The Truth About Syria From the Syrian People: The Other Side of the Story the MSM Doesn't Want You to Hear

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

In the words of the Syrian people & those who have actually been there - the other side of the Syria story the fakestream corporate media won't tell you (collection of videos)

For seven long years, Americans have heard all about Syria from western government officials, mainstream media outlets and political pundits, but few have heard the other side of the story - the truth about Syria from the Syrian people themselves, the very Syrian people whom both western governments and media outlets claim our 7 years of intervention have been on behalf of, 'to save them from dictator Assad'. Nothing could be further from the truth, and this post aims to show a glimpse into that highly suppressed other side of the Syrian conflict, from especially the Syrian people themselves:

"I met with many [Syrian] people from a broad spectrum of the population and I can tell you that every single person I met, when they found out that I had an understanding of our [American] government's role in this regime change coup, that they all just almost took me by shoulders and said, 'PLEASE, PLEASE GO BACK TO AMERICA AND TELL THE PEOPLE THERE THE TRUTH!' And I just have this feeling in my heart that if America could see the reality of Syria - what they are as a culture, who they are as a society - we would be naturally drawn to these people. They're a wonderful gracious people AND THEY SIMPLY WANT TO HAVE THEIR SIDE OF THE STORY TOLD." - Janice Kortkamp Fearing, July 2016 (source below)

Both Janice and Virginia senator Richard Black visited Syria in early 2016, and were interviewed together by EIR's Jeffrey Steinberg in July of 2016 after returning from their respective trips. The powerful and eye-opening interview can be seen in the following video provided by LaRouchePAC Videos YouTube channel.

Syria: Breaking the Propaganda War with VA Senator Richard Black:

"After all of the world's powers - NATO, EU, the US, Britain, France, all of the dictatorships of the Arab world, Saudi Arabia, really viscous countries like that, Turkey - all of them descending on a small country of 23 million people, and yet the people of Syria remained united, they remained totally, so incredibly supportive of their government. And you think about the 2nd world war, and Adolph Hitler probably had 6 to 8 attempts on his life, some of them very serious, not one attempt on President Assad's life." - Senator Richard Black (source video above)

Senator Black was even able to visit with President Assad while he was in Syria, and describes him as a humble and very courageous man who, despite knowing the risks of standing up to the foreign-backed terrorist groups, stood up to the Zionist and Western Imperial powers anyway, in order to protect the Syrian people from being mercilessly slaughtered by the US/UK/Israeli/French/Saudi/Turkish/UAE-backed Jihadi terrorists in Syria. As the senator pointed out in his quote above, nearly all the major powers of the world had descended upon Syria, and Bashar al-Assad risked his life by bravely standing up to them all, on behalf of and in order to protect the Syrian people.


All of America has heard the stories about how 'Animal Assad' is a viscous dictator who habitually gasses his own people simply because he is that evil. Far fewer have heard the stories of how President Assad and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) have fought to protect and liberate Syrian Christians and other Arab minorities from the US-backed Jihadi terrorists who seek to slaughter them all. The following video put together by Blackstone Intelligence documents this, and shows how Assad and the SAA and their allies (Hezbollah, Iran, Russia) are acting as the protection of the Christians in Syria, often making great sacrifices to do so.

President Assad Fighting Against Christian Genocide in Syria:

The Syrian Christians stand firmly behind Assad as their protector, and know that if he is toppled, they will all be slaughtered, along with other Arab minorities also protected by the secular Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad.

1SAA Hezbollah.png

In the following video, an exclusive interview obtained for Syriana Analysis, a Syrian Catholic Bishop is interviewed and explains the truth about Syria and Syrian Christians.

Syriac Catholic Bishop: Were it not for SAA & Russia, we would have been slaughtered:

Syriana Analysis provides a uniquely Syrian perspective to the ongoing Syrian conflict, and is run by a Syrian citizen who immigrated to Germany due to the current war. Visit his channel for a whole bunch of informative videos on Syria with English analysis by a real Syrian:
Syriana Analysis on Steemit:
Syriana Analysis Website:

Independent Canadian journalist Eva K. Bartlett has been instrumental in getting the Syria truth out to people all across the western nations whose governments and media habitually lie to them regarding overseas wars including Syria. Eva Bartlett has visited Syria in 2016, 2017, and 2018, and also lived in Gaza for several years before that, and has a real understanding of the situation from on the ground in Syria and from the Syrian people. Below are a few Eva Bartlett interviews following her most recent trip to Syria.

Marwa Osman interviews Eva Bartlett right after her return from Syria in 2018 in exclusive for Syriana Analysis:
Resist NOW - Interview with Eva Bartlett on Syria:

Eva Bartlett interview with Lee Camp on Redacted Tonight:
Addressing Lies Around Syria Chemical Attack Story, and More, With Lee Camp on Redacted Tonight:

Eva Bartlett interviewed on the Jimmy Dore Show:
Discussing the Chemical Hoax & White Helmets on the Jimmy Dore Show:

Eva Bartlett has also obtained numerous interviews with Syrian people inside Syria, a few of which are embedded below.

Eva Bartlett interview with MP for Aleppo Fares Shehabi:
(Eva Bartlett: "Here is a conversation I had with Aleppo MP Fares Shehabi/ Faris Shihabi while in Aleppo, with thanks to him for his time and his powerful words.")

Damascus and Latakia friends talk about media lies on Syria, 2016:
(Eva Bartlett: "Mayada Abdelhak and Basem Sleman speak about lies and misconceptions regarding Syria, President Assad, and more.")

Dr Amer Ghantous on Lies Around Daraa 2011.:
(Eva Bartlett: "In March 2011, Dr. Amer Ghantous was working in a military hospital in Dara'a governorate.
In this interview, he details the lies Al Jazeera spread around March 2011 protests, that they were not fully "unarmed", that Al Jazeera lied about civilians being turned away from his hospital, and more.")

Abu Minhal of Hadar, on his martyred son Minhal and defenders of Syria:

Hadar Resident Mahmoud Taweel on Life Under Terrorist Attacks:

Following the alleged chemical attack in Douma in April of this year, numerous journalists from around the world visited the Syrian city and interviewed numerous residents, and they all came home with the same story according to Syrian witnesses: There was no chemical attack in Douma, and the alleged attack had been staged by the White Helmets. Below are just a few videos showing some of these interviews with Syrian locals, and what appears to be the unanimous viewpoint of the Syrian people regarding this provocation.

RT reporter interviews Syrians in Douma:
After visiting Douma, western media begin to question ‘gas attack’ narrative:

One America News Network's Pearson Sharpe interviews Syrians in Douma:

For more coverage of the journalists who visited Douma this year, see my previous post on this, Reporters now in Douma Confirming No Evidence of Chemical Attack! - STAGED PROVOCATION, Pretext for War and scroll through my Steemit blog where there are many other similar and related posts, videos and articles.

And finally, in the following video by Treka Zn, a Syrian exposes who the White Helmets really are:

It is 2018 and there is a vast amount of information on the Syrian conflict available to the American public, including so much straight from the Syrian people themselves, and the Establishment still ignores these voices and the truths they speak, in favor of the twisted government propaganda and outright lies about Syria, the Syrian people, the SAA, and President Bashar al-Assad. I truly believe that if all of America heard the other side of the story, from the Syrian people themselves, that both the corporate media cabal and the US foreign intervention in Syria they pander to would be finished in an instant. Hopefully that day is coming quickly.

The American people deserve to hear the story of the Syrian people, and when we do, I believe it can be a wonderful inspiration for us to unite for peace and freedom in the face of government tyranny here at home and senseless warmongering and foreign intervention abroad. Americans are far too divided by the false left/right paradigm over the most superficial and meaningless issues, and could stand to learn a few things from the Syrian people such as bravery, unity and love of humanity.


I hope you found this post useful and informative in some way, and learned something new about the Syrian people, and thank you for taking the time to check it out. If you appreciate the content, feel free to upvote, share and resteem!

Have a great day all. PEACE.



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