#needleworkmonday :: Little drawstring pouch with lining

in #needleworkmonday5 years ago


Christmas is drawing near and I wanted to make little drawstring pouches to put little gifts in them instead of wrapping them in nice paper and boxes which would eventually be ripped apart without mercy and then crumpled later to be dumped into the recycling bin :P.

And so it was time again for me to go to my favourite video source and browsed around. I found this easy pattern to follow by Keiko Olsson:

I especially like tutorials without much talking :D

I chose to make a smaller pouch first to give this pattern a try.
I prepared 2 pieces of fabric, a light yellow lining fabric with an outer festive red patterned fabric, both measured at 14cm by 5cm:


Both the fabric pieces were folded into half, marked and sewed according to the video from 0:33 seconds until 1:45 for the outer layer fabric and 1:46 until 2:25 for the lining:



I decided to sew the edges too for a neater finish using the overcast stitch:


Then it was time to press the seams flat:


After turning the outer layer inside out, I inserted it into the lining, referring to 3:09 of the tutorial video:


After pinning both layers together, aligning the side stitches, it was time to sew them together, referring to 3:23 of the tutorial video:



At the lining, there was still an opening for magic to happen (I like how just through an opening, the pouch with lining neatly appears, just like magic!), referring to 5:05 of the tutorial video:

Once both the layers were magically pulled inside out through the lining's opening, it was time to press again:


Sew near the edge to close the lining opening:


Slowly tuck in the lining into the outer layer fabric:


Press the edges of the pouch:


The lining and the outer layers after the iron press:


Here is the string insert, I like that it looks quite nice and neat:


I top-stitched on both sides of the pouch where the strings will be inserted. The top-stitch will make sure that string is guided through instead of going all over the place between the two layers - 7:00 minutes into the tutorial video:

It was a little trickier to stitch a smaller pouch. It took a bit of maneuvering on the sewing machine.

Then, it was time to insert the strings. Each string was inserted in full circle through both sides of the pouch - 8:53 of the tutorial video:



Here is how it looks in the inside:


I like how all the stitches are nicely hidden between the lining and the outer layer.


~ ~ ~ 🧵🧶💗🧶🧵 ~ ~ ~

It was pretty easy to sew and I am going to sew a few more sizes to fit the Christmas presents that I will be making :)


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Very pretty! Great idea to use these instead of wrapping paper. I like the inner liner contrast with the outside fabric.

Thank you @jamethiel! I think so too. Now hopefully I have time and the mood to make more 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

Very nice! I have made several bags for dice, but have not lined any of them.

Thank you! I think lining them makes the pouch look neater with all the hidden seams in between the layers.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excelente trabajo. Nunca aprendí a coser. Desarrolla mucho la paciencia, te felicito. Es un verdadero trabajo artesanal, muy bello.

Excellent work. I never learned to sew. Develop a lot of patience, I congratulate you. It is a real artisan work, very beautiful.

Muchas gracias @gertu. Lo sentimos, es difícil hacer un seguimiento de las respuestas sin la notificación de Partiko.
Es divertido coser pero necesita el estado de ánimo correcto y sí la paciencia, que a veces no viene: D

Thank you so much @gertu. Sorry, it is hard to keep track of replies without Partiko notification.
It is fun to sew but needs the right mood which sometimes does not come :D

I had a similar idea - I want to try and make these azuma bags @akipponn showed us a while ago. Well, I've got time... still two weeks till the 24th ;)

Have a !BEER after all this hard work

Ah yes azuma bags are nice too. Yup yup. Need to start making them now haha.
Thank you for the beer!

Posted using Partiko iOS

What a cute pouch and a great idea to use in place of paper. You’re going to make someone smile big receiving a handmade gift inside of a handmade pouch! Lovely!

I love the the look of all the fabric together and it does really look neat! Nicely done ~

Thank you @crosheille 😘 Now, I need to get my butt moving to make those things 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

So neat! But I would never give such cute bags away :-DDDD They are perfect project bags for knitting and crochet. I am as always so much lazier :-DDD I wrap my Christmas gifts in old newspaper paper. So I do not produce more waste and can go crazy with folding.
I just now noticed that you have a amazing computer sewing machine. What kind of machine is this?

So so sorry for this late reply. Now that Partiko notifications are no longer working, I am getting way behind with my replies. Ah yes, old newspapers! I use old magazines too, their paper are nicer compared to our newspapers here which has carbon traces.
Ooo.. my sewing machine is this one, though I think it is too high end for my amateurish use:

and I have yet to try its embroidery function hahaha.
When my husband asked me to choose one, I went for this because I liked the grey colour with purple designs :D
It comes with a CD with embroidery designs but I do not know how to use it yet. This is very much like driving a Ferrari at 60kmph.

I had to smile about the Ferrari example :-DDD But I think it was a good decision because you are using it so much and then it should be a machine you really love. Besides it will be useful for many years to come. I know so many people who buy a machine and then need another only a year later. Not so good for the resources.....
I am looking forward for you trying out the embroidery (also completely new to me)

Beautiful and beautifully made 😍

Thank you @shanibeer 😘 hope you are feeling better 🍀

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This is lovely, @marblely, and you have wonderful progress pics to go with it. Not that I ever could do such a thing, but it's nice to dream. Yours looks good enough to be for sale in a boutique.

Maybe look into the build-it tag. I think they support this type of post.

@tipu curate

Thank you so much @fitinfun for the @tipu curation and thank @tipu for the upvote. It means a lot. I enjoyed every process of it and it is nice to be able to share it here and be appreciated for the effort.
Thank you for the tip too. I am using the diy tag which is acceptable by build-it too.

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Thank you so much!

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Well, @puncakbukit has resteemed to thousand followers.. Thank you so much to vote us as witness.

Thank you!

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