preventing this… The communication is going on." - Sputnik International

If this is true, that the US and Russia have an open line of ongoing communication regarding this, I wonder just exactly what these conversations look like... In his statement, Mattis also put Iran "on notice" that "the continued mischief they've caused around the area...will not be tolerated." Also from Sputnik:

"Iran has been put on notice that the continued mischief they've caused around the area, the murder that they have caused, the support from Syria and what they're doing with [Syrian President Bashar] Assad, the threats about the Straits of Hormuz, the Houthis with the missiles that are being fired into Saudi Arabia or the Iranian supplied UAVs that are being flown against international airports, that this is not tolerated by us and they're going to be held account for it," Mattis declared.

Considering previous warnings that the US planned to attack Iran this month, the continued verbal attacks and threats against Iran by US officials since the US withdrawal of the nuclear deal in May, and Mattis linking his new threat against Iran to Iran's alliance with Syria at this point in time, it certainly appears the US is gearing up for new intervention in the region. Mattis's accusations against Iran are absurd and ridiculously hypocritical, considering the vast amount of death and destruction the US war machine has caused in the region! I find it particularly interesting that one of the major accusations laid against Iran here is "the support from Syria and what they're doing with Assad," laying the framework for justification of new Syria strikes based upon Iran's presence in Syria.

And speaking of the Houthis in Yemen, if Iran does support them with financial or military aid which is a highly controversial claim, then good for them, as the Houthis need all the support they can get to fend off the Saudi terrorist invaders who are committing genocide on the people of Yemen. The Saudi coalition has even employed al-Qaeda fighters as mercenaries in the conflict, and the very reason the US claims to be active in Yemen and supportive of the murderous Saudi kingdom in the first place is 'to destroy al-Qaeda' - what hypocritical nonsense!

As far as Iran's relation to Syria, Assad has explicitly asked Iranian forces to be in the country, and has repeatedly made known that the US on the other hand is there without permission, illegally occupying northern Syria, and has demanded that US troops leave the country. In response to this demand, the US gave the ultimatum that no American troops would be withdrawn from Syria until all Iranian troops and allied militias such as Hezbollah first leave the country. Iran and Hezbollah have made clear their intent to stay in Syria until they are officially requested to leave by the Syrian government, and it doesn't look like President Bashar al-Assad will be making such a request any time soon. So of course the US and Israeli war hawks are going berzerk, and now we get this: new threats against Iran, and threats against Syria thinly veiled as threats directed at Tehran.

In the eyes of the US Empire, the nations of Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon's Hezbollah are all a part of the same anti-Zionist & anti-Imperial enemy in the region, and so it is easy to see why the US continues to blame Iran for the actions of all of its allies. The intentional destabilizing of Syria and attempt to topple the Assad government was just a stepping stone towards the destruction of Iran and total geopolitical dominance in the region for the US coalition, and now that the US Empire is failing and on the brink of defeat in Syria, they appear to be acting out of desperation trying to reverse the situation by any means possible.

Watch recent video below by @TyrannyUnmasked for nice & short summary of the recent push towards US airstrikes on Syria:

See also the article, Is the US and Its Allies Preparing to Bomb Syria? Towards a “No Fly Zone” in Northern Syria? by Proffessor Michel Chossudovsky, published by Global Research on Sunday (featured in the above video):

Meanwhile, the anti-Syrian propaganda has sharply picked up in advance of the coming battle for Idlib. Several weeks ago, foreign terrorists in Idlib were interviewed by a UAE media outlet, and their presentation of the situation is obviously very one-sided and pro-Jihadi in nature, as these are Jihadi terrorists talking, but what is far more concerning is all of the 'citizen interviews' coming out of Idlib in the past several days mirroring the terrorist sentiment so well. The interview with foreign Jihadi terrorists is below:

Just three days ago, Al Jazeera which has been proven to lie in the past and produce pro-terrorist propaganda in Syria, released a video where Idlib residents are interviewed. For those familiar with the Syrian side of the story, the level of absurdity in the following propaganda is outrageous.

And then a more recent Al Jazeera propaganda video from Tuesday, with more 'civilian' pleas against oppressive Assad liberating Idlib, because the people have "nowhere to flee." Of course Al Jazeera and those interviewed completely ignore the fact that the terrorists in Idlib whom these civilians claim as their 'protectors' have in the past executed numerous Syrian civilians and used kidnapped civilians as human shields (a war crime), have recently been abducting Syrian citizens in Idlib, threatening militant leaders suspected of being willing to negotiate with the Syrian government, and doing everything in their power to sabotage any peace and reconciliation talks with Damascus. This most recent Al Jazeera propaganda video is below:

Now here is a video interview with a Syrian doctor by Eva Bartlett from 2016, describing the lies Al Jazeera told back in 2011 regarding Daraa, for some perspective:

Not surprisingly, it appears the White Helmets have now too joined in the fray of disseminating pro-terrorist propaganda, with the group's leader, Raed Saleh having "called upon the world community to protect the population of Idlib from the possible use of chemical weapons by the 'Syrian regime'" during the impending Syrian offensive against the terrorist-occupied territory of Idlib, according to the Russian newspaper, Kommersant. The statements were made to Kommersant, which went on to explain that the "'White Helmets' are sure that Russia and the regime are preparing an operation in Idlib, and they need an excuse to strike".

As if Syria and Russia really need an "excuse" to strike the terrorists illegally occupying Idlib, who have reportedly kidnapped hundreds of civilians in just the last few weeks, not to mention the countless atrocious war crimes committed by these various Jihadi fighters throughout the 7-year war in Syria. No, the excuses are already quite plentiful, and already present, and the attack on Idlib is coming with or without any further "excuses," since the terrorists have rejected the reconciliation talks initiated by Syrian and Russian forces. However, despite the absurdity of such claims, other opposition leaders share the White Helmets sentiment. Kommersant goes on to write,

The commander of one of the armed opposition group "Tahrir al-Watan" Colonel Fateh Hassoun called in a conversation with "Kommersant" the words of the Russian military about the impending provocation in Idlib "manipulation of public opinion in order to find a pretext for legitimizing military operations."

Again, no "pretext" is needed for "legitimizing" upcoming Syrian and Russian military operations, as that pretext was established 7 years ago when radical Jihadi fighters began waging a war of terror on Syria, both the SAA and the civilian population. It's the US which is in desperate need of a new "pretext for legitimizing military operations," not Syria or Russia.

The US Army has also ramped up its anti-Syrian propaganda, with a US Army colonel having accused RT of ‘ridiculous misinformation’ on Sunday for simply reporting a Russian government suggestion that ISIS (Daesh) is operating inside a US-controlled zone in Al-Tanf region of eastern Syria, despite the UN and NBC reporting the same.

Screenshot 2018-08-28 12.41.11.png

I guess the colonel forgot all about the US weapons stockpiles recovered by the SAA from ISIS terrorists in freshly liberated pockets of Syria in the last few months, and also the US supplied weapons to al-Nusra/al-Qaeda in Syria which Robert Fisk has now traced back to Raytheon! Oops...

I recommend reading the informative RT article from today (Tuesday) covering this, and the companion video report is included below:

Screenshot 2018-08-28 12.56.15.png

Does the US really expect people to still buy into their ridiculous claims of fighting ISIS in Syria, when there is so so very much available information documenting the consistent support the US and Israel have given to ISIS, al Nusra/al Qaeda, the affiliated White Helmets, as well as other so-called moderate Jihadi terrorists in Syria?

Stop Funding ISIS terrorists.jpg

If the propaganda didn't include the potential to cause even more death and destruction overseas, it would be downright hilarious. Well, it still is pretty ridiculously hilarious, the level of absurdity the propaganda is at right now, until one realizes this is reality, and this nonsense has the very real potential to cause even more needless Syrian casualties.

Will all the buzz about the potential false flag and coming US airstrikes be enough to deter the Jihadi plans to carry out such a provocation? Doubtful, but would even that be enough to stop the US from taking more action in the region? Probably not, as all the US has to say if no 'chemical attack' comes is that they are attacking Iranian targets inside Syria, just as Israel has repeatedly done since early April every time it attacks Syrian Arab Army targets in Syria. The Defense Secretary's recent statements seem to be setting the stage for this very scenario, should a planned chemical attack provocation fall through. That's my opinion, and I hope you come to your own educated opinion after doing your own research.

Keep your eyes open, as Syria is about to get a lot more interesting when the battle for Idlib commences, particularly if the chemical attack warnings by Russia are more than just hype. And considering there are now media reports of Russian military beefing up their air defenses at Russian airbases in Syria, my bet is on more than just hype.

Thanks for checking out my post, and if you appreciate the contents, feel free to share, upvote and resteem. Thanks and peace everyone.

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