#NewbieResteemDay - Member of the Week - Saturday Nite Spotlight


As mentioned in @beeyou’s Weekly Recap, we would like to show appreciation to members of the Newbie Resteem Initiative with a small token of thank you. It’s a simple gesture to let members know their time and effort in helping Newbies and one another is noticed and valued.

This is a fun way for us to get to know the members behind the scenes. We all work very hard resteeming, commenting, searching that New tab tirelessly each day for new talent!

Each Saturday Nite Spotlight will be chosen collectively by the ABC’s of Curation team from @newbieresteemday and will focus on good hearted fun, praise and appreciation of the member. We will be highlighting long lost posts, awesome comments made, and/or accomplishments within the community.

This week’s member of the week:


As all of you well know @mudcat36 and @davemccoy are the founding fathers of #newbieresteemday. What you may not know is that while @davemccoy is slaving away on the platform with games, resteems, comments and coordinating the community - @mudcat36 is burning the midnight oil building and designing a spectacular website for the Steemit Newbie Resteem Day Initiative off the platform ! And from someone who was lucky enough to get a behind the scenes look at it; I must say he’s doing an amazing job!

Aside from tearing his hair out while wrestling with impossibly complicated code he still finds time to jump on the platform, make some comments, do some resteems and even start his own Newbie Resteem challenge!

If you haven’t read it yet, go check out his newest creation Newbie Resteem Initiative Conspiracy Theory Writing Contest. Guaranteed Up Vote And Resteem For Newbies Entries!

So in my search for more information about the elusive @mudcat36 I found myself scrolling and scrolling… and scrolling JUST to find posts of his own creation. When I say this guy is dedicated to the Newbie RESTEEM Initiative, I mean it! He doesn’t just talk the walk - he walks it!

Now back to my detective work - it may have took a few minutes but boy, it was not time wasted. When I finally found a post he wrote that was not centered on the Initiative I was blown away. (Mind you I may have made this sound like it was written months ago because of the amount of digging I needed to do - however it was only 27 days ago! He just resteems THAT much!)

If you want to totally sceeve yourself out check out this enlightening post: This Is Your Brain And This Is Your Brain On Bugs. Parasites And Human Behavior
Warning the truth will scare you but you should still know the facts! Thanks a LOT @mudcat36 for totally freakin' me out with that post! LOL

Did you know mudcat36 plays the organ!?!

Don’t know if it’s a random hobby or just a silly outing but he put it on dTube and it’s freakin’ awesome! Check it out:

Also I need to throw the spotlight on how hard he has worked to get the word out there about #newbieresteemday ! Sifting through his blog and seeing all his comments I saw him reach out to newbies and seasoned Steemians alike spreading his idea of a cohesive community that supports new people and embraces quality content.

In his post ‘Whale Wars And Flagging Wars On Steemit. Worrying Trends’ he poses concerning questions about the way Whales use their power and its effects on the Steemit platform.

I know that there is no ecosystem out there that exist in harmony without contraries. I see posts that don't appeal to me as often as I see post that do. If one that doesn't appeal to me has a large sum and large number of votes attached to it then great. I don't feel like that writer or artist or contribution is unfairly raping the rewards pool as it clearly appealed to the market. Same goes for clothes with stripes or quirky designs in the shops. I often think some things closely resemble a dish cloth but if someone is going to wear a dish cloth and pay a huge sum for it then great. More power to them.

I like Steemit because due to the fact that you choose your level of involvement, can market your efforts, be rewarded small or large, and it's all democratic. It's on online market place where the value of effort is supposed to be fairly voted on by taste or preference. But nowadays it seems that more than spammers, hackers, and crooks in general aren't the only threat to it. Some of its more influential users are.

I think I can speak for everyone as I honor @mudcat36 for all his hard work and heart he puts into the #newbieresteemday initiative


So head over to @mudcat36 's blog and show him some appreciation for all his hard work!

Stay tuned for the next Memeber of the week from @newbieresteemsay and the ABC's of Curation!


Keep it up, everybody involved is doing a wonderful job. I will put my effort in again on Wednesday.
I didn't get many takers last time so if you guys want to send me any links to resteem please do, either your own work or any reccomendations will be gladly resteemed :)

thanks @professorhobo! I'll keep in mind to send you some good Newbies to resteem

Thank you amarie :)

cool idea, but you are going to make tag-lifter's arms tired if you keep growing!

I am the "Tag-Lifter" and you have been resteemed because you tagged your post #newbieresteemday


You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

LOL you are becoming the Schwarzenegger of Steemit !

hahaha... yes, I like that :)

This is yet another supportive and generous initiative which helps to make Steemit something really special.

I wrote a post yesterday which I would love your thoughts on plus any pointers you may wish to share to help me get it off the ground ~ :) here

With Love.


thank you for reading! I will certainly check out your post and give any help I can :)

Thanks @amariespeaks. It's fantastic to read about all the effort @mudcat36 puts into this platform. His name keeps popping up, but I must admit I haven't checked him out yet. He sounds awesome, I'm going there now. I would like to know more about @davemccoy as well, fortunately we have already connected!

@leighleigh thanks for checking it out! yeah, @mudcat36 is currently our behind the scenes magician but he has a seemingly- never ending blog full of awesome content. @beeyou highlighted @davemccoy in her weekly buzz update last week - she did an awesome job digging up the dirt on dave ;-) feel free to check it out if you'd like to know a little more on him!

Thanks @amariespeaks I found it. There's so much to read and so many threads to follow, seems overwhelming! Will have to give up one of my jobs to spend more time here!

good job @amariespeaks.. I love the new concept "saturday nite spotlight". The ABC's of Curation are on fire with new cool ideas!

thanks!! this one's all @beeyou - I just coined the corny phrase; as usual lol :) she came up with the awesome premise of giving back to our members with a special post each week

Awesome @amariespeaks!!! The ABC's of Curation have just started another cool program! Wow :)

Congratulations you have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top posts for the day! ...

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Congratulations @mudcat36 you are making waves!!!!Love seeing these posts!!!

ABC's of Curation ;)

so much fun doing it!! hopefully @mudcat36 will find a free moment and get to see how much we all appreciate him!

You did such a wonderful writeup on the Saturday Night Spotlight! I love it! I can only imagine all the strolling you had to do for this great piece. What a powerhouse pair our founders, strolling and reading. :)

Thanks for spotlighting the member of the week. I appreciate you taking the time to write this piece, saving me from having to do the detective work on @mudcat36. :) He is incredible and I am very happy our newest members are able to "meet" one of our initiative's founders. @mudcat36 is actively working behind the scenes (and alongside when he can) to grow our community and deserves to be spotlighted as the member of the week.

ABC's of Curation ;)

@beeyou, I genuinely do not the right words to express how grateful I am to you for all that you do in supporting the Newbie Resteem Initiative. Your tireless hard work continually blows me away. I know I haven't been able to engage with Steemit as much as I'd like to lately so I haven't been able to thank you properly. I just want you to know you are awesome and above all appreciated. I am so happy that you are a part of our effort. I can't express that sincerely enough.

It is a team effort @mudcat36. We all help with what we can and together we can build this community into a great one. 🙂

lol ;-) yes they are seriously powerhouses!! thanks @beeyou for letting me help you out with this! It was very fun digging up the dirt on @mudcat36 :)

ABC's of Curation ;)

LOL :) this is awesome! perfect picture!!

You are incredibly kind @amariespeaks. Thank you so much for all the high praise. You are truly to kind. :0)

Could not think of a more deserving individual for recognition, great post @amariespeaks. @mudcat36 is a very good person, and he does find a lot of content worthy of reading/viewing.

thanks for your support @bashadow!

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