To Live Simply & Mindfully Is Our Right If We Choose It. Government Over Reach is Nonsense. The Grid is The Matrix. | Short Form Post. | BushCraft - Homesteading. ~#15

in #nature6 years ago

Being Off Grid as many of us peacefully aspire to be - should be our right if we choose.

The government and the grid need us to support their agendas and paychecks.

The constant government surveillance, over reach and constant policy work so bureaucrats can say they worked an honest week and can justify their salary, is nonsense.

I do not consent.

Part of why I write this series is to remind myself weekly where I am going, and the challenges I am currently in the middle of due in large part to government harassment and interference in my life that my closest friends here on Steemit know all about.

I also know daily new people arrive to Steemit and crypto and it is for them also.

Main Image - As sourced / labelled --- I have no idea who made this but it is a good one!!!
Source Today
Source/Pixabay is great!

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

PixaBay - source of main images -- they have tons of free pictures for us all to use - give them a look if you are new to Steemit/blogging, etc. !!! -That is me beside my hammock in the bush though!!

My Philosophy In Daily Life & Travels:

I have always tried to be kind to people every day, as part of my life Philosophy, since I have always believed we can achieve more TOGETHER.

My path to Crypto and Liberty is with you guys.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today.

Be encouraged.

If you online search my name + PIZZA -- you will see my deep love of the pie as I seek to eat it, wherever I am, or whatever I am doing.

Life Goals:

-- Get Paid to Travel and Blog about Pizza & Those Travels.

-- Buy a Pizza Store.

-- Become Crypto Currency Independent and Love Liberty and Life!

-- Continue to Hold and Sell Real Estate as I have done for clients since 1991.

Don't let anyone tell you twins are a problem ever!!!!!

FUD or no FUD!!!

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Most stock Images / Gif's day to day- usually via , Funny or,, PixaBay unless otherwise noted, with thanks.
Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. Carry On.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0


Barry! my voting power keeps going lower because I always enjoy your posts! LOL

Been working 90% of my time on this paperwork as you know, off to their office soon and this round is done, I think I have about 50 hours into this, this week.

Hardly any time for anything but trying to keep up my posts and my rehab stuff on the side every other day man.

I feel like its more like 95% of your time is working on all this paperwork! I really hope this will all play out in your favor!

I will release documents in due time.

Thanks for understanding man it means a lot to me.

Re-steemed with pride :)
Great post @barrydutton

One day I'll persuade my wife to live on a small plot of land, somewhere in the Cornish countryside hopefully. A couple of chickens and a veggie plot.

Good dreams my friend, good indeed.

I'm dreaming of the same thing. Unfortunately, the current crypto bear has pushed the dream back a bit. ;)

HODL'ing will bear fruit......................... I hope :)

Well,if your hope flags you need faith and a little stoicism: stoical toughness to tough through the bad times.

In the dark days of '15 and '16, what kept me going was the faith that cryptocurrency would be mainstreamed. At the time, when I was still on Bitcointalk, I said as much: the catalyst for the next bull market would be cryptocurrency hitting the mainstream.

As of now, it has; even if penetration is slight, it's hit that critical mass.

Marc Andreesen was right: Bitcoin in '16 was like "Internet" in 1994. There's a long way to go.

I follow Bix Weir and his discussions with Clif High. I concur, everything seems to be in play now.
It should be a fantastic ride :)

One practical thing you discover about overreaching government is that it also depends upon enforcement. Government is a hierarchical beast, and the rulers do pick their spots. Right now, because of the high rates of urbnaization and the troubles in cities, the enforcement is concentrated in the cities.

Bottom line: you can have a lot of de facto freedom living in the backwoods, provided that you square off with the local norms and customs.

There is a lot of truth to that, you have said it very succinctly here today, esp. the last part.

Ironically I just was looking at a sweet trailer in a FB group 3 mins ago before I came here LOL.

50 hours this week of stressful paperwork for me as you know, off to the lawyer's in a few mins and I think you would be proud of my stance and links to truth and liberty in this latest document.

And that is how I signed off on the last line at the bottom of it too.

Steemit Needs series going up now.

Oh man the luxury trailers today......... +1

Just promoting my post via your blog. Thanks

Why are you spamming my blog ??

Stop it.

You will be flagged for this stuff by the community.

Make decent comments on posts!!!

where do you live now dear and what are the government steps?

Wow now I see why you have the people tuning in. Great spread blessings to you and yours. I agree wholly, the power grid is unfortunately thought of out of context. We give our power to the system and it gets its juice out of us. Our natural grid is where WE recharge!

I just saw your reply now, sorry for that!

I revised the series, completely today with additions. I will keep posting it.

Thanks you Jaime.
......great reply.

I cannot UV this comment to pay you, it has already just paid out LOL, sorry!

HEYBarry ... oh no prob and thanks again for the great content

Everyone should relearn how to survive off the grid our civilization could be taken out by a number of events and without juice most die in a short time.

So it should be mandatory training how to survive if a flare fries the grid, or if a rock hits or if nuts start lobbing nukes.

If you don't know how to survive without juice and an event hits, well you better learn real fast.

Only bad thing about no juice no net no steem.

Keep living off the juice.

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