#Needleworkmonday : Two mini hats for the Big Knit - 101218

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

Look at those appealing little eyes :D

I've knitted these two mini hats so far with different left over yarn hence the variation. Both are made with acrylic, bits of chenille and wool, and size 4 mm knitting needles. They are the same size but look a bit different in the photo. They’re about 9 cm from pom-pom to the white edge.

I’ve added the photo above as evidence :D

... and because @marblely requested it :D ...

I got this free pattern and it was so simple that I just learnt the instructions - the possibilities are endless including stripes and changing colour yarn.

I have made a few of these little hats before and I’ve written about them in the past.

The mini hats are fun to knit and good practice for beginners too. I’ve even found quite an old video tutorial.

Locally there was a call for knitters / volunteers in a local mag this week so I thought I’d make a few as a small contribution.

Below I will show you how I did mine, but if you’re more advanced you can knit this one in the round to avoid sewing and / or you can follow the other more adventurous patterns.

Process :

Part 1 - Knit your mini hat :

Cast on 31 stitches
Row 1 and Row 2 : Knit 1, Purl 1
Row 3 : Change colour (in this case to red)
Row 3 to to Row 12 : Stocking stitch.

Row 13 : knit 2 together all the way to decrease ( 16 stitches)

Row 14 : Purl
Row 15 : Knit 2 together all the way ( 8 stitches )

Cut your yarn leaving enough length to thread a needle and gather all the stitches.
Tighten to neaten and sew the side.

Part 2 - Pom-pom

As the hat is so small I thought it would be a bit fiddly to make the pom-pom the traditional way so I used this present I received a couple of years ago. This Clover gadget is good because the pom-pom size is very small and the process is fast in comparison.

Still, I spent a long time working out how to use this marvellous gadget:

There are clear instructions but it’s a bit overwhelming to see how all this plastic replaced two perfectly okay cardboard circles with a hole in the middle :D

1- I wound the yarn three times around each semi circle to make the pom-pom nice and plump.

2- Bring the two semi circles together before you start cutting along the groove.

3- After cutting with sharp scissors, tie a long piece of yarn through the groove and tighten and make a couple of knots to secure it all and then to sew it onto the hat.

I shall continue to experiment with other yarns and I will also try and redress the balance between knitting and crocheting. It would be nice to see more crocheted patterns in the Big Knit.

Many thanks for reading and have fun !

work by @cryptocariad

With thanks to @crosheille and @needleworkmonday for hosting


Congratulations @cryptocariad! Your post has been placed in the spotlight for this weeks @NeedleWorkMonday Featured Posts!
Thank you for your quality post and for being apart of the needlework community!

#NeedleWorkMonday is an initiative that supports and rewards the needlework community while inspiring the Steemit blockchain. You can read more about us here.

Thank you so much, @needleworkmonday - I truly appreciate your support :D

Absolutely!!! 🤗

Those hats are really cute.

Thank you, @jluvs2fly, I enjoyed making them :D

oh lovely... 'tis the season...

I could really use a hat like that one for the next @googlyprize trophy shots... and it's been heavily requested that I put one on @dustbunny, too... well... I have the instructions now... maybe I should give it a try?!

Yes, 'tis the season, @googlyeyes and it would be great if you could join our 'needlework' fun too :D

heh... I really should try, but I doubt I'll be able to pick up on the skill before christmas arrives :P

Googly eyes forever. Even in my reply ;)

Yay... cool googly eyes, @steven-patrick :D Actually I'll go and check your blog and see whether you have any googlyeyes post.

I like how the hats are slightly different. And the addition of the googly eyes is quite cute. Hope you enjoy crocheting additional hats!

I started on a crochet hat yesterday and then I got distracted, @jamethiel. I need to check whether or not I can just 'transfer' the instructions to crochet to see how the size works out.

Are you sure these are pompom makers and not mini spaceships? They have a nice pink color, but look super complicated to use (although I normally love all things from clover - their tools are so nice)
And this campaign is a beautiful idea. You are very good in researching these initiatives. I had a glimpse at the pattern site and the mini hats are soooo cute <3
And I now learned from that you can also knit a hat with a rounded top flat... I always assumed this is only possible with hats which do not have decreases at the top) like the one I made in the last weeks)
So, thank you for this inspiration <3
And big eyes enhance everything :-D

I made another pom-pom today and it all went wrong, @neumannsalva... Somehow I got the two wrong halves together, but luckily I hadn't cut anything yet so I just unravelled the pom-pom and started again.
I'm really glad to help inspire you. I personally like reading instructions although, as you may remember, I don't usually follow them :D

oh no... poor pompom. I have to admit, that I like pompoms, but I hate making them :-D I always fear all the short yarnends will escape before I manage to tie them together.

There must be a name for that 'fear' :D - I avoid making pom-poms because I do not like having to cut the yarn to neaten the shape (it's a little wasteful), @neumannsalva :D

Hehe.. so so cute @cryptocariad and I love them with googlyeyes! They do look a bit like a character from Sesame Street :) Go go googlyeyes! On the 2nd photo, the one with both mini hats side by side, how about giving both the googlyeyes? :D
Thank you for the patterns. I think I will try and use it as a practice for my knitting :) And the pom pom looks really cute too :)

Thanks, @marblely and I've followed your advice and updated the post - all good fun :D

Aaaawwwww.. so cuteeeee! They looking at each other, having a little telepathic conversation! :D


having a little telepathic conversation!:D

You make me laugh, @marblely :D

Seeee, they were telepathically discussing about winning! :D congrats on the prize!

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Thank you, @marblely... oh but they're non-competitive :D :D they're more likely saying 'to me, to you' :D

hee hee hats are funny :))) you surprised me that there is a device for making pampons !!!! it is amazing !!!!

I'm glad I managed to distract you from all that unpacking, @tali72 :D

So cute ! These tiny beanie hats are absolutely adorable <3 Very nice !!!!

Thank you, @veryspider :D I enjoyed making them

Oh my I am loving the googlyeyes! Great call @marblely because those cute little hats looking at each other are so adorable! 😄🤗

Thank you for sharing the process with us @cryptocariad and also for the links! That’s a cool little gadget! I have never seen one. It makes the cutest little pom pom!

Thank you, @crosheille. I recommend the little gadget; it just looks so technical, but once you get into the rhythm it makes the work much faster :D

Absolutely! That’s great to know, thank you!

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