Wrestling Thursday: Waiting for The Dead Man

in #news7 years ago

The road to Wrestlemania and NXT Takeover is getting shorter and shorter. We're a little over a week away, and nearly everything is set. This is Wrestling Thursday.



Please buy Roman as an underdog!

WWE really wants people to believe Roman Reigns, the Chosen One, the real Vince's Boy, the epitome of everything Vincent Kennedy McMahon likes in a wrestler, is the underdog coming in to Mania. Another Brock beatdown was another attempt at that.

Mickey is good at wrestling

This was a very solid match, with Mickey doing some great heel work and Nia selling her heart out. I, for one, am very ready for Raw Women's Champion Nia Jax.

205 Live is back on Raw?

It's been a while since we've had a 205 Live match on Raw, and frankly, I didn't think it needed to happen. They're doing so well on their own show now! Still, these guys are all very good at wrestling. So this was fun.

Miz TV

How great a heel is Miz? Getting his adoring hometown crowd to turn on him with one line? Come ON! Fun work from everyone involved, especially the Miztourage. I actually bought the swerve!

Jamie Frost wasn't ready for Asuka

Perfect showcase. They did this at NXT once, and the one kick Asuka match is always fun.


According to rumors, Bayley was supposed to be the one turning until pretty much the last moment. I am happy they changed course. Heel Sasha is best Sasha.

Sheamus is no Cesaro

Last week I raved about the Braun Cesaro match. The sequel with the Celtic Warrior was not as good.

Paige is great

I really hope Paige can either come back or get a significant onscreen role when they decide to make a change. She is so good. Ronda is still super raw.

Poor Miztourage

Remember how strong Bo and Axel got to look last week? Not this time.

Walking With Elias

Poor Rhyno and Heath. They were tag champs! They had heat! Now they're jobbing to Elias.

Go run for mayor already, Glenn

Kane is kinda done. This match was only worth it for Cena's Taker impersonation and continued solid mic work.

Next week, I assume we get Taker.


It's Rusev Day!

Rusev wins! Rusev wins! Rusev wins!

Now that he's going to be in the US title match, it's immediately a million times more interesting.

Becky's back

No, they aren't burying Ruby. Yes, this was very good. Becky is a very solid pick to win the Battle Royal, and she needs to get a strong push for that.

Daniel Bryan! Daniel Bryan! Daniel Bryan!

How I've missed this Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan the wrestler is just so great. One problem, though: Shane had to get a real life surgery, so who knows if he'll make it to Mania.

The road to predictable

I remain underwhelmed by the build up to the triple threat SD tag title match. Also, in a podcast, maybe Not Your Demographic, they mentioned how obvious it is that the mallets are foam, and now I can't unsee it.

Poor Fashion Police

For a brief moment, Breeze got to show how great he is. But then it was about Dango running around the ring and Ziggler winning easily and leaving both Breezango members laying and ughhhhhhhh. They deserve better than this!

Shin is great!

Nakamura's mic work continues to improve, and while the match wasn't much (Shelton has lost a couple of steps), the end with Shin and AJ in the ring was gold. So very much here for their match.

Mixed Match Challenge: No Charlotte, no problem

Becky pulls double duty, and gets her second win of the night, subbing in for her real life bestie. Sasha is great. Yay heel Sasha!

205 Live

The fight for a Drew Gulak beatdown

Mark Andrews and Tony Nese both want them some Drew Gulak. Andrews wins a very fun match. Hopefully, Drew destroys him next week. Because Drew is great, and he wasn't in the 4-way and won't be at Mania, so let him beat up a tiny British dude.

Cedric and Mustapha chat

I am so hyped for this. Great segment. This match will be fire.

The Buddy Murphy showcase

They really want us to buy Murphy stock, huh? I was actually super impressed with TJP in this, which hasn't happened in a while.


Tommaso vs. Johnny will be Unsanctioned

image credit: wwe.com

Figures. And great. They will burn Takeover DOWN.

EC3 is the 1%

So... we're never gonna mention what EC3 stands for, huh? Because Dixie Carter doesn't exist in WWE continuity. Anyway, fun introduction.

Street Losses

Well, this was a letdown. Ugh. Didn't even get a youtube video from WWE.

Welcome back, Lars

Flying titan

That man is terrifying.

Andrade is a bad, bad man.

Wow. This was a beatdown and a half. So... Black is definitely going over at Takeover, huh?

Pete Dunne is gold

What happens when you put the really good wrestler who always loses the big match with the great wrestler who always wins and make them a tag team? Turns out, you get a team that makes it to the finals of the Dusty Classic. This was a very good match, and I am now confident SAnitY are main roster bound after Mania.

March To Mania

Next week will be all about Mania, with the regular Thursday post followed by recaps of both Takeover and Mania.

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Nakamura Vs AJ Styles build up is gold. I also love the bludgeon brothers hype.

What is up with EC3's tan? Was he always that tanned? XD

Daniel Bryan's promo was amazing. Loved it!

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