Join Me In Giving Back To The Community

in #newbieresteemday6 years ago (edited)

New Monday - New Week - New Goals

Magical Monday.jpg

Today is an exciting day, it is my #newbieresteemday!

Monday is the day that I have decided to make my way around Steemit and search for the best quality post that I can find. When I find them, they get a resteem. #newbieresteemday is all about giving back to the community. We are trying to find newbies that are in their first month here and we want to help them grow! This isn't just for newbies, as we share these awesome post that we find, we are also helping to spread content through Steemit that everyone could benefit from.

Knowledge is power and we can always expand our knowledge by expanding our community.

If anyone on Steemit would like to suggest a newbie that they feel deserves the right attention on their post, please leave their name or a link to a post of theirs in the comments. If you are a newbie, I encourage you to do the same. Come join me in the comment section and meet new people, share quality content, find quality content and gain that attention you deserve! I will Upvote and Resteem as many quality post as I can during Magical Monday.

We are not done yet!!

You didn't think that was it for Magical Monday, did you? To keep newbies motivated all week long, every Monday I will also share Newbies Of The Week. This is my way to show newbies that their post will not go unseen and it is worth the effort to keep the hard work up all week long!

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In no particular order, here are three newbies to be featured in the very first Magical Monday, Newbies Of The Week!


@able1212 has only shared one post with us so far but the quality of the post is very well done. It seems that he has chosen a topic to write about that I feel everyone could enjoy reading. He says that there will be many more post with this kind of information so go follow along with him so that you don't miss what he has to say!

SpaceX, NASA, ULA, the US Air Force, the FAA, and almost every MSM outlet lied and here's why...


@travelprincess knows what she wants to share with Steemit and she is determined to do so. She loves to travel and shares some very beautiful places from all over the world that she has made a visit to. With a little support, we can really help @travelprincess share her passion with the world.

To learn about @travelprincess, please check out her introduction post by clicking here.


@marcusmolch has just written his very first post today. What really caught my attention was that fact that he declined payment because he didn't want to make it completely about him and wanted to give back to the Steemit community. If this isn't the type of person you guys want on Steemit than I don't know what is.

You can see the post by clicking here.

Please help me show support to these newbies! Check them out and give them any help, support and encouragement that you feel they need. Tomorrow is also another very exciting and fun day. I will be sharing a list of active contest in hopes that newbies can have some fun engaging with the community and hopefully win some monies to help them grow. This also helps those non newbies gain exposure to their contest and meet new people, it's a win win.

If you have an active contest or know of one that you would like to share, please post the link in the comments here. I will feature them in the contest post tomorrow.

Enjoy your day Steemians, always remember that kindness is a gift that we all can afford to give.




Amazing job :) You continue to impress me more and more as time goes forward!

Great job @magicalmoonlight. Welcome to the Newbie Resteem family. We haven't had a chance to meet yet. I'm @beeyou. :)

I'm happy to see you showcasing some newbies. If they use our #newbieresteemday tag, we could also show some support if we see some of their great posts come through. It's hard to find time to go searching for talent. We do look at the #newbieresteemday tags first, then try to find other newbies to help support when we have some time to go talent-scouting.

Welcome aboard!

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day! We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

I finally get to meet you @beeyou! I started following you last week but haven't had the chance to say hello. We just got home from vacation this morning so you should be seeing more of me on your profile this week :) Thank you for the warm welcome, resteem and upvote. I really appreciate it.

Hi! @davemccoy told me about you when he came across your post, but I am just so behind with my comments/replies. Today I had a few minutes and was happy to come across your post on the newbieresteemday account. Thanks for taking the time to write a post and help out our newbies. We adore everyone who volunteer time to help others.

I hope you had a great vacation! Did you go anywhere with clear skies and sparking blue ocean? I love the beach and since I can't be there physically, love it when I'm taken there spiritually through other's posts. :)

I am so happy that I joined this initiative. Everyone involved is so wonderful and it really feels like a cozy little community inside of the Steemit community lol

The morning that we left for vacation we had two inches of snow that had fallen in the night, we only went about 6 hours hours but the sky was blue and we didnt need any coats 😄 No beach unfortunately, we went to visit family but I really hope we can make it to a beach this summer! I guess it wasn't a real vacation but anything away from real life feels like a vacation!

Thank you brother ... try my brother see my post, what do you think, if useful please you share

I will check them out here shortly. Thanks for stopping for Magical Monday :)

Hey MM... @beeyou beat me to the punch in getting this voted on at #newbieresteemday! Its awesome what you are doing and very much appreciated! I love your work and enthusiasm to help others!

I'm glad @beeyou connected with you and you should also connect with her on discord... She is @BeeYOU in there ;)

And I resteemed to hopefully get you some more eyeballs!

Your continued support will forever be appreciated @davemccoy. Thanks for directing me to @beeyou on discord. She seems like a wonderful uplifting person and you cant help but smile at the end of reading her post 😄

Looks like I'm third in line behind @beeyou and @davemccoy to say welcome and great idea!! I didn't know you were joining us there! I'm so glad you did ;)

I've been working with @silentdiscourse; I actually stumbled upon in him a @appreciator post that highlights work from @steemitbloggers where I also belong. He was wondering how he could get in on it all lol Anyway, He's not totally new (Rep 42) but I've 'taken him under my wing' (his words), to introduce him to different groups here because he's been lacking a sense of community. He actually came up with a cool contest as well that he was really excited about. Here's the link to it. It's a fun one and he's offering 1 steem as the prize. Not too shabby ;)

Thanks again for this! You're absolutely correct,

kindness is a gift that we all can afford to give.

Thank you so much for the welcome @lynncoyle1! I've been following @silentdiscourse since he made his first introduction post, he is very good. I believe I found him on an Up and Coming Steemian post. Thank you so much for linking his post. He will be the first one on the list of contest when I write it up. I try to keep a close eye on everybody but sometimes they unfortuanly slip through my fingers when I'm in a million places at once. I didn't get the opportunity to see his contest until you just now told me about it. Thank you very much for stopping by 😄

Hey my pleasure! I know for everyone here, there is soooo much going on all of the time, it's impossible to keep track of everything ;)

Glad you will be adding his contest!!

Cheers :)

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