New OPCW Report, Nail in the Coffin of White House & Western Media Syria Narrative: “No Nerve Agents Were Detected”

in #news6 years ago (edited)

New OPCW Report Debunks White House Syria Narrative Used in April as Pretext to Bomb Syria.

On July 6th, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued an interim report, detailing the results and summary of the organization's investigation to date, regarding the allegations of chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria on April 7th, 2018. The official OPCW press release clearly states the following:

The results show that no organophosphorous nerve agents or their degradation products were detected in the environmental samples or in the plasma samples taken from alleged casualties.

These finding are in complete contradiction to the White House assessment of the alleged attack released April 13th:

“A significant body of information points to the regime using chlorine in its bombardment of Duma, while some additional information points to the regime also using the nerve agent sarin,” the White House stated.

According to U.S. officials at the time, "Blood and urine samples from the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria have tested positive for chlorine gas and a nerve agent."

So while there is not yet definitive proof that chlorine gas was not used in an attack, nor proof that there was (as we will see shortly), the one thing the report does clearly establish is that there were no nerve agents used in any alleged attack in Douma, according to all samples tested. This report demonstrates that the claims made by U.S. officials to have obtained samples from Douma which tested positive for a nerve agent were fraudulent.

U.S. Risked all-out War with Russia over a LIE

The U.S. launched over 100 missiles in an airstrike on Syria based upon this lie, an action which could have sparked World War 3, risking an all-out war with Russia over a lie! As British MP George Galloway noted immediately after the new report was released, "There was no nerve agent deployed on Douma. We were taken to World War's 3 brink on a crock. A crock of vile propaganda. Ring any bells?.."
George Galloway crock of vile propaganda.png

Trump's decision to strike Syria in April and risk starting a world war was based upon a vile crock of propaganda indeed, based upon not just this one lie, but many. Below is the video I made following the Syria airstrikes, exposing this blatant deception:

Syria Strikes Hypocrisy - A War Built on Lies (Puppet Trump Exposed):

The MSM is also demonstrated once again to be a conglomerate of government mouthpieces spewing biased propaganda, rather than of true journalists and reporters. Examples of Media pushing the false sarin/nerve agent narrative back in April are below.

The Independent, April 8th:
Independent nerve agent headline.png
"sarin barrel bomb"

Washington Post, April 11th:
Washington Post nerve gas.png
"nerve gas used"

NBC, April 12th:
NBC nerve agent headline.png
"blood samples show nerve agent"

The Sun, April 12th:
The Sun nerve agent headline.png
"nerve agent WAS used"

CNN actually released footage in which a reporter allegedly went sniffing for sarin in Syria, and claims she found it!

CNN gas attack headline.png

While smelling a backpack of one of the alleged victims, CNN's Arwa Damon says, "there's definitely something that stings." While standing above a basin on the ground which was full of water and clothing, Damon goes on to explain that, "the smell is still quite strong, these are the things they weren't able to wash yet." Never mind that sarin is odorless and therefore not detectable by smell, it is also highly toxic, meaning there is no way someone could sniff a sarin-sprayed backpack without suffering the symptoms of toxic exposure.

As Natural News noted at the time, "there’s not even a small chance that she wouldn’t have gotten sick, had she actually breathed in real sarin gas." And, as the same author concluded, "there’s a very strong possibility that Damon wasn’t even in Syria when the stunt was filmed." The video clip can be seen below:

Now, with nerve agents being ruled out in the newly released report, the MSM has been forced to take another stance - claim the report found that chlorine gas was used in the alleged attack.

The full OPCW report can be seen here:

The report is very clear: The OPCW investigation has found no evidence of, and has not been able to determine whether any chemical weapon were used in Douma, Syria on April 7th. However,

Along with explosive residues, various chlorinated organic chemicals were found in samples from two sites, for which there is full chain of custody. Work by the team to establish the significance of these results is on-going. The FFM team will continue its work to draw final conclusions.

These various chlorinated organic chemicals do not on their own indicate the use of chemical weapons, for they are quite common substances, as the Moon of Alabama Blog rightly points out:

The "various chlorinated organic chemicals" are unsurprising. Chlorine is widely used for water purification and cleaning and "chlorinated organic chemicals" will be found in any household.

In the technical notes of the OPCW report note that one of its laboratory found "dichloroacetic acid", "trichloroacetic acid", "chloral hydrate", "trichlorophenol" and "chlorphenol" in some of the samples its fact finding mission took at the claimed incident sites. These are all substances that are no surprise in any upbuild environment and especially within any home. Dichloroacetic acid" is for example "a trace product of the chlorination of drinking water". Chloral hydrate is likewise "a minor side-product of the chlorination of water when organic residues such as humic acids are present". The other substances are also not uncommon and of various household uses.

The other OPCW laboratory found only "No CWC-scheduled chemicals" and "2,4,6-trinitrotoluene" residues in the samples. Trinitrotoluene, also known as TNT, is an explosive widely used in military ammunition. The second laboratory does not report the chlorinated organic chemicals the other laboratory found.

Neither does the report state the quantities, concentrations, or other details regarding these "chlorinated organic chemicals" necessary to determine whether they were weaponized or could have come from any sort of chemical attack. However, throughout the notes on the samples taken, the report consistently reads, “No chemicals relevant to CWC [Chemical Weapons Convention] have been found.” But none of these facts got in the way of the Media reporting otherwise...

Biased Media Reaction to Report Findings

Despite this lack of ambiguity that there is not yet any evidence that any chemical weapons were used in Douma, various media outlets still immediately jumped to claim that the report found just the opposite – proof chlorine gas was used! This is despite the watchdog's clarification regarding the chlorinated chemicals detected in a few samples by only one of the two laboratories testing them, that, "Work by the team to establish the significance of these results is on-going." The significance of these chemicals has not yet been determined by the OPCW... In other words, the watchdog has not yet been able to determine whether any of these chemicals originated from a chlorine gas attack, and yet many in the Media didn't hesitate to report the exact opposite.

BBC posted an article which headline initially read, “Syria War: Douma attack was chlorine gas – watchdog”. Just hours later, the headline had been changed to this: “Syria War: 'Possible chlorine' at Douma attack site – watchdog.”

BBC Changes Headline.png

No mention of the change in the corrected article, so much thanks to all those who captured screenshots of the original, without which the world would be none the wiser. Apparently Reuters also had to issue a correction in this article of theirs:

Reuters chlorine headline.png

It was widely reported online that Reuters later issued a correction, stating: “‘various chlorinated organic chemicals’ instead of chlorine.” - all sourcing the same Reuters article with the above headline, which now has a correction seen above which reads nothing of the sort, but rather: “(In July 6 story, corrects the location of positive samples in paragraph 10)”... However, a quick Google search reveals the original correction quoted by numerous publications: “(Corrects to 'various chlorinated organic chemicals' instead of chlorine.)”

reuters correction screenshot.png

Now scroll down to paragraph 10, and sure enough, we find the corrected text:

Reuters paragraph 10.png

But no mention of the correction anywhere on the entire page of the article... It looks like Reuters also wanted to scrub all traces of the original wording, which must have read as follows: “Samples recovered from one gas cylinder and near a second tested positive for chlorine, the report said.” It seems the original correction note was replaced with the current one to erase all evidence of this change and the original deceptive wording of paragraph 10...

Like BBC, Al Jazeera also used a misleading headline, though it has remain unchanged:

Al Jazeera Headline.png

They also wrote this blatant lie:

Al Jazeera chemical weapons paragraph.png

These 'medics and rescuers' are none other than the renowned White Helmets, who have been conclusively proven to be al-qaeda and al-nusra affilliated terrorists - the terrorist propaganda arm. Links to extensive information demonstrating such will be included further below.

With that caveat out of the way, the OPCW in no way, shape or form whatsoever says that it found any proof that chlorine was used in any alleged chemical attack on Douma. In fact, it says the opposite: “The results show that no organophosphorous nerve agents or their degradation products were detected in the environmental samples or in the plasma samples taken from alleged casualties.” It is important to note the words uses here by the OPCW, “alleged casualties,” in stark contrast to the bold claims made by the White House, the White Helmets and the Mainstream Media. The outright deception of the entire above paragraph printed by Al Jazeera is plain for all to see.

The Independent in UK also jumped to spread the propaganda – here's their headline:

Independent chlorine headline.png

The author then repeats the lie in the first paragraph, that the watchdog (OPCW) found that chlorine was used in an attack on civilians in Douma. They go on to make the absurd claim that, 'The OPCW’s findings confirm reports by medics who said they treated 500 patients “exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”'!

Independent chlorine paragraph1.png
Independent chlorine paragraph2.png
Again, these so-called "medics" are White Helmet terrorist propagandists, and the report's findings are actually far more consistent with eyewitness testimony that there was no chemical attack on Douma on April 7th... This eyewitness testimony will be provided below.

The misinformation is so obvious & apparent, it's laughable people still lend these 'news' agencies any credibility.

July 6, 2018:
TRTWORLD chlorine headline.png
"no nerve agent in Douma attack"

ABC chlorine headline.png
"no trace of nerve agent"

Now compare this to April, 2018:
Daily Intelligencer  nerve agent headline.png
"blood samples show nerve agent"

The Sun nerve agent headline.png
"nerve agent WAS used"

Oops, MSM busted once again... Not only are the recent headlines above intentionally misleading regarding the recent report findings, they also directly contradict both the headlines of April and the White House claims of nerve agent use the MSM was so quick to jump on at the time! These corporate fake news propaganda agencies have been discredited so many times, it is unbelievable people still find this corporate clown show believable.

One final note regarding the recently released OPCW interim report is that it only touches on the results of the tested samples, and does not include the witness testimonies obtained from multiple interviews with Syrian eyewitnesses or other evidence also obtained by the OPCW, which should all be included in their final report. Much of this additional evidence is included in the next section below.

More excellent coverage of this newly released OPCW report:

Derrick Brose - interesting thoughts on how the OPCW may turn & blame Syria for 'chemical attack':
New Report Finds No Trace of Nerve Agent at Site of Suspected Chemical Attack in Syria:

Clarity of Signal:
Newly Released OPCW Report Reveals No Trace of Sarin or Nerve Agent in Dhouma Syria Chemical Attack Reported By The White Helmets On April 7th, 2018

Additional Tweets and Articles From Journalists and Investigative Researchers Question Aspects of OPCW Report on Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack in Dhouma Syria on April 7, 2018 And MSM 'Reporting' Related To Such

The Last American Vagabond - The Daily Wrap Up Show 7/8 -
OPCW Report Debunks Chemical Narrative:

Extensive Research and Documentation Provides Conclusive Evidence Proving that the Alleged April 7 'Chemical Attack' was a Staged Hoax, a Fabrication, a Propaganda Stunt

The White Helmets and Their Propaganda Stunts Exposed

The entire government/media Syria narrative relies upon the claims made and evidence produced by the allegedly neutral and humanitarian White Helmets, so once it is conclusively demonstrated that the White Helmets are in fact terrorists posing as rescuers for propaganda purposes, the whole false narrative comes crashing down like a house of cards. First, evidence proving the White Helmets are the source of the video, photo and witness statements claimed by the government/media as proof of a chemical attack will be provided. The photo below is taken from the recent article published by The Independent, seen above.

Independent White Helmets photo.png

This photo is a screenshot from the viral video spread by 'Douma Revolution' in April depicting alleged chemical attack victims being hosed down in the Douma hospital, and as can be seen is credited to the White Helmets, who filmed and released it. This video was the single major piece of propaganda spread by the MSM as 'evidence' of the alleged attack, and it will be discussed further below, as it has now been thoroughly debunked as a staged propaganda stunt. First, I will finish establishing the White Helmets & affiliates as the original source of all claims of chemical attack on Douma on April 7th.

The following quotes are taken from a July 10 BBC article entitled, "Syria war: What we know about Douma 'chemical attack'," and demonstrates the source of all 'intelligence' in Syria reporting a chemical attack to be the White Helmets:

Activists from the Violations Documentation Center (VDC), which records alleged violations of international law in Syria, reported two separate incidents of bombs believed to contain toxic substances being dropped by the Syrian Air Force.

It cited a member of the Syria Civil Defence, whose rescue workers are widely known as the White Helmets, as saying he smelt chlorine in the air after the strike, but that he could not determine its source.

Note: Journalists visiting Douma were unable to find even a single resident who reported smelling chlorine, despite interviewing dozens of people, some of whom were reportedly at or very near the alleged attack site at the time of the alleged attack...

At 19:45, more than 500 patients - most of them women and children - were brought to medical facilities with symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent, according to the Syria Civil Defence and the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), which supports hospitals in rebel-held areas.
The Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM), which supports hospitals in rebel-held Syria, also said it received reports of two incidents.

The referenced article reveals this source to be one single doctor, head of the NGO, UOSSM, whose sole evidence appears to have been statements and photos provided by the White Helmets:

Dr. Raphaël Pitti was sent photos of the victims on which a sheet of paper mentioning the date and place of the taking was affixed to prove the authenticity of the sequence. He also asked for photos and videos of the victims' eyes to take a closer look at the symptoms they present.

In any case, it will be impossible for him to prove the use of sarin gas other than by biological samples, which promises to be complicated in a sector besieged by the regime.

Of course biological samples have now proved otherwise... And back to The Independent for more quotes:

Two videos circulated by the opposition activist group Douma Revolution showed what it said were the bodies of children, women and men found in one block of flats, which is believed to be located south-west of Martyrs' Square. Some had foam coming out of their mouths and noses.

Note: 'Opposition activist groups' are actually terrorist activist groups which form the propaganda arm of these terrorist groups.

Screenshot demonstrating the White Helmets also behind other video clips used to push the very same chemical attack narrative:
BBC White Helmets Screenshot.png

The Syria Civil Defence and SAMS said rescue workers found 42 people dead in their homes. ... An earlier, now deleted tweet by the Syria Civil Defence put the number dead at more than 150.

In other words, they initially lied to inflate the number of alleged casualties for media shock. The UOSSM did the same:

The UOSSM initially reported that 70 people were confirmed dead. On 9 April, it revised down the figure to at least 42.
The Syria Civil Defence and SAMS said the day after the incident that they believed those who died suffocated as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals, most likely an organophosphate - a compound grouping associated with pesticides and nerve agents, such as Sarin.

As can be seen, the White Helmets are the source of nearly every single 'evidence' of a chemical attack on Douma, including the notion that the 'toxic chemical' was most likely an organophosphate, which has now been disproved by the OPCW. Before continuing, it is worth noting that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, often relied upon as a major source by the Western media when pushing these gas attack narratives, reported nothing of the sort regarding the alleged chemical attacks on April 7th. The Independent even touches on this:

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, said air strikes on 6 and 7 April killed almost 100 people. It said they included 21 who died as a result of suffocation, but that it was unable to identify the cause.

Suffocation not necessarily caused by a chemical attack. This perfectly matches all the available eyewitness testimony which contradicts the western narrative and proves the filming of the viral video mentioned above to be a staged propaganda stunt. This video along with White Helmet claims were initially used as the exclusive evidence of the alleged chemical attack, but it turns out the video isn't depicting victims of a chemical attack being hosed down at all.

Instead, instigators unknown by the local doctors entered the hospital, yelling, "chemical attack, chemical attack," before disappearing, and this prompted the ensuing panic and hosing down seen in the video. Those visible inside the hospital being treated, are being treated for oxygen loss caused by increasing shelling on the city that day combined with strong winds which caused excessive amounts of concrete dust buildup in basements and tunnels where those affected victims had arrived from. Children were also 'recruited' by strangers, being told to rush to the hospital, where upon arrival they were grabbed and immediately hosed down as part of the staged video. The cameraman must have been prepared and waiting for the instigator of the panic to begin filming, quickly followed by the arrival of the children which would make the video that much more effective for propaganda purposes.

Hasan Diab is an 11 y/o Syrian boy seen in that video, and he explains: "We heard cries on the street that we should go to the hospital. We got scared. We went to the hospital through the tunnel," he told reporters. "They started pouring water on me at the hospital. I don't know why."

Hasan Diab and other eyewitnesses were later flown to the Hague to testify before the OPCW, a news event mostly overlooked by the MSM, otherwise labeled a Russian propaganda stunt.
Hasan Diab Hague OPCW interviews.png

Below is a 21st Century Wire article documenting this:
‘No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons’: Douma Witnesses Testify to OPCW in The Hague:

In the video below, Hasan can be seen telling his story to reporters, and it includes a Douma medic statement as well. Video by Sputnik News:

Prior to this, Russia obtained witness testimony from two other medics who were at the Douma hospital on the day the propaganda video was filmed, who tell the very same story as Hasan Diab, from their perspective inside the hospital. The interviews were then released to Russian news agencies, and the video below containing the interviews is provided by Sputnik News.

Russian MoD Briefing: Syrian Eyewitnesses Reveal How Douma Provocation Was Made:

Multiple journalists who visited Douma after the alleged attacks confirm that the claims of Hasan Diab, Douma medics and all witnesses at the Hague were genuine and not fabricated by the Russian government or media. No one in Douma was aware of any chemical attack taking place, while a Douma doctor interviewed by Robert Fisk tells the exact same story, and though he wasn't working on April 7th, said "all the doctors know what happened."

Link to Jason Liberty's April post documenting this:
Reporters now in Douma Confirming No Evidence of Chemical Attack! - STAGED PROVOCATION, Pretext for War:

Jason Liberty's highly recommended video from April 20th, covering reporters in Douma and other suppressed evidence, propaganda, etc. relating to false Syria narrative:
MSM Propaganda Smear Campaign Heats Up As the TRUTH in Syria is Getting Out:

After the making of the above post, and so not included in it, a German reporter also visited Douma and received similar "convincing" testimony from many local residents that the "whole story was staged". An RT article & video documenting this is below:

‘Whole story was staged’: Germany's ZDF reporter says Douma incident was false flag attack:

‘Whole Douma story was staged’: Journos struggle to find proof of ‘chemical attack’:

RT reporter also interviewed Douma witnesses:

That's journalists reporting from on the ground in Douma for news agencies in 5 different countries, all reporting the same story coming directly from the eyewitnesses - the video was staged, and there was no chemical attack. Not even a single Syrian witness of any chemical attack or of any victims of such an attack could be found in all of Douma! Since then, Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett has also visited Douma, reporting the same story.

Eva Bartlett - Addressing Lies Around Syria Chemical Attack Story, and More, With Lee Camp on Redacted Tonight:

Jason Liberty's April post documenting photo evidence demonstrating White Helmets moved dead bodies to stage propaganda photos used as 'evidence' of April 7 alleged chemical attack:
Syria False Flag: PHOTO EVIDENCE OF STAGED BODIES by the White Helmets (Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack in Douma):

Clarity of Signal video of the White Helmets fully exposing themselves:

Hadi and The White Helmet Boys - Hero's by Day, Terrorists by Night!

See also the video, Tapestry of Terror, on LiveLeak:
Tapestry of Terror (Highly Graphic) - White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS:

Vanessa Beasley exposes the White Helmets (21st Century Wire article):

WHITE HELMETS: Channel 4, BBC, The Guardian – Architects of ‘Humanitarian’ War:

Clarity of Signal research conclusively demonstrating the White Helmets to be terrorists, not rescue workers is below:

White Helmets Exposed as an Arm of ISIS: Two al-Nusra Front Leader Videos Link The White Helmets to Terrorist Group:

Chronicling Western Media Exploitation of Syrian Children: UK's Channel 4 News Portrays White Helmets and Nour al-Zinki Terrorists Who Beheaded 12 Year Old Boy As Ordinary Farmers and Factory Workers:

Other posts & videos fully exposing Douma chemical attack to be a staged hoax are below:

Jason Liberty's 35 minute video compilation of clips on the staged chemical attack & following US act of war against Syria - highly recommended as one of my best videos documenting the truth about Syria & staged gas attack in Douma:

The Syria Truth is Breaking into the Mainstream, Aired by the MSM! | Evidence of Staged Attack:

(the intro clip is from 2014, not 2017, sorry for the mistake...)

Large Compilation of Clarity of Signal Most Important Investigative Posts (March-May 2018) Exposing White Helmets, False Flags And Propaganda Produced For War in Syria

And that will be all for this post. Thanks for reading, sharing, upvoting, resteeming!



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