Syrian Army Showcases U.S. Weapons Stockpile Seized from ISIS Terrorists in Liberated Daraa, Explosives Found in White Helmets Headquarters in Liberated al-Golan

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Mounting Evidence of U.S. Direct Support of ISIS, al-Nusra, FSA Terrorists in Syria

SAA Weapons Haul 1.png
(A small sampling of the large weapons & munitions stockpile handed over to the SAA by al-Nusra, ISIS terrorists in & around Daraa in the southern tip of Syria about 3 weeks ago.)

U.S., Western Weaponry Seized from Daesh Terrorist Groups in Early July

Upon liberating Daraa in early July, the SAA seized large stockpiles of mostly U.S. and Western-made weaponry left behind by the various ISIS-affiliated terrorist groups in the province of southern Syria, demonstrating once again the direct U.S. and Western support given to ISIS and other Jihadi terrorist groups operating in Syria. The Syrian army put many of these weapons, munitions and various military supplies on public display, where journalists and reporters documented the large haul.

Anti-aircraft guns.png
(Hand-held anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile launchers were among the Western-supplied weapons once held by the terrorists.)

Among the captured terrorist supplies were U.S. M-33 anti-tank rocket launchers, U.S.-made field medical kits, as well as other Western made weaponry including a B-9 anti-tank gun, rockets, mortars, ammunition, mine-sweepers and communications equipment. Many small arms and machine-guns were also confiscated by the SAA. Many boxes of food supplied by the U.S. were also among the findings, and several Soviet tanks were among the heavy equipment taken from the terrorist groups. Much of the equipment appeared brand new, and there were also helmets, gas masks, body armor and assorted medical supplies.

SAA officials said the majority of the weaponry has U.S., U.K., and French origins, with some of the equipment being Israeli-made, while it is believed that many of the weapons were smuggled into Syria via the nearby Jordanian border. The video below documenting this large haul of weapons is from R&U Videos:

More footage of this weapons haul, by CNC, has also been posted on Steemit by @tyrannyunmasked, at the link below:

Here are some screenshots of the various weaponry and supplies recently taken from ISIS, proving U.S. origin:

U.S. M33 'Guided Missile Launcher':
M33 Screenshot.png

U.S. Military Crate:

U.S. M159 Mount:
M159 Mount.png

U.S. Food Supplies:
USA Food 2.png

NATO M69A Mortar shells:
M69 Mortar Shells.png

Western-made Com-sets said to be used by al-Nusra to receive intel & direction from within the Israeli Mossad:
Comsets Israeli.png

This find is really nothing new, as the SAA has repeatedly captured Western weapons which had previously been in the hands of the terrorists, though the mainstream media doesn't tend to cover these types of developments in Syria for obvious reasons. Just two months ago, a large cache of U.S. and Israeli-made weapons were seized from Daesh (ISIS) terrorist groups in Dier Ezzor province further north near U.S. occupied Syrian territory. See the PressTv clip covering that find below:

Yes, the cat is definitely out of the bag, and everyone who has their eyes open can clearly see that it is primarily the U.S., U.K. and Israel among others have been funding and supporting the same radical terrorist groups we (at times) claim to be fighting. The only question is, when will this massive Western supply of money and weaponry to ISIS and other Jihadi terrorist groups cease?

Stop Funding ISIS terrorists.jpg

Munitions, Explosives found in abandoned White Helmets Headquarters in Recently Liberated town of al-Golan

White Helmets Headquarters al-Golan.png
White Helmets Mines.png
(Photos: SANA)

July 27, Daraa, SANA -

An army unit discovered a hideout for the so-called ‘White Helmets’ organization with mines and ammunition inside during combing operations in the newly-liberated towns and villages in Daraa northwestern countryside, in yet another proof of their involvement in carrying out terrorist acts in Syria.

Anti-armor mines and various mortar shell fillings were found in a White Helmets headquarters in al-Golan near Daraa, according to SANA reporter. Video below documents this, from SANA:

This really shouldn't be all that surprising, as the White Helmets have been thoroughly exposed as ISIS/al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/FSA Jihadi terrorist militants, sympathizers, medics and propagandists. This new development, obviously ignored by corporate Western media, is just more proof that the U.S.-backed so-called rescue group is involved in Jihadist military operations and acts of terror.

No surprise there...
White Helmets Jihadists.png

Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett also found a White Helmets Center in Aleppo was located right next to an al-Qaeda headquarters! That video from her 2018 visit to Syria can be seen below:

The media continues to ignore evidence such as this, and then blatantly lies to the masses to help protect the Empire's White Helmet terrorist assets. For example, ABC News recently published an AP article which contained the following lie:

"The White Helmets have been a target of the Syrian government, which accuses them of staging poison gas attacks and participating in terrorism, claims which have not been proven". - Philip Issa, AP

"Claims which have not been proven" is a TOTAL LIE!!! If be-heading a 12 year old Palestinian isn't "participating in terrorism," if taking up arms alongside ISIS and al-Nusra terrorists isn't "participating in terrorism," if participating in the be-heading of captured SAA soldiers isn't "participating in terrorism," and if being endorsed as a fellow Jihadist by leaders of terrorist groups which carry out suicide bombings isn't "participating in terrorism," then maybe this wouldn't be such a blatant and intentional lie. Well maybe not intentional, though it is difficult to imagine that any journalist or reporter familiar with the situation in Syria could possibly be completely unfamiliar with all this and much more well documented proof, who would then be simply writing out of ignorance.

The media cabal will surely continue to tell blatant lies and spread obvious deception. They will surely continue to do their best at ignoring all the evidence implicating the White Helmets as terrorists, implicating the terrorist groups in Syria as Western proxy armies, and implicating the U.S. as a major weapons supplier of ISIS terrorist groups. But it matters little, as everyone who is looking for the truth can see it as plain as day, with more and more people waking up to this reality as time goes on.

More evidence will surely continue to come forward, and the media will surely continue to ignore it when it does, just as they have consistently done throughout the past. But the truth keeps coming out, and will eventually prevail, and when it does the Empire with all its deception will come crashing down.



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