Tesla's Solar Roof and Powerwall: The Future of a Solar-Powered Home?

Renewable energy is on the rise, and with his project "Tesla Energy" it's Tesla's CEO Elon Musk's dream to offer consumers a solution for a life that's fully powered by clean energy.
And now, Tesla has taken the next step into that direction.

Yesterday, Elon Musk has announced Tesla's newest product:

Solar roof tiles that are inconspicuous, sleek and modern.

The company turned part of Universal Studios in Los Angeles into a model-neighborhood, and equipped several houses with different solar roofs to illustrate the new product.

They are made of textured glass with integrated solar panels, and very durable (50+ years) even in harsh conditions and very cold weather.
The tiles almost look like traditional ones, but they can achieve 98% efficiency of the regular solar panels that we know. But it's Tesla's goal to make them even more efficient than traditional photovoltaik panels in the future.
Every tile is unique and different, so every roof will be unique as well.

They come in 4 different styles:

Tuscan Glass Tile, Smooth Glass Tile, Slate Glass Tile, Textured Glass Tile

"The goal is to have a roof that's less than the installed cost of a roof plus electricity", said Musk.
While there is still no official price for the solar roof yet, he admitted that it probably won't be worth it to replace a roof that's new and working perfectly well with the new sola tiles just yet. But if your roof needs replacement anyway, or you'd like to switch to solar energy due to the electricity costs, it will be cost-effective.

The product is the result of a cooperation with SolarCity, but if it will actually become available for customers will be decided on Nov. 17.
Tesla has offered to buy the company SolarCity for $2.6 billion, but investors still have to vote over this decision.
If the cooperation launches as planned, these roofs will be available to customers starting summer 2017.

In other news, Tesla has also announced the new

'Powerwall 2' !

The Powerwall is a large home battery where you can store the solar energy that's been generated during the day, and use it whenever it's most convenient for you.

While the first Powerwall was introduced in 2015 and had a 7kWh battery, the new Powerwall 2 offers a storage of 14 kWh and a consistent power of 5 kW.
Tesla claims that it will work for unlimited cycles in a time period of 10 years, and that it can store enough power to provide electricity for a refrigerator, sockets and lights in a 4 bedroom home for one day.
Customers can have their own Powerwall 2 starting early 2017, for the price of around $5,500.

“This is sort of the integrated future. An electric car, a Powerwall and a solar roof. The key is it needs to be beautiful, affordable and seamlessly integrated" - Elon Musk

Musk suggested that when a solar roof is paired with a powerwall, you might not need to use traditional electricity anymore!

The Tesla Model S, Powerwall and Solar Roof - Combination of the future?

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4

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© Sirwinchester


the powerwall would be an awesome feature for poor countries where they don’t have reliable energy (but of course the price would have to drop for that)

that's true. maybe they can find a solution for this.
many countries in asia or africa, where the sun is shining most of the time anyway, could profit greatly from this technology

I collect thrown away laptop batteries and recycle the good ones to make a "Tesla" brick which I give to remote villagers, with a charging circuit through solar panels!

Thanks for this post as I now have an idea for my next post! 😊

that's amazing! good job!

Seriously drop. All of it.
The concept is great but the price is still much too high.

very interesting, thanks for sharing!
i always think that solar energy could be used much more, especially in places where the sun shines so much anyway. it would almost be a waste not to use it. and there's enough space on the water, so good idea!

and yes that's a good question, I'm not sure if the tiles would ever have to be cleaned? Didn't read anything about that!

you're welcome and I agree with you: we need to utilize this more.

Repurpose a roomba to 'do' windows....or in this case solar panels.

that looks much better than a normal roof - so modern!

I also really like how they combined furturistic technology with sleek design!

Bra ide Fantastisk

great, innovative technology. I hope it works as well as they suggest

can’t wait until everything will be solar-powered or electric, no more fuel or oil

that will be the future!

electric car that’s also self-driving, solar home, smart home.. this is the future!

I hope we can switch to using 100% regenerative energies soon!

I love how elon musk wants to change the world (and kinda does)

he definitely has some big plans and isn't afraid to chase them!

I wonder how well the solar roofs work in regions that are not sunny all year long? like how much energy do you get out of it still?

that would be an interesting question. it's not sunny everywhere in the world like it is in california!

wow those model houses look amazing!

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