Your FEED-BACK on the NATURE PHOTO CONTEST is requested and would be greatly appreciated!

in #naturephotocontest6 years ago (edited)

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First of all, a big THANK YOU to all the photographers who have submitted photos in the Nature Photo Contest! Today is day nine, and we’ve already had over 180 submissions! I love seeing each photograph, and I am happy with every winner. I also enjoy discovering more photographers (professionals or amateurs), and learning new things about nature and different parts of the world. :)

Secondly, a big shout out to the JUDGES who have offered their time and talent in evaluating the entries! They have done a fantastic job, and it is partly thanks to them that I’ve been able to run the daily contest smoothly. The great communication with past and upcoming judges from around the globe is much appreciated!

Thirdly, many thanks to those who have resteemed the contest posts or mentioned them in some form or another. I am truly grateful for your support, and I am excited to see others catch the vision!

RECAP, UPDATES, and CLARIFICATIONS to the Introduction Post

The GOALS of the Nature Photo Contest are:

  1. To showcase nature through great photography.
  2. To promote top-quality photography and reward talented artists.
  3. To be a resource to the steemit community.
  4. To build community among the photographers. (To be added in a future re-introduction. I can already see this happen, and I think this is a worthy goal in and of itself.)

Mountains Monday
Trees Tuesday
Water Wednesday
Time Lapse Thursday
Flora and Fauna Friday
Simple Sunday

Initially I was planning to only have one post each day, including the winners from the previous day, and opening up the submissions for that day’s theme. However, this turned out to be too cluttered, so I've separated them into the submissions post, and the winners announcement post.

Initially, the submission time frame was 12 hours. This has been updated to 24 hours (approx. 9:00 AM EST – 9:00 AM EST the next day) for a few days now.

The rewards in the Nature Photo Contest are: 20% first place, 12% second place, 7% third place, 3% honorable mentions (seven total), 20% judge, 20% hostess (responsible for uploading the submissions post, the announcement post, the daily payments, and ongoing communicating with judges).These come out of the SBD on the WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT POST. The gallery of winning photographs is meant to fulfill goals #2 and #3 by bringing the beauty of nature photography to the larger steemit community, and provide a win-win situation. The more resteems, the greater the exposure, and the bigger the rewards. Many thanks to those who have resteemed these galleries, and thank you to those who will consider this in the future!


Lastly, but most importantly, some questions on which I’d really appreciate your feed-back. Feel free to comment on any of these.. and thank you in advance!

1. Overall Impressions

What do you like about the Nature Photo Contest? What works well? How could we improve it?

2. Submission Options

So far the contest required for the entries to be posted as comments under the daily submissions post. This was intended to (1) make the judge’s work easier, and (2) not force photographers to create new posts daily. I’d like to keep this option, but I wonder if it would be advantageous to add another submission option, where people can enter photos via their individual posts on their own page, tagged with #naturephotocontest and the daily theme (#mountainsmonday, #treestuesday, etc..). Will adding this option make it easier for some to enter photos? Would it attract more engagement and publicity for the contest? Would it make it more difficult for the judges? Can the time frame and therefore eligibility be easily determined in this submissions option? Overall, would you vote yes, or no to adding this second option?

3. Categories/Themes

Any suggestion regarding the categories going forward? There is some overlap between some categories, of course. There was also a little bit of confusion regarding Time Lapse Thursday. I think @derekkind (who judged the first Thursday contest) understood the theme best as he explained it on his page. The theme required photos that "show the movement of time, through long exposure or some other method.” I personally really like these photos, but would be curious if you think this is the best use of Thursday. Another option would be Trails Thursday.. What are your thoughts/suggestions regarding the themes in general?

4. Exposure and Rewards

How can we attract more viewers, including non-photographers? Any suggestions for growing the rewards on the winners posts? I would really like to be able to send the winners more than a few cents. I also would not mind a better reward for my work.. I’ve put in about 20 hours the first week, and I estimate a daily one hour and half of detailed work on my part going forward. I do enjoy it a lot, for sure. :) But mostly I am interested in being able to reward the winners properly for their amazing skills. Thoughts? Suggestions?

5. Plagiarism

How can we make sure that plagiarism is avoided/discovered?

6. Sponsor

I will soon write a post and introduce the contest again specifically in search of some sponsors. Last night I sent the first prizes, and I was so excited to be able to drop a few coins into several accounts! Now, I have bid on that first winners post, just as a gift to the first winners. Unfortunately, I am not in the position to sponsor the contest at this point. I am hopeful that we can find a steemian (or more) who appreciates nature and good photography, and would be willing to sponsor the contest, though! With this in mind, would you like to share a couple sentences (to be included in that upcoming post) on why you think this contest is worth continuing, and why someone would be motivated to sponsor it ?

7. Nature Photography Book/s

Only a couple days into the contest, an idea crossed my mind: What if, say, a year from now, we gather the best photos and publish a book (or six)? There is definitely some amazing photography on here, and I can easily see some in print. It’s so great to connect with photographers around the world via our common love for nature and photography! Most of us will probably never meet in person, but what if we could build something together? As a graduate student, I am somewhat familiar with the publishing process (though not of photography), and I feel comfortable playing a role in this. What do you think? Crazy? Daring? Doable? I wonder how many flags we could pin on the back cover..! :)
*To be clear, participation in this contest does not bind you to this potential book project in any way. Should this become a concrete plan, a different conversation will be had about what publishing a book together entails. For now, just wanted to throw this out there to see what interest there is. No photo will be published without prior and proper agreement from the photographer!

Lastly, (and thank you for reading if you’ve made it so far!) I would just add that sometimes we can achieve more together than individually, and that supporting each other (including financially) may be even more rewarding than looking out for our own benefit primarily, though the latter is certainly understandable and entirely pertinent. :)

Thank you for your patience as I fine-tune this contest to make it a great experience for everyone!

Looking forward to your comments!


I appreciate the current format of submissions and, as @yblith says in his comment, it feels more personal and connected and inclusive ~ I really enjoy seeing everyone else’s entries, thoughts and comments... it feels like a growing community ✨

Thanks for your response, @carrieslens! I do agree with the majority that keeping everything in one place will better help build community. Appreciate your feed-back!

You’re welcome @shadalene ~~ I appreciate your efforts ✨

Shadalene, we should all be very proud of your strength to push things, you have wonderful ideas, what I find the book to be fantastic, who does not want a picture of him to appear in a book, to be the gear that allows many photographers to unite and amateurs is splendid, I also hope you will quickly find a sponsor to help with your project. I personally am participating with a few photos but it seems incredible what you are doing. A hug.

Thanks so much, @jlgc! I enjoy this contest every day - seeing the submissions, announcing the winners, and sending prizes! Hopefully we will find a sponsor to make the contest an even better experience for everyone. :) Your support is appreciated and please keep submitting photos!


I love these type of contests because these contests bring many of talented peoples at one platform where everyone shows their skills there best photography where hard to choose one which is best but on my eye everyone is winner because they do their best to take just a one click.

Hey there @rizz00! Thanks for your feed-back! I am glad you find this contest helpful for finding talented photographers! It is one of my goals with it, and I am sure happy if the goal is being fulfilled. :)

Thanks for running the contest; its a great idea. I think posting below in the comments is good. People can put their own post but they should link it in the comments also. If you just have a hashtag it will get clogged up with spam (just look at all the other comps who try and use hashtags). It also limits your ability to enter a photo you may have recently posted as you don't want to clog up your feed with double posts of the same shot.

Time Lapse Thursday is too confusing, time lapse to most people is a video made from stills.. If you really want to convey a sense of movement in time rather than just regular long exposures, then I would call it 'Motion Thursday' . This could then potentially also include short exposure shots that convey motion (eg taken out of a car window with a streaked background and frozen rider on a bike)

Thanks again. Appreciate how much work this is to organize!

Oh I like motion. Then you can get really creative.

Thanks for the feed-back, @sjarvie5! See my reply to intrepidphotos.

Thanks for all the work you put into this contest!

Really a pleasure! Any of its success is definitely a collective effort!

I think this is a great idea @intrepidphotos Motion Thursday will provide a wide range of options.

Thanks for the feed-back, @trudeehunter! See my reply to intrepidphotos.

I like Motion Thursday too :)

Thanks for the feed-back, @hedac! See my reply to intrepidphotos.

Thanks for the feed-back, @jarvie! See my reply to intrepidphotos.

Thank you for your feed-back and continued participation, @intrepidphotos! You and everyone else who commented on this matter definitely helped me see the value of keeping things personal and preserving the current submissions format. I will follow the collective advice on this. (For clarification, I wasn’t suggesting changing the format, only allowing a second submission option in addition to commenting under the post; either way, sticking with only posting as comments is better, I think).

As far as Time Lapse, clearly there is consensus on dropping it! Alas for not being able to coin new terms or reassigning meaning to concepts in photography as in philosophy! Perhaps all the better though, as I have thought of a theme that I think will work well. On this note, your suggestion is interesting, and I can see why it would be backed by other photographers/participants. While I love the idea, I am afraid I am a stickler to alliterations for this particular contest. :P I’m also seeing a significant degree of overlap between Water Wednesday, Mountains Monday, and Simple Sunday and long exposure, so my guess and hope is that while this will not be a category in itself, we’ll still see these magical shots often.

Thanks again so much for your feed-back and support!

I second the Motion. ;)

RE Item #3: I get your use of "Time Lapse", but it may be better to run with a different term to avoid the confusion. Options would be something like "Long Exposure" or "Slow Shutter".

RE Item #5: I'm sure you're doing this already, but maybe when you come up with your finial selects, you could send those images through a image search tool like Google Images.

RE Item #7: That would be rad! :)

Thanks for putting this thing together. More power to ya!

Thank you so much for your feed-back, @monotharch!

"Slow Shutter" is a great choice of words! It would be perfect for conveying the idea, and would work great on Sunday to preserve the alliteration! I have considered this theme and swapping things around, but since we seem to be getting a good number of long exposure shots in the other themes, I will just drop the category altogether and provide another theme for Thursday.

Thanks for your feed-back on 5 too! The judges are checking the images and hopefully this helps.

I am glad you find the book idea good! We’ll keep this conversation open.

Thanks again for your time.

1.I love everything about the contest. Great way to know a little about different parts of the world. I do like to appreciate the story behind the picture, more than the picture quality itself. Maybe because I'm bad with the camera hahahaha. Eventhough I'm new here, so far it's working great.
2.The idea of having an specific hashtag may be interesting to make the contest popular (maybe?) but it's hard for those who like to produce content and participate. Having an extra post just for the contests makes the creators blog a little messy. I like the way it is.
3.I like the themes, some of them are hard to follow though (for me).
4.As a participant of course a little reward is always nice, but I feel happier for just sharing a great story. I wouldn't worry about that, let the thing grow for itself. People upvoting your work is very important!
5.No idea =s
6.I'd sponsor if I had the money. I'm so broken that even my upvotes don't count sometimes hahahah
7.Fascinating how ambitious you are. I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work! There are some incredible photos and stories.

Yes, I've read everything. I'm not a photographer myself, just an adventurer, but if there's anything I can do to help just let me know.
The content idea not only share culture through photos, but is a great way to meet people and help each other.

Thanks so much for your feed-back, @mrprofessor.

I am glad you like the contest, and that you find value in the stories behind the photos and in connecting with others! I agree with you that part of what makes this contest fun is learning about different parts of the world and seeing how others appreciate nature.

Regarding #2, I wasn’t planning on dropping the current submission option (precisely so that participants wouldn’t be forced to make a new post each day), just to add one option. Given the feed-back received on here though, we’ll continue with the current rule. I am glad your thoughts add to the consensus!

Letting it grow naturally – love that. Will do so while also considering ways of proactively encouraging rewards for the gifted artists. I like to think that the two are not mutually exclusive.

Your upvotes do count, even if they don’t bring financial rewards (yet). It is still a vote of appreciation, and I think affirmation is always rewarding for artists.

Regarding 7, given my background (of which I will share more in the future), all good projects have a book as the end goal haha, so that in itself doesn’t feel very ambitious.. Putting together something by so many contributors is definitely a major task though, with great potential too, I think. We’ll keep this conversation open and see where it takes us.

Thank you again for your feed-back and for offering to help. The best way to do so is by participating and sharing the winning galleries.

Your are welcome @shadalene.
I like how projects like yours keep my mind active, many ideas keep on poping here.
There's one idea that involves a bit of logistic, but here we go:
I see many channels rewarding through a small percentage of steemit money, that's cool on many ways. But what if people could place their own rewards. For example a book that is laying on the shelf or any other item. It could be rewarded for the number one winner by a volunteer participant. Let's say one day @mrprofessor is willing to reward an item to the winner. Imagine receiving a something from another country. I just don't know how to handle postal costs.

Thank you for all of your effort with this contest. My feedback to add Fungi to Friday and make it Flora, Fauna, and Fungi Friday! Also maybe a day that rotates to a new theme every week.

Thanks for your feed-back and continued participation, @fivealive55! I like your suggestion of adding fungi! I wonder if the title might get too long though.. but I'll ponder some more. Meanwhile, some fungi photos might be eligible in Trees Tuesday and Simple Sunday.

I have just discovered this series of wonderful contests @shadalene and as I am a keen lover of nature I am excited about participating on a regular basis. The difficulty for me with living in Australia is fitting an entry into the 24 hour time slot even though you have increased it from 12-24 hours. Would it be less work for you if you left each contest live for a 7 day period? i.e., from the day that the contest begins such as, Wed - Wed, for Water Wednesday. Trees Tuesday from Tuesday to Tuesday etc? You'd get a lot more entries, but it may make voting harder. Just a thought!

Hi @trudeehunter!

So glad to hear of your love for nature and interest in participating regularly!

Thank you for thinking through some of the things I brought up, I really appreciate the engagement. Increasing the submission time frame to a week is an option that would possibly increase the number of entries. I say possibly because it might have also have the opposite effect for two reasons I can think of: (1) it would be more difficult for people to find the post they want to submit a photo under days after it has been uploaded, and (2) it might become difficult to keep track of what they’ve submitted already and what they need to. Posting on the same day gets the task done and is easy to remember. I could be wrong though, maybe it would work better.. It would not make it easier for me though, since I still have to engage withe it daily, but it might be more difficult to keep track of the prizes and payments if more time lapses from the initial post. I do appreciate you thinking of me and my time! :)

I will keep thinking about this and see if I can come up with a compromise. I certainly hope that you can find a little time in the 24 hours window to submit some photos! It would be a different time frame for you, but still roughly 16 hours of daylight (I think..?).

You’re very welcome @shadalene I’m sure I will become more organised with the time differences as I get more involved. I really appreciate having these great categories to enter and the quality of the photography you are receiving in these contests is quite phenomenal. Continue to enjoy your role and I look forward to seeing your contest succeed and grow even more. Have a fabulous weekend. 🌻

Just discovered your contest tonight. I do a weekly Shadow Photo Contest and people can do a post on their own page, but to be entered they either have to post the photo, or the link to their post on the contest page.
Your categories are great.
And I don't think big prizes are that important.
I worry that the time you are spending on this is not sustainable for the long term. Contests are a lot of work!
I'm looking forward to taking part!

Thank you so much for your comment, @melinda010100! Happy to hear of your interest in this contest, and thanks for sharing your experience with maintaining a contest yourself! (I might have to check that as things slow down for me …) I appreciate your feed-back regarding the submissions options, categories, and rewards. I do hope to see the rewards increase though, because I think quality work should be appreciated, and also for the unique nature of this platform. But you offer a good reminder that it is not the most important thing. Thankfully, I think I have found a way to simply the contest a little bit for me, which will cut down on my daily time on it. Yay!

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