in #news7 years ago (edited)

Did you guys know that 90% of the cops in the United States are corrupt? I didn't neither, so I learned something new today! Let me tell you how I found this fact out today. I was scheduled for one of my medical infusions today, which I have to go to the hospital to do. The process usually takes between 4 to 8 hours to complete and there are several patients in one room. There's recliners set up around the room for each patient to sit in during this process

Well, today I arrived a little early so I could pick out a particular chair, I'm weird about that. I picked one out in the far corner away from the other people. Some people like to talk the entire time in there and I can't stand that. I like to keep to myself, put on my headphones and try to sleep through the process.

While I'm getting hooked up and ready to go, there were two women across the room playing a video on their phone and it was obvious that it involved an officer trying to arrest someone. She had the volume up so loud that it was just plain rude and inconsiderate to the other patients. I believe she was wanting for someone to ask about it to spark a conversation but no one did. The two women began talking about what the officer done wrong and what he should have done. Okay, my blood is starting to boil now and my wife gives me one of her looks like, “honey, don't say anything; just be quiet.” Well, I felt my face getting red but I was biting my tongue and being a good boy. (I can't stand people that watch a short video and then start judging the officer right off the bat without knowing all the facts. I know there are bad cops out there, hell I have worked with a few in my 12 years but it was only a few out of hundreds. It’s the same with everything, there are bad doctors, bad teachers, bad military personnel and every other profession there is, it's just the way it is! Law enforcement can do every type of screening, background checks, polygraph tests, psychological exams and every other test known to man and a bad egg will still slip through the cracks. It's just a big pet peeve of mine to hear people playing Monday morning quarterback when they don't know what the hell they're talking about! It's happened to me several times by my actual coworkers. I hate debating about this to closed minded people so I tend to keep my mouth shut and go on. But today I lost it! I heard one of those women say that 90% of all cops in America are just corrupt, badge heavy bullies…. My wife looked at me and was begging me through her eyes to stay quiet but I couldn't do it!

I wish I would have thought out my questions and statements a little more thorough but my mouth opened and out came... stuff. I asked the woman how did she come up with 90%, did she personally know all of the cops in the United States or did she have some type of newly found statistic? She looked pissed and said that was just her opinion. I told her that I'm fine with you having your own opinion and you can hate the police all you want to but you're spewing out false information that is just further dividing this country!

She looked like a deer in headlights and was speechless. I said I have actually worked with hundreds on cops in my life and I have actually worked with officers that didn't deserve to wear a badge BUT, I have worked with far more good cops than the few bad apples. It is not fair for you to see a short video clip, not knowing all of the facts of the case, judge the officer and state what he or she should have done when you don't even have a clue of how the judicial system works or anything! My final comment to her was that I served proudly with several great men and women and I can honestly say that even now, at this very moment, if an attacker stormed us in this room, I would sacrifice my life for everyone in here, including you that just slapped me in the face with your comment. I leaned back in my chair, dropped my imaginary microphone and totally blocked her out of my head.

I have to go take care of a few things now but I will be back later in case anyone has any questions or comments, so please don't think I'm ignoring anyone. I would rather not argue. I don't mind a civilized debate but I would rather not engage in an argument on this platform. Also, I don't know the facts of the case that she was watching and it's actually irrelevant to the topic. Thanks and have a great day!

Part of the photos are mine and some are from Google.


You have just been sneaky ninja attacked for a $1.06 upvote!

To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong, I rely on the support of the townspeople of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア).

When able, please upvote my attacks so that I stay mighty and continue to defend and protect!

This assassin was summoned by @enginewitty a proud member of #thealliance.

I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...


Crafty ninja you are!

STRESSFUL DAY all the way around!!!
I hope you do something you really love tomorrow. :)
(Being highly observant, I've noticed that everyone seems to have an opinion and an asshole. (Bright eh?) These things seem to work together and if you're exposed to one, you're exposed to the other.) ;D

It was a very stressful day! It's stressful enough going through that infusion much less being in the company of an ignorant person like that which decided to spew her nonsense to all the people inside that room. She just had no idea who was sitting close by to her about ready to blow a gasket due to her ignorance. I bet she will think twice next time.

I hear you. Some of our friends are law enforcement officers. I would rather trust most of them than I would anyone else.
As I had written before. Let all the officers stay home for a few days and see what happens. It wouldn't be good.


There's good and bad everywhere, but the majority are good. It's interesting that the same people that bash and hate the police, instantly call them for help for every little thing when they need it. If people only knew....

I have some family that are cops... but you won't find me standing up for the good ones when the good ones don't stand up against the bad...


suspect description.jpg

They did here. The good cops shut down the coke ring dirty cops and jailed 2 or 3 others for abuse of power, expelling them from the force.

It happens every day somewhere, you just don't hear about it. I have arrested cops as well as fired some. It was extremely difficult to do but I had no choice in my eyes.

The ones that turn a blind eye to the bad cops are just as guilty themselves. I have actually arrested cops before. I have also had to fire cops for improper conduct. It sucks and it's sad, but certain lines can't be crossed or tolerated.

Good and bad everywhere. I like that you mentioned that. It's not just cops, I mean, the fast food guy that took your order with a smile might be the same one that broke into your car ya know?

You're exactly right. And I have also run into that situation before where I saw a person that I had arrested before preparing my food. Needless to say, I cancelled my order.

Pretty sure I would've too!

This post did not at all go in the direction I thought it was going to.. and I'm glad for that. Im sick of hearing crazy generalisations like that. something that I think has gotten worse with the internet age. It also touches on my annoyance it the attitude that somehow an opinion is as equally valid as a fact.

I agree with you 100%! With the media and YouTube videos trying to make a buck from posting videos for the viewer to draw their own conclusion, has just magnified the problems we as America have. It didn't help any either when our former president cast a black cloud over law enforcement and even took away military equipment that was donated to departments by the military. I know first hand that the equipment we received from the military was greatly needed and used. There have been plenty of times I have been outgunned by someone with better equipment than me. Prime example was when those guys in California robbed that bank and went wild in the streets wrapped in body armor. The police weapons weren't even phasing them. The officer's were even going to near by gun shops to get more powerful weapons. But then our former president said that we didn't need military style weapons...grrrrr!

oh and welcome to #thealliance :)

I'd never heard that story before, that is nuts.. but yeah, people forget that stuff gets posted on youtube for views and money so they only post the controversial things and it ends up painting a false picture of the world.

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