The atmosphere of natural beauty in my village [2]

in #nature7 years ago (edited)


The atmosphere of natural beauty in my village [2]

Nature save millions of beauties, sometimes we are not observant in seeing any natural beauty that is very close to us, If we love this nature, surely we will be able to find every beauty that is owned by this nature, be it the visible or the hidden. Because if we blend with nature then every part of this nature will have its own beauty

As happened in the my village at dusk, the sky and the trees on the edge of the river of my village will look so beautiful, this beauty is created by the glow of sunset, when the sun will disappear from the view eyes, then at that time will created atmosphere of natural beauty in my village.

Photo taken - 18:35

Photo taken - 18:55

This beauty happens only moment, after which all the beauty will fade and disappear, then it will be replaced by a dark night, tomorrow in the same place and the same time will be re-created with different beauty, nothing eternal in this world

Photo taken - 18:37

Photo taken - 18:56

Although only happens only moment, the beauty of the twilight nature, will provide peace for us who love its beauty, every beauty that we find whenever and wherever will create happiness and tranquility for us

Photo taken - 18:35

Photo taken - 18:37

Photo taken - 18:55

Photo taken - 18:56

The light in this place will soon disappear and be replaced by the darkness of night

Photo taken - 19:01


Semoga makin sukses ...

terima kasih banyak teman

nature saves a lot of beauty, one of them at dusk that many save many stories that we can artiksan with beautiful painting, I really really like this picture.

many thanks my friend feel happy that you like my work

very beautiful scenery

many thanks my friend

You are welcome

Bagus sekali..

terimakasih banyak teman, saya senang anda menyukai karya saya

really nice nature of your mighty village

many thanks my friend

Photo Yang bagus dan menarik @riostarr, tetap seperti itu, karena kami menyukainya, betapa indahnya pemandangan2 di aceh, semoga semuanya, kedepan akan lebih baik lagi atau lebih indah lagi, pemandangan Yang ada di aceh,

saya senang anda menyukai karya saya, terimakasih banyak teman

Gambar yang sangat bagus bg @riostarr..
mempunyai bakat seorang fotografi... hehe..
nice picture...👍👍

Cool photography and looking wonderful.....Just imagine

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