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I have six children whom I love more than life itself.
My four sons live in England with their father - it breaks my heart every day to not be with them. (Long story... it was necessary.)
My eldest (Ian) is 22 this year, a student in physics.
Second (Simon) is 20, and working in web design. He's also an excellent photographer.
Third (Gavin) is 18 , and starts his studies in law soon.
Fourth (Colin) is 16.

My sons never cease to make me proud. They've had a rough upbringing due to many parts of the bad relationship I had with their father, but we maintain a relationship about as good as their father permits them to have with me. It is my prayer that one day, they will be able to be their own people and visit myself, their half-sisters and their step-father who has yet to meet them.

My daughters are:
Meadow who is 11 and has the biggest heart of anyone you'll ever meet.
Rowan is 7 and has an inquisitive mind like few you'll meet of her age.
It is my prayer that the step-father I've finally been able to give them will help them grow up into healthy, well-adjusted young women. It is also my prayer that they will be able to enjoy healthy relationships with their brothers and understand that I did not wish to break up the family as it was required.

It is the hardest thing in the world to cause severe pain to people you love more than anything else in the world... and to know it was the best possible answer for a bad situation.

I cannot say more without going places that I do not share publicly.


I myself, has been down a similar Road. And so I can understand your pain. It is so painful to be separated from the ones we love. I appreciate you sharing although I know it must not have been easy. I have faith and believe that your son's will be back together with you. And as far as your daughter's go they sound absolutely amazing and wonderful. I will pray for your family to be reunited as one. Oh, and your entry is accepted. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you have a great day and I send all of my love to you and all of yours

Thank you. Yes, we do not choose many of our pains and yes, I have faith we will be together again. It just smarts when they were in the country for Christmas the year before last, but they "didn't have time" (their father's words) to visit their mother and sisters... As I've told my husband, were he a reasonable man, I'd still be there - I didn't rock the boat for nothing.

"Didn't have time." Yes, I've heard that one several times. We sound like we may be a couple of peas in the same pod. It's so painful. The only thing that kept me going through during all of my hard times, was that I just kept thinking that one day my kids would know the real truth. It seemed like a lifetime, but my oldest daughter has finally reached that point. And let me tell you it feels so great. She has grown and matured, and understands now the truths of me and her mother's relationship. I am here for you friend, not just as a voice to say I understand. But as of never caring friend who has felt your pain and if more than willing to help share your load in any way I can. I know that there is some way that we can talk in Discord and I think it's private. I don't know how to do it yet, but I'm trying to figure it out. The reason I say this is because I would like for you to have a way to communicate with me should you ever want to that won't be seen publicly. It's just that I know how bad it hurts and how difficult it can be and how much it can matter to have as many people around that understand as possible. And I will also say, because obviously we barely know each other, if you're not comfortable talking to me I completely understand. But I am here for you and I do love you and all of your family. So if you should need me please never hesitate to reach out.

Thanks. I do appreciate that. Some days, it's really hard... but when my third son (my most difficult and the one I butted heads with more than the others) says that he knows that I didn't have a choice and is okay with that, it feels a bit better.
On Discord, I'm still viking-ventures (easiest that way) #2883

The two things I'd love to see Steemit develop - 1. an internal messaging system. 2. a notifications system, so that mentions are always seen.
I had won 3 shares of sbi off Mrs. Savage recently and didn't know where they'd come from until Mr. Savage updated the transactions page! Yes, she'd mentioned me in her winnings post, but there's no way to know that I've been tagged from what I can see!

At work so I have little time to reply. You need Gina bot. It is through Discord. It can notify you of almost ANYTHING!

Yeah, I've got GINA. I do appreciate her services, but it definitely doesn't tell me about received sbi shares or random mentions. :-(

But it is very useful for when I've curated someone who then pisses off a whale and I can't see the comment initially... :-p
That's happened twice so far in the Pay It Forward contest!

If you are meaning mentions like this...
Then you just need to add your name into this field in your settings...
Okay, now I have to get to work and stay busy. I do hope this helps. ☺

I cannot find those extra settings anywhere right now. I've tried everything I can find in my user settings. Not sure where to look next.

Anyway, it's not urgent, when you have a real break or whatever, don't disturb your work. :-)

Okay at your Gina bot screen like this one where you get notifications
In the bottom field, where the fingers pointing, type this (..set)
That will bring up this link in your notifications
That will take you to the settings screen that I showed you earlier. Just scroll down a little ways and you will see the extras setting. I hope this help. Now back to work.👍

Darn it - that doesn't show on my PC. :-(
I will have to ask others, I guess.

Anyway, yes. Get back to work, lol. I've got to work on my writing...

I'm so sorry I couldn't help. Have you had any luck? If not I can go ask a couple of people if you'd like. I'll be talking to them anyway.👍

No luck as of yet. I even tried posting in two of my Discord groups.

I'm not quite finding what I want there. However, someone else introduced me to the steemworld site which does give that information. So, I've got there in the end.
Thanks for your help!

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