Exposing “The Last Men in Aleppo” (Hollywood's Deception) – FSA Terrorist Psyop and Oscar Nominated Propaganda Campaign

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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This post features dozens of screen captured images from the Facebook pages of the individuals behind the 2018 Oscar nominated documentary ‘The Last Men in Aleppo”, and will clearly show, through their own posted Facebook images, that these individuals are aligned with the FSA (Free Syrian Army) which is comprised of dozens of terrorist groups including al-Nusra Front, ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Zinki, Army of Islam and ISIS.

On January 20, 2018 it was announced in western media that the Netflix documentary “The Last Men in Aleppo” was nominated for an Oscar award by Hollywood’s Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, to be presented at the March 4th, 2018 Oscar ceremony in Hollywood, California.

The Facebook page of Firas Fayyad, the Oscar nominated director of the film was used as the hub when conducting the following terrorist exposure. The post branches out by exploring the (specified by himself) film associates of Firas Fayyad and examines these individuals Facebook images, links and post related associates, thus establishing their likes, links, proclivities and admiration for terrorist related activities. The online addresses of the Facebook accounts which were examined are included at the bottom of this post for further proof of validity and reference.


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For clarification on all the groups conducting militant operations in Syria, a complete list is provided at the following Wikipedia link:

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War


Meet Firas Fayyad, the Oscar nominated director of “The Last Men in Aleppo”- the images and links shared here come from his own open Facebook page.

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The following image is found on his Facebook page and the 3 individuals in this image with Firas Fayyad will each be examined in the images below.

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But first lets look at images on Firas’ own Facebook page and thereby establish that he is not an unbiased party to the horrific conflict ongoing in Syria. The images found on his Facebook page clearly show support for the FSA and other nefarious terror related groups operating in Syria.

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The images above appear not to be of concern to Hollywood and global film festival organizers due to the fact that the images below show him receiving praise and awards from western film and media organizations.

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From here on out we shall explore the Facebook links and images of Faris Fayyad’s associates from the group image taken from his page shown above. The first individual of interest is Fadi Al-Halabi who makes no secret of his support for the FSA on his Facebook page. At the conclusion of this post I will provide numerous images showing the green, black and white flag of the FSA being flown by terror groups working side-by-side with al-Nusra Front and ISIS.

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Example: ISIS and the FSA flags flying side by side…….. they share the same jihadist ideology and seek to expand their branch of Islamic ideology around the world.

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Facebook page of Fadi Al-Halabi (seen above in group image with Faris Fayyad.

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He clearly posts support for the FSA in the image directly below

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He also posts support for FSA terror groups……

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Image below shows AMC affiliation. This is the Aleppo Media Center, the propaganda hub through which all FSA terrorist propaganda in Idlib province flows, including that of the White Helmets. Additional information on the AMC will be included later in this post.

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Image above shows White Helmets/al-Nusra Front lead propaganda disseminator Hadi Abadallah (to the right). Links below are to two previous Clarity of Signal posts exposing al-Nusra Front/ISIS terrorist Hadi Abadallah.

False Flagger: Al-Nusra Front Terrorist ‘Reporter’ Hadi Abdallah First Responder to Chemical Massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, 2017


Father of Invention: Media Portrayed Grief Stricken Dad Turns Out To Be al-Nusra Front Terrorist


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Note in image above Fadi Al-Halabi states that he is working for Agence Presse France (AFP). A number of terrorists in Syria and Libya have been posing as ‘reporters’ and providing info that western media outlets openly publish. This allows western media outlets plausible deniability as they disseminate misleading propaganda that comes directly from the terrorists themselves. AFP is one of the worst for this and I have noticed that a number of jihadists claim they work for organizations such as AFP, Reuters and the Associated Press on their Facebook pages. Other material proving such is available at the CoS links at the conclusion of this post.

Back to the movie……..

The second individual in the image with Farris Fayyad’s is Hassan Kattan……

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His Facebook page images show him to clearly be a supporter of the FSA…….

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Note the mujahideen with a weapon here. This individual is shown below pointing towards an ISIS flag while Hasan Kattan has typed praise for him.

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White Helmets terrorists……

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Note image posted by Hasan Kattan below shows the individual I mention above pointing towards an ISIS flag. Hassan Kattan’s typed caption to the right of the image states…..(from Google translate)

“His beautiful features, which illuminate his face, remain in my minds deep memory. He was not like any other Mujahideen, he loved fighting and dying under the banner of Islam and he received it. He was the most clear minded and nurturing and strengthening person I knew. A lion from the front of the victory has departed today from us to Jinan al-Khald, I hope for God”

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Collage of images from his Facebook page…..

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Note that at the top of this post Faris Fayyed states that Hasan Kattan is “the great co-director of The Last Men in Aleppo”.

On Hasan Kattan’s Facebook page he shares the following image featuring Ali Alzajel (back left) who is one of the lead propaganda disseminators for the Aleppo Media Center which is the media hub for the Idlib, Syria based jihadists, terror groups and White Helmets in the FSA. He also liaisons with, and supplies information to, the Gulf State media outlets al-Jazeera and Orient TV that promote the FSA terrorists in Syria.

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Images from Facebook page of Ali Alzajel (Aleppo Media Center leader)

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Note same mujahideen as above pointing at ISIS flag on Ali Alzajel’s Facebook page.

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FSA is al-Nusra and ISIS…….all are intertwined. In the image below with the al-Nusra Front and FSA flags, Ali Alzajel, associate of the co-director of the Oscar nominated “Last Men in Aleppo” states openly “we’ll win, We’ll win”

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He also posts the ISIS jihadist pointing at the ISIS flag….

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His concern for his White Helmet accomplices is obvious by his posts…..

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In the image below he posts an Al-Nusra Front flag with barrel cannons. These primitive weapons have been used by the terrorist groups in Syria to randomly bomb civilians and cause terror.

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Children are indoctrinated into al-Nusra Front by The Last Men in Aleppo….

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Back to the original “Last Men in Aleppo” team sitting with Faris Fayyad……..next up is Khaled Khatibi

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Note the image in the center of the collage pic above. The symbols represent Jaish al-Fateh which is another branch of al-Qaeda in Syria

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Images from the White Helmets false flag chemical weapons attack on April 4, 2017

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Here he posts more support for FSA terror groups….

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The following account belongs to Radi Saad who is the leading White Helmets liaison with western authorities, NGO’s and media outlets. Note CBS frontman Scott Pelly in the image directly below. Scott Pelly has played a key role orchestrating the 60 Minutes propaganda segments on the White Helmets over the last two years.

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Radi Saad’s Facebook page features an image of White Helmet Majd Khalef who was previously exposed at Clarity of Signal as an al-NusraFront terrorist. Note in the image below he is standing in front of an al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) flag.

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Link to previous post featuring Majd Khalef and over 100 White Helmets images exposing the terrorist psyop.

“Now You See Me” – Over 100 White Helmet Self-Posted Facebook Images Expose Fake Humanitarian Group as FSA Terrorists Linked with Al-Qaeda


More images from Madj Khalaf’s Facebook page.

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The video in the lower right hand corner of his page features Islamic jihadists celebrating victory after battle. The link to that video is directly below and at the conclusion to this post.

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White Helmet Madj Khalaf uploaded video of jihadists celebrating victory after battle


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From this point on out, this post will feature images of the FSA and its associated terror groups which the makers of “The Last Men in Aleppo” documentary clearly support. Thus, the viewer can decide for oneself what Hollywood and Netflix is really promoting with this latest abomination of an Oscar nomination. Up is down and down is up. The terrorists appear to have been given a free pass.

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Mossad Complicity: MSM Articles and Videos Reveal That Israel Supports ISIS Terrorists in Syria


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George Soros and John McCain played major roles in aiding the ‘opposition’ to the government in Syria.

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Both political parties in the United States and UK have supported the White Helmets.

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Links to Facebook accounts of Hollywood’s “The Last Men in Aleppo” used for this post.

Last Men in Aleppo -Facebook accounts







Additional Clarity of Signal links exposing the White Helmets terrorists….

Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group


Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Additional Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria


Additional extensive proof that the White Helmets are FSA terrorists is also here:



The story of 8 year old exploited child Bana Alabed is here:


Intertwined – The White Helmets and FSA Terrorist Groups –Evidence of Collusion-Part 1









When I saw the praise from the UK Guardian I knew immediately that this is a psychological operation to manipulate people.
What we have been seeing for a long time and also pushed by certain segments of the etsablishment media eg cnn, bbc, guardian etc. is the attempt to normalise islamic terrorists. They call them rebels. They say they are fighting for freedom. We never see philosophy all we see is victim statements and gun shooting and preferably dusty and bloody children. We never see a leader explain the plan for rebuilding, their supposed love for human rights. How can a head cutter be a human rights activist. You got to be fucking kidding me. You can change and exchange the names of these groups but the islamic jihadist ideology remains the same foundation on which they act upon. I say if they are so good then take them and their weapons and load them off on Times Square in New York and see what they will do. These people are not our friends. They hate the West. This war will end but the weapons handed to them will not simply disappear. They will remain in that region and in the hands of terrorists for many years to come. And since drug smugglers and terrorists are sometimes the same people you should expect some weapons to end up in the hands of muslim criminals and or jihadists in Paris, Brussels, London, Berlin, Vienna etc., basically wherever there is a big muslim diaspora in Europe. European citizens have already died as a result of this insane policy and sadly more blood will be spilt in the future. You cannot say the enemy of my enemy is my friend when that enemy is a fucking islamic terrorist!

They do say this unfortunately, because it is intentional. They are now flooding Europe with the FSA jihadists in order to sow chaos and divide the public. In this sense, the enemy is not so much Islam as it is those who finance young ignorant people to do harm in the name of a murderous branch of a religion. And yes you are so right about the weapons and indoctrination that are continuous afterwards due to what the global elite and their vassals in power are doing.

Very good and detailed post I enjoyed it very much i read the while thing. I never seen the documentary but after reading this i want to watch it to see who these guys are and what kind of message they are trying to send. Glad I read this before I watch it. 👍

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Very good and thought provoking post. :)
I will see the documentary :)

nice post i like it


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