Florida School Shooting Censored on Steemit- Blatant Censorship by @sneak on One of the Most Revealing Posts Ever on Steemit - Post with 850 Views

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Steemit member @sneak has censored the entire post linked below from the Steemit community. Every important image revealing important aspects of the Parkland school shooting event has been blatantly hidden by @sneak This post is possibly one of the most important posts related to government psyops ever shared at Steemit. I need help waking up the Steemit community to be aware of this blatant censorship about the Parkland school shooting event and try to turn it around by upvoting and making the images visible again. Over 50 important images have been hidden and censored by @sneak Steemit account. Everything in the post was public information. There is no excuse for this censorship which hurts the Steem block-chain community as a whole. It devalues the community and makes others consider that the Steem block chain is not a safe place to compile important posts that reveal possible criminality by government entities.

Please help up vote if you can. Any cryptocurrency derived from up votes to this post and the censored post will be transferred as a charitable gift from myself to @PatrickLancaster who conducts reporting and runs a family help charity in the breakaway regions of East Ukraine. This issue isn't about money. It is about blatant censorship. Please help out if you can and raise awareness to other Steemians.

Link to censored post featuring massive amount of images of student actors from Parkland Florida school now featured across the media.



Downvotes aren't censorship, dipshit. Put your tinfoil hat back on.


because I know clarity is disinfo, I am inclined to trust you more.

the images show up fine for me. what is this guy even talking about?

On such an important post it would have been professional of you to explain your desire to downvote the material. Incidentally, you haven't addressed the material and have instead resorted to demagoguery. Thus, your mentioning of tin foil hats says more about the person using the slur than the one it is directed against. Sad to see that one of the most important players at Steemit acts this way. You have also downvoted to hide a message from @nationalpark in this threads comment section.

On edit: I see you have tried to hide another one from fair public viewing. So now you have hidden two posts and the second one you just hid had no graphic images. The images in the post are of the students from Parkland who are verified via their own Facebook accounts as kids who are involved in the fields of acting, reporting and movie making. There are also make up artist images there of various types of fake wounds. I welcome your explanation as to why you hid that post and the other one before it. I would figure a Steemit developer would be very happy to have posts that receive over 3,000 views. Maybe I am wrong about that?

Well said, I am astonished at how well you kept your cool. There should be no reason for flat out name calling on this platform. It defintely says alot about the person posting the words.

Thanks @dinodog1. Sometimes the censorship actually works in my favor, as it highlights the actions of the person conducting the censorship and helps to paint a larger picture based upon those actions. Thus, If someone so high up amongst the leadership at Steemit shows this type of behavior I consider a community service and a service to humanity for me to help highlight that behavior. It may end up being addressed by other top tier players who have a stake in Steemit doing well as a platform and they may decide to help change things for the better. Who knows? One thing I am very aware of these days is that there is no room for emotions in geopolitics.

My responses to @sneak certainly aren't emotional and I appreciate you pointing that out, on the other hand his responses are quite unprofessional. Thanks for your comment. Kind regards.

Sometimes the censorship actually works in my favor, as it highlights the actions of the person conducting the censorship and helps to paint a larger picture based upon those actions.

That's how you know it's not censorship.

Hey @sneak. You at it again?! Haven’t you got better things to do?!

I'm obviously in cahoots with the government, to perpetrate a giant conspiracy against the media to take away your guns using child actors, and not simply that I think your posts are dumb and make the experience of reading the Steem blockchain worse by existing.

Nothing is hidden from fair public viewing by downvotes.

Thank you for bringing this to the attention. Upvoted and resteemed the original post.

Hopefully you can straighten out the original post or do a similar repost. It's definitely information that needs to get out. I was just reading about how one of the students from the Florida school was saying how CNN is handing out scripts for the students to read, it's insane.

By the way I don't know if you've written about it yet but the latest I heard listening to David Knight is that allegedly that CLOSET video that David Hogg recorded "during" the shooting an unedited version has appeared and it supposedly is time stamped at 4 hours BEFORE the shooting. I haven't seen confirmation of that, but if true that's a bombshell.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to find it and include it. If thats the case that would blow the whole thing out of the water. On edit: I found a vid from Scott Creighton of AmericanEveryman You Tube channelwho addresses the 9:32 clip. Looks like Scott thinks that videos been edited, thus, its likely disinfo. I trust Scott as he's one of the best out there finding things out. Here's his newest vid addressing it.

aaaand it's gone, seriously it's ok here at least the posts stays and it's content is visible, on youtube all you get is that "..." silence :D

Unfortunately, Scotts video has now been also been censored by the officials at You Tube/Google.

I usually make copies of videos like this one, before they are removed. And eventually most are removed. I wonder why??? Too close to the truth?


Just as a general FYI, your original post now has received enough countering upvotes to be visible again. Which is a positive sign of what can be done when a community pulls together.

Yep, it wasn't truly censored other than in "potential financial awards" as people could still see it. It just was made less visible without effort.

There are flaws on steemit, and sometimes the guy doing it is far too powerful to counteract. Sometimes they are. :)

This is actually tied more to the reputation system than the power in terms of visibility. The potential earnings are directly tied to power though.

Thanks. It was never about money. All the earnings will go to Patrick. It was that I had just uploaded a lot of information about the shadow government connections of the father of the main media personality David Hogg and then 5 minutes later the post was hidden. Its possible I overreacted somewhat as I have been up late researching and gathering material for this post for the last week now.

Censorship sucks. Especially when you work hard and then it is censored. It's hard not to REACT emotionally and as you did. You actually kept it calm. Didn't call @sneak names or anything. I've seen far worse reactions than yours. :)

Also if it was not about the money I have some good news for you. On the steem blockchain they can never TRULY censor you. They can make it harder (though not impossible) to view your content on some websites that view the blockchain like Steemit, but they can't actually delete it or completely block it.

So they can limit visibility but they can't actually completely censor it.

If you rely on the money to do your work here, or to devote as much time as it takes then the financial censorship is very real and can be a different story. People have to eat. If they work hard and this is their job and then someone down votes their potential earnings to ZERO then effectively the person would have to go do something else in order to survive, eat, pay bills, etc.

If that isn't a factor though, then they can't censor you. :)

That isn't a factor with me. I'm happy just to have a place to compile material and reach a good sized audience to help get the truth out there (or at least my perception of it). :)

And the audience is growing. :) You get to be part of making that happen too.

It was that I had just uploaded a lot of information about the shadow government connections of the father of the main media personality David Hogg and then 5 minutes later the post was hidden.

Definitely a vast conspiracy designed to SILENCE YOU, and not just you shitposting nonsense.

Dear Christopher,

I replied a detailed take on the issue in your main post (which I also resteemed). Please have a look when you have a chance. I see you have been quite busy lately! Outstanding work my friend!



@sneak actually works for Steemit, inc. He's not exactly an ordinary user.

There is only one LEGIT reason I could see for someone to flag your post. I saw it, and should have said something.

If you have graphic images you should likely use NSFW as one of your tags. There were some bloody graphic images. Going the NSFW route could be done in conjunction with say a second post. You could do one without the graphic material as not NSFW then mention in that, that you have a second post with some graphic material and just do that segment as NSFW.

I don't know if that is why it was down voted. It is just the only potentially legit reason I could see someone doing so.

Technically they can argue it is not censored, but I've argued that taking all of your potential earnings is a form of censorship. It falls on deaf ears.

In any event I included your "censored" post on today's @newsagg headlines. I actually intended to anyway, I didn't know your post had been sent to flag oblivion until I went to look for it to put it in the headlines post.

It's still there it just takes some effort that shouldn't have to be required to see it.

Medium started completely censoring people recently. I can't tell you much other than hang in there, keep doing what you do, and if you suspect ANYONE might find a violent or sexual image disturbing use an NSFW tag.

Otherwise, they can easily use that as an excuse.

EDIT: By the way your post (other than financially) is not censored on Busy.org. @newsagg I always include links to both the steemit and busy versions of a post.

Thanks @dwinblood. Good informative points from you, as usual. I appreciate it. I will instead share the Busy link as it is also a little more attractive appearance-wise the way that Busy looks. I only had one graphic image in the post (of the girl supposedly dead on the floor). The rest were make up special effects that are part of the job of one of the people linked to the actors group for the kids.

I didn't realize @sneak was working for Steemit. I wish they could of at least gave me a heads up and I could have adjusted things and/or would have added the NSFW tag. The info in this particular post is highly important and controversial so when I saw it hidden I may have over reacted somewhat in that regard. I just wish I could have been given a chance to discuss it before they hid it. I appreciate all that you do helping me understand the nuances of Steemit. Kind regards.

edit: On a similar note, our mutual friend Ben Swann also has something up on scripted talks points for the Parkland kids from CNN at his new Facebook page. Glad to see that Ben is back. :)


Yep, I put TruthInMedia.com into my daily @newsagg aggregation rotation, so I've been putting usually at least one thing per day from his website in the headlines, unless that day has nothing new. So far that hasn't been the case.

If you have graphic images you should likely use NSFW as one of your tags. There were some bloody graphic images.

fair enough actually

That truly is not for you or I to say. People use their vote as they like. So I shrugged them off, but I did notice them and think SOME people might react to them.

I've noticed that WHEN IN DOUBT I tend to use the NSFW tag.

Really I don't care what images people use as long as they are not the first image in the post and forcing people to view it in their feed without opting into it.

So I don't flag people for that. I think I've used the flag so few times in two years I could likely count it with one hand.

Yet, a lot of people don't agree with me, and I don't control their vote. :(

So when I have any "hmm.... should this be NSFW" thoughts I immediately realize that if I am asking then it is probably safest to use that tag.

Though I have no idea if this is why @sneak flagged it or not.

It may be something he would have flagged whether NSFW was used or not. Hard to say.

I mainly am trying to be helpful to @clarityofsignal. Don't give them an excuse no matter how tenuous to say they FLAGGED it for NSFW content.

I flagged his post because baseless conspiracy nonsense like this doesn't deserve a cent in rewards. I couldn't care less about what is or isn't tagged NSFW. Shitposters (and apparently whiners who don't know what censorship is) shouldn't be earning here, in my sole personal opinion.

I speak for no one but myself; any professional affiliation I may or may not have is irrelevant to my voting, as I vote with my own stake and no one else's.

It's not censored. it's still clearly there. In fact it's never left. You now have a mighty intriguing button that people will undoubtedly click to see what it "Reveals". This platform is censorship proof. Please see this post:


The purpose of steem was to create a Censorship Proof platform, it has not erred in that respect at all and if having to deal with some posts being hidden by default to combat abuse such as porn in the created list that's fine, the community has always felt like this, especially those established in the development side of it.

ohh wow 😱😱

You are welcome

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