STEEMIT, what's wrong with my posts?

in #new7 years ago (edited)

Ok, I don't know what to think anymore.

I'm a professional blogger and freelancer.

I have achieved several goals in the past, both personal and those of the people I wrote articles for.

I recently posted my latest article (2 days of work) and I feel I've wasted my time: no interactions and its reach is almost null.
I'm sure it could bring value to people yet I'm not seeing any results.

Here's a link to it. Maybe you guys can tell me what's wrong!

EDIT: You guys are awesome. Thank you for all the support you've shown in the comments. Really appreciated!
I've written this other article in which I explain what's the most important thing I learned from my last 2 posts:


Your writing is excellent. Consistently is all that's required. Right now you have 146 followers. The most successful bloggers have thousands and most got those by being consistent.

My most important recommendation for newbies would be to focus on gaining followers rather than on your payout. The former will eventually take care of the latter. And the best way to gain followers is to ENGAGE with other successful bloggers by upvoting their posts and, most importantly, writing insightful comments on them. If you spend about half of your Steemit time writing your own post and the other half making good comments on others' posts, you'll eventually see good results. Be patient, friend.

Thanks for your advice and compliment Sean. Really appreciated.
I guess I have to be more patience and start connecting with more people. Will do it and let you know how it goes :D

Thank you so much for this advice! I've been connecting with many other homesteaders and gardeners through the comments section. It's a fun place to be and I've found out about some awesome projects and ideas from reading from a variety of perspective. Onward and upward!

This is great advice. I've been suffering the same thing. When my posts are not getting any views I feel like wasting my energy for nothing. But I'm not going to stop. Thanks for the great advice and I've been telling it to myself. Let's hope it's going to work.

Great advice! Thank you! 🙏🏽😚

Thanks for the much needed advice...I hardly see any dolphin or whale interacting with minnows like you do...Really Appreciated...Your support is much needed in keeping us in the game...Thanks again for Valuable Insights

Keep going. After time your efforts will pay of. Succes.

I usually rely on 2 words: consistency and confidence. I'm losing confidence. Maybe I don't know how to write anymore! 😅

I'm in the same situation brother. Let's not give up eh?

I have started a couple of businesses and this feels like any other business to me. My opinion is that consistent quality is everything. That is how to build meaningful relationships. I think we need to produce good work every single day and also get out and talk to people. We never know who we might come across, but we have to be there for the opportunity to happen. Even the seemingly little guy can turn into a big deal at any time. I've been surprised by that several times.

Your work is very good. I'm following.

Totally, will get working on this. Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate your support!

just try harder steem buddy , i glad you did share that post i resteemed it a lot of newbie dont know how it work and of course we lose ourself with abilyti to earn with the post evry one want to earn that the point , if i get every month six hundred dollars i can live eat food pay bills and visa , some expect more and more like greedy person i am not here only for the money other wize i be floding all the d ay long in any post any comment , no i am here to learn and understand how your syste, work i dont really want to be a part it but i had no choice that how it works

so you have no choice , you can only do again and again if you succeed in life before you know that already me too i made some post thati was thinking usefull for some but not really , a lot of people bully article and post their link steal the voting power money and all of that it's because they understand better steemit than we do

best regard steem buddy and may the steem force be with you

It's not about the money. What I didn't get at first was why, despite the quality of the article, it reached only 7 people. What makes me happy and satisfied is if people read and enjoy my article. Rewards from it are very appreciated of course yet secondary. Those will come in consistently only if people like reading your articles and find them valuable!
Thanks for you support by the way and may the steem force be with you as well! :D

i understand your point and that why i commented to please dont give up , you have at least one hundred eghty seven vew on this post it's a lot and look at the vote for a new user it's quite astoningih you know from what i have seen , see you around steem master

Thanks buddy! Best of luck!

Have patience. You are only 15 days here. Why does everyone expect instant success?

I remember the same advice you gave me 12 days ago. You were perfectly right. Thank you.

That's true. It's just that when I start something new that I believe being worth it, I put a lot of effort in it. When you spend a day writing an article then post it and see that only 7 people have read it, it gets frustrating.
I understand I have to be patience tho. Thanks for sharing your opinion, very much appreciated!

Your writing is great. I can see there are many people had read your latest article! Why do you think it had not interaction or no results on bring interaction? It seem that many people had voted you which mean your value is high.

Seems like this post grabbed the attention of many people who went and read my previous one. Then resteemed since I believe they enjoyed and found it helpful. Now is doing great!

I read it, liked it and upvoted it. Looking at the $ it seems to be doing pretty well.

It looks like I grabbed some attention :) Thanks buddy, really appreciated!

Sorry to hear you're having such difficulty. I'll do my part as your new follower to give you the boost that we followers are supposed to by upvoting and resteeming. I agree with @sean-king, your writing is great, so I see no reason why you aren't reaping the benefits of it.

Do you have any previous blog entries that you can post here? I mean, as long as it's original work that belongs to you, I see no harm in that. Hell, I share photos taken 12 years ago and do decently just from that. Besides, this way you'll have a pile of stuff ready to go so you can use it to get settled in and get a nice follower base and a regular payout average before you really start cranking out work which might take more time.

Thanks a lot @winstonwolfe!
I have written many articles in the past and have kept all of them yet most of t have been written as a freelancer for other companies and others do not fit my niche (marketing). I do post some really old ones once in a while tho!
What I find being a real obstacle is the fact that my posts are read from minnows only so i guess I should set "engaging with more experienced steemians" as a goal!
Thanks for your encouragement!

What I really like is how you asked how you can improve rather than just leaving like some people do from time to time. It shows you care enough to make this work for yourself like you see it working for others. It got my attention, after all. :)

Definitely! It was love at first sight between me and Steemit. I had to find the way to improve my experience and results. It seems like many people like yourself are willing to help and I'm receiving a lot of advice I will take into consideration and that I wouldn't have received if I had not liked this platform as much as I actually do. I'm really thankful for all you said. Great guy you are!

my posts are read from minnows only so i guess I should set "engaging with more experienced steemians" as a goal!

There you go, yes. I would recommend that. It's great you've got a head start on a decent number of followers, but you'll hit a big boost if you get some higher-rep people to vote or resteem your work. It's like the difference between telling just your family & friends VS broadcasting it to the entire community.

I see that this post is doing pretty well now! That's pretty cool!
Something I find funny, and is something I've seen several times during my time here, is that the moment you have to ask an existential question like that, things suddenly blowup. This happened for me just a few weeks ago when I created a post that asked the question "Am I out of ideas?" Ever since then, things have looked way up.

Totally agree! This is so weird, we should probably write these kind of post more frequently. 😂

I came to steemit because I got tired of click-bait, ads, paywalls, and beggars. I think many other readers share this sentiment. As I peruse steemit, I see countless articles that are not worth the time to read. Headlines like "10 things every X should know" are a dead giveaway. Write something interesting and title it appropriately, use keywords that help people find that info, and you'll get a following. One day you may become the sports-writer that everyone tunes in to every time you write an article.

Hell yeah! I hope so :) Thanks for your support @whytehorse. Much appreciated 😊

I know just how you feel buddy, I also feel I'm wasting my energy on posts that get to be seen by four people and get maybe one upvote. But hoping it will get better pushes me to go on. Will follow you and upvote your stuff. Pls check my blog to see if there's anything you like, I need upvotes to lift my spirit :)

Thanks buddy I will go by your profile as I finish responding to each comment. perhaps you might want to read this article in which I explained what is the best thing I learned from this post. It's not the money I enjoyed the most yet supportive people like you!

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