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RE: How to: Crochet Christmas Ornaments

in #needleworkmonday7 years ago (edited)

That's great work @neumannsalva

They are very nice and original with the centerpieces of the stars!

I made some simple stars as well some years back! I will try to find some time to recreate some for sharing tutorials!

Thanks for sharing your inspiration! I will soon make the next recap of the #creativewintertime and for sure include it :D


Crochet snoflakes are realy nice ... but today we have the watery real variation (aka it's snowing wildly and we can't use the car)
And I am happy it's fit the #creativewintertime and looking forward to your recap :-D

that's perfect weather for creating some more artworks :)

I published the recap #4 before yesterday and your snowflake is included of course.

I will publish the next recap where there will be again some new entries on the tag.

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