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RE: Your FEED-BACK on the NATURE PHOTO CONTEST is requested and would be greatly appreciated!

I have just discovered this series of wonderful contests @shadalene and as I am a keen lover of nature I am excited about participating on a regular basis. The difficulty for me with living in Australia is fitting an entry into the 24 hour time slot even though you have increased it from 12-24 hours. Would it be less work for you if you left each contest live for a 7 day period? i.e., from the day that the contest begins such as, Wed - Wed, for Water Wednesday. Trees Tuesday from Tuesday to Tuesday etc? You'd get a lot more entries, but it may make voting harder. Just a thought!


Hi @trudeehunter!

So glad to hear of your love for nature and interest in participating regularly!

Thank you for thinking through some of the things I brought up, I really appreciate the engagement. Increasing the submission time frame to a week is an option that would possibly increase the number of entries. I say possibly because it might have also have the opposite effect for two reasons I can think of: (1) it would be more difficult for people to find the post they want to submit a photo under days after it has been uploaded, and (2) it might become difficult to keep track of what they’ve submitted already and what they need to. Posting on the same day gets the task done and is easy to remember. I could be wrong though, maybe it would work better.. It would not make it easier for me though, since I still have to engage withe it daily, but it might be more difficult to keep track of the prizes and payments if more time lapses from the initial post. I do appreciate you thinking of me and my time! :)

I will keep thinking about this and see if I can come up with a compromise. I certainly hope that you can find a little time in the 24 hours window to submit some photos! It would be a different time frame for you, but still roughly 16 hours of daylight (I think..?).

You’re very welcome @shadalene I’m sure I will become more organised with the time differences as I get more involved. I really appreciate having these great categories to enter and the quality of the photography you are receiving in these contests is quite phenomenal. Continue to enjoy your role and I look forward to seeing your contest succeed and grow even more. Have a fabulous weekend. 🌻

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