Aggroed's Antidote: Treating your News Feed 10/29/16

in #news8 years ago (edited)

 Sharing reports of current events and perspectives that the Mainstream Media simply won't touch.  Better news feeds can create better worlds!  Sometimes these feature strong language or an image or two that's risque.  It's a sign of the times rather than an attempt to be NSFW.  I'll make mention if anything too naughty is coming up.  

News the other news is distracting you from


FBI isn't really reopening the Clinton email case

Attorney General Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' on Secret Iran ransom payments

Top 100 most damaging wikileaks revelations

Russia destroys ISIS heavy weaponry.  US airdops 50 tons more.

(This is Bush voting for HRC.  She's the worst Republican Democrats have ever nominated.)


Rand Paul says Election is being rigged

FBI reopens case on Clinton after investigating A. Weiner

NYT chimes in on HRC's private email server investigation (keep your bullshit detector high here)

Non-statement on NODAPL by HRC

<Creepy Ass> Joe Biden says he doesn't want in an HRC administration

Voter fraud scheme in Florida

Cocaine filled sex parties with teenagers and Trump


SOC Clinton talks about rigging Palestinian elections

Political discourse from Putin

Paul Ryan wants HRC Top Secret clearence revoked

NYPD catches itself selling stolen goods, blames business owner

Israel paints fighter jet pink to raise breast cancer awareness while preventing cancer patients in Gaza from receiving treatment (or food, or peace, or basic supplies)

FBI director Comey's leaked memo about HRC investigation


Cops murder 6 year old and let him die in pain

Dickhead security guard at NODAPL gets himself arrested

117 arrests made at the NODAPL protest

White militants acquitted while natives maced (I think they take the wrong story line.  Should be armed armed protesters don't get bashed, but the system is racist so both are probably true)

"I will fuck you up!  You Nigger!"- as policeman smashes black mans face into car over "loud music" (If you think only the state should have guns this is why you're wrong)

Police raid small family farm because of free range pigs

Saudi diplomat accused of rape in India

Oath keepers run a free webinar on post election civil unrest scenarios


Evidence linking MMR to autism intentionally witheld

What's in a flu vaccine

Western medicine is Rockefeller Medicine


1000 new water protectors head to Standing Rock

Dozens of students arrested in Ottawa protesting Kinder Morgan Pipeline

I am a white person at Standing Rock.  This is what I learned.

Aging tar sands pipelines (video)

2 states declare state of emergency after major pipeline spill.  This is why the protests are so important,

Science and Technology

Free energy technology?

Italian earthquakes were retribution for UNESCO vote against Israel's wishes- The Deputy Minister Ayoob Kara from Italy made this statement


People who have sex every day are healthier, happier, and more creative 


What you learn about life after losing a parent at a young age


We live in a simulation... here's a conversation with an AI from the Matrix (don't just beleive, but it's a data point worth checking out)

Nasa admits alien life exists (meh, but cool images)

Lenny Kravitz stands with Standing Rock

Sentenced to rape.  2 Indian Community Council orders calls for sexual assault of 2 sisters



Full Dakota Access pipeline update

Tesla's solar roof and Powerwall

Beyond UBER and Lyft

Should America support failing industries

Zcash steem and uncertainty

Coin Marketplace

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