How to: Crochet Christmas Ornaments

in #needleworkmonday7 years ago (edited)

I do not like to create small things. Like baby shoes, amigurumi or ornaments. I love how they look, but me with thin yarn and a small needle – no good combination. I tend to get so angry with myself if I make mistakes in these tiny thingies, that I use more time to think about the various methods to burn them, than making them.

But…. There are exceptions. On Pinterest I found such nice and kitschy Christmas ornaments, I overcame my hate of fiddly crochet and remade them. Here is my recipe for making hanging ornaments (and in reality they are not really tiny, about 15 cm diameter)


For theses ornaments you need a crochet hook, thin cotton yarn, a wooden or plastic ring, fabric glue, foam material or fabric, Edwardian scraps and a sewing needle.
I used Wolle Rödel Mille Fili 50 g / 130 m and a 3,5 mm crochet hook. The ring is actually for hanging curtains, but I think you can also buy special rings for crochet.


The first step is to crochet on very tight row of single crochet around the ring. Connect the last stitch with the first by a slip stitch. The second row is another single crochet row.
The next row is the pattern row. Here you have many different options. I used the following pattern: skip 3 stitches then work in the next stitch (3 double crochet, chain 2, slip stitch into second stitch from hook, 3 double crochet) repeat this….
But your possibilities for this round are endless, you could also make small round waves, bobbles and so on.
When you cut your yarn, leave a long tail so you can use it as a loop.


When your finished the crochet part you must block the ornament to open the lace. Therefore, wet the ornament und pin the picot edges evenly on a soft surface and let it dry. I did this on my sofa – don’t copy that – because the colours of the cotton yarn bleed a little and my sofa is no longer white.

Now cut a circle from your fabric or foam material wish is slightly bigger then the hole in the ornament. Glue your Edwardian scrap on the fabric and then glue the fabric on the backside of the ornament. Let the glue harden and then sew the fabric on the backside to make it long lasting.


I made several of these ornaments and gifted them to friends and family. If you also want to use them as a present, beware not everybody understands the high art of kitsch :-D


Thanks to @anise for her inspiration…. Please go to her blog and check out her amazing crochet Christmas tree


This looks so good and original, knowing how crochet can be delicate and hard for work. Love it @neumannsalva :)

Thank you so much... and is was really hard work, because I glued everything :-D Perhaps I have some skill with crochet, but glueing and sewing is not my profession :-D

Oh wow. Those are beautiful. I do not know how to crochet at all but I've tried before. I much prefer to quilt. ;) What a treasure!

Thank you!!! Right now I am trying to sew a sweater with blue fabric scraps, which are left over from my skirt projects, and I had to think of you and your nice quilted boots... I hope can finish the sweater, but for me sewing is unknown territorial :-D

Oh wow! That sounds really cool! Let me know when you do a post on it! :) I'd love to check it out.

i cannot see a post about it... I am not sure if it will ever be a sweater... perhaps you will find a youtube video of me burning it ;-)

Lol - this made me laugh. Hilarious! :)

These ornaments are so very beautiful! Look at you! I am so proud of you for working with thinner yarn! 😃. You did such a great job on these! These are the cutest little gifts! Thank you for sharing how to make them!

Thank you so much! But I have to admit.... no litttle hanging ornaments more for me this year :-D I love the finished object, but the process was a little bit tedious - ok, mostly the sewing and gluing. Perhaps I need a kindergarten recap, because I spilled the glue all over the crochet border (sigh and grumble).
Now I am again starting a cardigan (happpyyyy)
I hope you are well and have time to crochet :-D

You are so welcome ;) Lol it’s okay, we all spill our craft supplies from time to time! I think you should do more next year!!! Please please do!! 😃👍🏽🤗

Thank you so much! I am feeling a whole lot better and looking forward to sharing with you all again starting next week! I’ve missed you all so much. I’ve been taking a break from social media because my hubby had a couple of weeks off of work. But I should be back into the swing of things soon! 😘

Sieht süß aus, werd ich mal ausprobieren.

huhuhuu und schön von dir zu hören! Ich hoffe du hast den gröbsten Umzug/renovierungsstress hinter dir?

Ja, einigermaßen, muss aber noch ne Menge machen. Ich bin seit über 2 Monaten krank, die Grippe geht einfach nicht weg. Dadurch konnte ich nicht so viel machen. Hoffentlich kann ich Februar endlich wieder posten.

Oh je.. ich drücke die Daumen, dass es dir schnell wieder besser geht. Der Umzug und renovieren alleine kostet ja schon Kraft, dann noch krank sein ist echt keine Bereicherung. Ganz schnelle Genesung!!! Und einen guten Rutsch!

Danke! Ebenfalls Guten Rutsch und frohes Neues!

I love it! I just may have to copy your idea and make some for myself! Thank you for providing the pattern...that is one thing I have not yet mastered...making my own patterns, but you seem to have the knack for figuring it out!
And thanks for the "shout-out" 😀❤️💕

Die sind wirklich schön! Ich finde Handarbeit total gut und bin selbst aber eher faul. Eine Zeitlang hatte mich "Origami" am Haken, da habe ich wie besessen gefaltet und gefaltet. Leider habe ich das in der Zwischenzeit größtenteils wieder verlernt.

Deine Weihnachts-Deko kann sich wirklich sehn lassen! Und dafür, dass du so Fiddel-Arbeit nicht magst, ist es perfekt geworden!

Dankeschön!!! Mich hat es mit dem handarbeiten auch erst vor ein paar Jahren erwischt, seit dem aber schlimm (habe eine Nähmaschine gewonnen und jetzt habe ich angefangen zu nähen, ist aber deutlich weniger entspannt als stricken oder häkeln, zumindest für mich)
Papierarbeiten habe ich noch nicht versucht, obwohl es da auch sehr schöne DInge gibt, die man herstellen kann. Aber wer weiß, vielleicht erwischt es mich noch :-D
Und ja ich finde die Anhänger auch fummelig und es macht mich eher nervös, weshalb es auch erstmal keine weitere Produktion gibt. Ich bleib bei Pullis und Jacken :-D
Ich hoffe deinem Auge geht es wieder gut

That's great work @neumannsalva

They are very nice and original with the centerpieces of the stars!

I made some simple stars as well some years back! I will try to find some time to recreate some for sharing tutorials!

Thanks for sharing your inspiration! I will soon make the next recap of the #creativewintertime and for sure include it :D

Crochet snoflakes are realy nice ... but today we have the watery real variation (aka it's snowing wildly and we can't use the car)
And I am happy it's fit the #creativewintertime and looking forward to your recap :-D

that's perfect weather for creating some more artworks :)

I published the recap #4 before yesterday and your snowflake is included of course.

I will publish the next recap where there will be again some new entries on the tag.

Danke von dir und @anise für die tolle Inspiration.

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