US Empire Appears to Give Terrorists in Syria the Green Light to Carry out Another False Flag 'Chemical Attack,' in Idlib

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Recent US coalition statements reveal an imminent false flag 'chemical attack' in Idlib, Syria is likely as the propaganda prepares the public to accept yet another false accusation against Assad & the Syrian Arab Army to be used as justification for more US attacks on Syria

Below is a screenshot of the AP headline from a Tuesday article which was then reprinted by dozens, probably hundreds of publications around the nation, as it typically goes for the AP:
AP Headline New Syria Chemical Attacks.png

The headline, "US, UK, France vow to act against new Syria chemical attacks," implies that there will be new chemical attacks in Syria to "act against", for which there is no evidence, and none was provided in either the article or joint statement it is referring to. This is no doubt meant to help prepare the public to accept the claim in the near future of 'another chemical attack carried out by Assad,' in order to attempt to manufacture consent for any potential upcoming military attacks against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the wake of any such 'event'. Such claims in the past of the SAA under Assad carrying out gas attacks against Syrian citizens, particularly in April of 2017 and 2018, have been proven to be a lie, while the international monitoring agency, OPCW certified that the Assad government had given up all of their chemical weapons in 2014. President Assad obviously continues to maintain that Syria does not have any chemical weapons, as they were all destroyed back in 2014.

The first paragraph of the AP article reads as follows:

The United States, Britain and France vowed on the fifth anniversary of a chemical weapons attack that they blame on the Syrian government to take action as they have in the past against any further attacks by President Bashar Assad’s regime.

The joint statement released by the US, UK, and France late Tuesday reads in part as follows:

On the fifth anniversary of the horrific Ghouta Sarin attack, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France reiterate their condemnation of the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.

(An entirely unsubstantiated claim without any verifiable evidence...)

Our position on the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons is unchanged. As we have demonstrated, we will respond appropriately to any further use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime, which has had such devastating humanitarian consequences for the Syrian population.

("respond appropriately" = bomb SAA targets, an act of support for the Jihadi terrorists in Syria fighting the SAA... And what about the "devastating humanitarian consequences for the Syrian population" caused by US support of Jihadi terrorists in Syria, who mercilessly slaughter civilians, starve the residents of the population centers they occupy, kidnap Syrian civilians and hold them hostage, at times using them as human shields, among the many atrocities and war crimes committed by these terrorists?)

Furthermore, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France are gravely concerned over reports of a military offensive by the Syrian regime against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Idlib, and the resulting humanitarian consequences. We also underline our concern at the potential for further – and illegal – use of chemical weapons.
And we remain resolved to act if the Assad regime uses chemical weapons again.

This 'warning' in the joint statement released by the US/UK/France alliance on Tuesday seems to be coming completely out of the blue, as there hasn't been much media coverage of Syria lately, but for those who are familiar with the uncanny timing of all these alleged chemical attacks blamed on Assad government forces in the past, the timing is impeccable and entirely predictable. As the story goes, Assad chooses to gas his own people only when he is on the verge of a decisive victory against the terrorist opposition in Syria, at times when pretty much the only thing he could possibly do to mess up his chances at victory and bring the wrath of the west upon the Syrian government or the SAA is, that's right, to gas his own people.

And here we are with a planned military offensive against terrorist-occupied Idlib by the SAA and allied forces looming imminently ahead. CNN as well as various independent media outlets have recently reported that the expected Syrian offensive against the militants occupying the province of Idlib will begin soon, possibly in a matter of days, considering the most powerful terrorist groups there have been sabotaging all Syrian and Russian efforts to come to a peaceful solution.

And now, just as the war for Idlib appears inescapably imminent, the forces of the US Empire return to the tired old chemical weapons narrative, right on schedule. Following the joint statement released on Tuesday, John Bolton gave similar warnings in comments made in Jerusalem at a press conference on Wednesday, where he was meeting Israeli officials to discuss Iran and Syria.

Watch John Bolton give Jihadi terrorists in Syria 'the green light' to carry out another false flag chemical weapons provocation in Idlib:

"We now see plans for the Syrian regime to resume offensive military activities in Idlib province," Bolton said at the press conference just prior to the beginning of the NBC clip above.

"We are obviously concerned about the possibility that Assad may use chemical weapons again. ... Just so there's no confusion here, if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly, and they really ought to think about this a long time before they come to any decision." - John Bolton, National Security Adviser

As Tyler Durden of ZeroHedge points out,

Considering the al-Qaeda and Islamist coalition in Idlib is now facing imminent total annihilation in the face of overwhelming Syrian Army and Russian air power, it is highly likely that jihadist insurgents and their partners like the White Helmets are already in the process of preparing for some kind of claimed “chemical event”.

My thoughts exactly.

White Helmets Jihadists.png

As I predicted last month in a post warning of the potential for this very situation, if another false flag chemical provocation is to be staged by the White Helmets or other Jihadi terrorist factions to draw the U.S. back into the Syrian conflict in a more direct way, it would "be carried out during the beginning of the SAA's advancement against Idlib, in an attempt to give the terrorist fighters an upper hand right at the onset of the battle, with the 'attack' being staged in an area controlled by the terrorists as it comes under heavy airstrikes by the SAA."

That time frame is quickly approaching, and right on schedule the war hawks start squawking about Assad using chemical weapons, prepping the masses for another repeat of history with their anti-Syria warmongering propaganda. To see the rest of the evidence that this likely coming provocation has been planned and in the works for months, please check out my post from last month referenced above,

White Helmets in Southern Syria Request Evacuation to Terrorist-Occupied Idlib Ahead of Possible Staged False Flag Chemical Attack.

Even as far back as the end of April of this year, it was apparent that another such false flag provocation was likely to be staged or carried out. In the following video I put together then to fully expose the absurdity of the official narrative, I stressed that point, and you can see what I mean in the last 5 minutes of the following 35 minute video.

The Syria Truth is Breaking into the Mainstream, Aired by the MSM! | Evidence of Staged Attack:

For those who may still buy the official narrative that President Bashar al-Assad repeatedly uses chemical weapons against his own people, always at the strategically dumbest times, and don't yet see how truly absurd such claims are, I recommend you check out the following excellent 4 minute video by James Corbett of @corbettreport in April of 2017, as well as my video above.

The Syria Strikes: A Conspiracy Theory:

And if you are interested in hearing the Syrian side of the story of Syria, feel free to check out my fairly recent post focusing on what the Syrian people and those who have actually visited Syria have to say about the ongoing Syrian conflict:

The Truth About Syria From the Syrian People: The Other Side of the Story the MSM Doesn't Want You to Hear:

That's all I've got for now - if you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Keep your eyes open, as the future could get really interesting, really quick. If the corporate media cabal starts howling about another 'chemical weapons attack' in Syria and jumps to blame 'the evil Assad regime', don't even believe it for a second.

we are awake.jpg


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