Wrestling Thursday Part 2: The Usual Recap

in #news6 years ago

Apart from all the call ups and shake ups, WWE actually had some regular programming this week, so let's talk about it in part 2 of Wrestling Thursday.



Jinder is hindered

The modern day Maharajah sure was US champ a long time, huh?

WWE is messing with me

Me: All I want is actual progress in the Bayley/Sasha storyline.
WWE: How about we tease that, but debut the Riott Squad on Raw instead?

Reform 3MB!

I have complained a LOT about Jinder here, but seeing poor Heath get squashed - and Drew making is Raw return later on - reminded me of the last time Jinder was fun, back when he was Heath Slater's side kick in 3MB. Now that the two non-Slater members of 3MB are on Raw, let's reform the group as an actual power team. This would redeem the entire Jinder push. Knowing WWE, they'll probably tease it and have Jinder and Drew destroy Heath. But a guy can dream, right?

The shortest running superteam evah

It would never have worked, of course. How long would KO let someone else be the mouthpiece for any group he's in? 4 minutes, maybe? Still, it looked kinda intriguing for a second there.

Rename "Revival" as "Burial"

Look, I totally get pushing Matt and Bray to the moon. I do. But this ongoing burial of the best tag team on the roster is just befuddling. I know they both got hurt, and that sucks. But they're back now! Let them live!

Mickey is eclipsed

This was a really good match! Mickey James has become an incredibly valuable utility player in the Raw women's division, a great worker with credibility who seems happy to put people over.

Welcome back, Drew!

I wrote about this in part 1, but I have more thoughts about the Ziggler/McIntyre pairing. More than anything, it reminds me of the idea of making Big E Ziggler's muscle. How many former NXT champs are going to be that dude's bodyguard? How many people with more charisma and potential than him will be his sidekicks? I think they're going to try for a Shawn Michaels/Diesel story with them, which... sorry Dolph, but you are no Shawn Michaels.

The problem with the shakeup

So here's the thing. A Roman/Joe feud for the title could be red hot, but we now know Joe's off of Raw. Why does he still have a match with Roman at Backlash? His promos are fire, but I think WWE may have underestimated how popular he is, because if the idea was to make Roman more liked, that is very much not happening.

Sonya DeJob

Look, I get it. Sonya has some MMA experience while Ronda is the most famous woman in the history of the sport. But DeVille has gotten really good at wrestling, and has a win against Sasha Banks. I don't like her being such easy prey for Ronda, especially as there won't be a chance for revenge.

Breezango win!

A part of me is excited that Breeze and Dango got the win, but with the Bar now gone, it's not like this will lead to a storyline. Which, by the way, is part of the same problem with the shakeup as Joe's story. Why are the Bar fighting for the Raw tag belt in the Greatest Royal Rumble when they're no longer on Raw?

Lack of balance

Look, I love Bo and Axel, but putting them in this match made no kayfabe sense. This match had the top five faces on Raw (counting Roman as a heel, because the audience says he is) against three top heels and two jobbers. Did anyone, anywhere, think the bad guys are going over? And it's not like Miz and Strowman have such a rich history that having Miz "get these hands" was a particularly satisfying conclusion to his time on Raw.


Rusev is a FACE, dammit!

At this point, my most optimistic take on Rusev is that they're going to use his getting buried alive in 4 minutes by The Undertaker as a way to turn him face. Because he is a face, and WWE has been trying to fight that for months now. Match was a nothing.

What a surprise (not)

We can now rate WWE surprises from "New US champ Jeff Hardy brings the US title back to SD" to "Hardys return at Wrestlemania." Because Monday Night Rollins wasn't going to change brand, and once Hardy was set as Jinder's opponent on Raw, this course was set in stone. Match was fine. Both guys are good at wrestling, though declined in their ability.

Bludgeon Squash

At this point, I can only hope the idea is to surprise us when the Usos are actually competitive against the Bludgeons in their rematch, because otherwise I don't get any of this. And the Naomi save was odd, to me.

Hey, Joe

Apart from my gripes about the Roman storyline, I'm glad Joe's in SD, where he will get to dominate.

Mella Is Money

Who would have believed that Carmella would take such a short time to essentially pass by her good friend Bayley in the WWE ranks? This segment and the following match were a great showcase to the SD women's division's new look. It's a very good roster.

Cass? Seriously?

Everything about the AJ/Shinsuke feud continues to be magical and best. Evil Rusev continues to be a bad call. But why is Big Cass standing tall over Daniel Bryan? And how will Daniel Bryan knee him in the face? Get him on his own knees first, I guess?

205 Live

Renewed hostilities

The Ali/Daivari rivalry is fascinating to me, because it's not the sort of storyline one is used to seeing from WWE, and is a very hopeful indication for the HHH future of the company. We have an Iranian American playing "I am a rich asshole" vs. a Pakistani American playing the lovable good guy.

Kendrick's back

It is still weird for me seeing Kendrick and Gentleman Jack as a tag team, because I remember Kendrick abandoning Jack in a gas station on Ride Along.

Lucha vs. Strong Style part xxxxi

I'm gonna keep harping on this: As much as I enjoy the matches between these guys, I need stakes, and "bragging rights" ain't it. Let's get that tag belt going already.


Mr. and Mrs. Wrestling

Look, I still have a serious issue with making Candice's story all about her husband, but this was a delightful promo and a shot of happiness.

The One And Only

You know, I am starting to think this Ricochet guy is good at wrestling! I kid, of course. He is amazing, and this was a pretty good showcase.

War Raiders raid

This did exactly what it was supposed to do: Set the former War Machine up as monsters and impressive athletes.

Monster Mash

The last two matches had the same problem: We knew going in that one of the people in the match is leaving NXT, and was thus going to job. But this was still a solid big guy match, with Dain being amazing as usual and Lars continuing to improve.

Mrs. Wrestling

My complaints about Candice's story being all about Johnny remain in place, but this was still a terrific showcase. I wish she'd won with her own finisher, and not Johnny's, but hopefully they'll create some separation. Candice is too good to have her story be about someone else, even though right now she's benefiting from being associated with the hottest name in NXT.

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