NaNoWriMo 15 - Update

in #nanowrimo5 years ago (edited)

Sunday - Nov. 17, 2019

@olivia08/this photo is for you. Some sea, some ships but no beach (sand) just rocks. Good luck with hosting your contest TAKE a PIC and comment. We are on Malta.

00:30 am
Posted Shit therapy a shrink story from the 6th floor and my entry for the #weekendfreewrite

... And actually this is all I did.
I went to bed and slept. I was happy I worked longer to catch up on Steem and other things I had to do. I finally bought a present for the youngest. It is hard to chose something you don't use yourself.

I worked on my NaNoWriMo story and decided to do it easy. One word after another, no need to rush it is Sunday plus I am still sick. In between I spoke to my daughter who, just like me, tries to figure out why I am always ill (more sick) in the weekend. I think the answer is easy, in the weekend I get more rest, am not forced to get out at 4 am, no trip to a school planned. I am tired, deadly tired but there are other reasons too. I wish I just made it up. At a certain point I felt so tired I could no longer stay awake. I laid down and... could not sleep. It was about 3 am and I stayed where I was. We did not watch St. Nicolas. I ended up unconcious and woke up at 11:30 pm or perhaps later. The children took care of themselves and the laundry.
Midnight... I drink a bit, write a freewrite and post my NaNoWriMo after that my busy mind keeps me awake. It is Monday.

No I don't hate Mondays but it will be a busy day. Pucking up children, visiting schools, less time to...To do what? The washing machine ran twice. I had to do the smelly sheepshit laundry allover again next I hung it inside. I still smell it and it gives me a headache and so it does with the bus-kid.

Black tea. Finally a prompt I can write about. The only black tea I drink is Earl grey and only from a certain shop.
More teas carry the name but that doesn't mean the tea tastes the same. I never buy Pickwick tea. I have strong doubts about all the flavors and they are chemicals. It smells more as it tastes.
For a few days, I drink boiled water. I can no longer drink cold water it hurts my stomach. I don't know if the effect is the same. Tea makes thirsty and somehow the warm water does too. I find it hard to drink a lot. In my case, it is over 4 liter a day. To be honest I doubt it helps against my dehydration.
This brings me back to the hospital. I still need to make an appointment with the doctor and the tea there is terrible. That tea is no tea but made out of some kind of freeze-dried crackles. I doubt it is tea but they call it tea and in most cases, it is served cold. It seems to be normal to serve cold food and drinks. Perhaps they are afraid we will burn ourselves?
The only tea I made years ago out of freeze-dried crackles was a kind of (Swiss) herb tea. Not tea really more like candies. I believe they had candies too (with herbs) and the name was Ricola 🤔 or perhaps it was not and it only exists in my mind.
I once had a black tea which was real tea. Not those little pieces, the garbage, they make teabags out of. It was named Nan Yu and good to lose weight (they said). The tea looked black but if you poured water on it it had a deep red colour (that is not strange since black contains red).
At that time I lost weight but I doubt it was thanks to the tea. There was a list with rules to follow and without the tea you would have lost weight too.

So far my Diary Day for Sunday, November 17, 2019 and my freewrite with today's prompt black tea
I intended to write more but did not come to it. Same with writing my pen pal. My connection is too slow. I wrote a letter which I cannot send.

If you like to give free writing a try you can visit @mariannewest for the daily prompt.

Is there no NaNoWriMo today? There should be but I need some time to think. I am dizzy again and that doesn't feel good and makes it hard to write.

The story so far:

  • Main character - no name - adult - inventor - created new life - last man on earth. He created, did it all, to jelp the first living on earth.
  • There is a voice - wise advice or annoying? It only shows up in times of 🤔
  • Giants - alias monsters, creations, sons if the father - children. All good boys. The firstborns just discovered the world and the newborns are not born yet.
  • Ghost - he started as a friendly, talkative stone and ended as a white layer in a jar in a crack in the wall.
  • The first living - they are everywhere, collect and dave all wisdom in the world and are... Stones.
  • Alain - a boy out of space, lives in a different world - shows up in the inventor's dream... if you read #MarchMadness you know who he is (if you don't have it at hand: he became the main character in my first tale).

What more?
Not much. The inventor is paced his stuff. All those things in his lab he no longer needs. He decided the newborns are his last creations. He intends to leave. Search for the truth. Is he the last man on earth or did someone make him believe this?
The stone, once possessed by the ghost seems to have a spirit. It is not dead at all. The first living exists it just needs to be defrosted. It is luck the father of the giants has healing hands. There is no more I can tell you now.
The inventor hugs a stone, the giants sleep and really need their test and the ghost? It changed a bit and finally kept silent. The wall he is stuck in will be happy with that.

Alain is on his way. Just like the invention once did he left home. The little girl that showed up in someone else's dream needs her rest too. She fell asleep on a giant's hand and... gives him one of her dreams.

Goodnight to all of you. No 50k yet, but I write daily and now it is time to go to bed.

1143 words

I wrote more, much more...

NaNoWriMo - 15 - Update - only 346 words will be used for the story

NaNoWriMo 14 - Dreaming about - 2876 words

NaNoWriMo 13 - Alain - 3005 words

NaNoWriMo 12 - Testing - 2855 words

NaNoWriMo 11 - Daddy's favorite. - 2443 words

NaNoWriMo 10 - Great catch - 2355 words

NaNoWriMo 9 - True or not? - 2455 words

NaNoWriMo 8 - The voice is back - 2046 words

NaNOWriMo 7 - Sons of the father - 2590 words

NaNoWriMo 6 - King John - 1523 words

NaNoWriMo 5 - All Dutch (history) - 2318 words

NaNoWriMo 4 - the Eldest - 2023 words

NaNoWriMo 3 - Saints - 2232 words

NaNoWriMo 2 - The Giant - 2026 words)

NaNoWriMo starts - 2738 words

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Each day I write a diary #forthechildren.

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My Diary Days

Diary Day #1 - Sept. 13, 2019
A day full of surprises

Diary Day #8 - Sept. 20, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #15 - Sept. 27, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #22 - October 4, 2019
Gaining weight Day

Diary Day #29 - October 11, 2019
A bright Friday

Diary Day #36 - October 18, 2019
How to hang in.

Diary Day #43 - October 24, 2019
Editing on

Diary Day #50 - November 1, 2019
All Saints Day

Diary Day #57 - November 8, 2019
NaNoWriMo goes on.

Diary Day #64 - November 15, 2019
Lack of writing = writer's dip

Diary Day #65 - November 16, 2019
A day filled with Steem.

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@wakeupkitty I can fish all day and work my tail off, but when it comes to getting a day off I do not want to do anything. I have even been taking naps. I am not sick and I do not get headaches as you get but I am so tired. I never use to be like this, with me I wonder if it is aging causing me to nap.

@myjob Perhaps it is aging or you have a lack or Sjögren Syndrome. If I am busy I go on and on and on but as soon as I can sit or have a day off I collaps.

@wakeupkitty that sounds just like me. I can work work work but when I stop working it is like I just crash.

@myjob Exactly that is it. As long as I go on it's no problem but if I sit down even in the car I crash and fall asleep. 😖

I like Earl Grey tea. I hope you feel better soon. The photo is lovely and I hope you don't dehydrate. Take care.

@wandrnrose7 Thank you for your kind words. I easily hydrate these days,my organs give up on me although I think at times I am doing better. Happy day. ❤️

Get well soon my dear friend.
Thank you for your entry.

@olivia08 Thank you my friend. Each week I get a bit well enough to catch up and go on till the next attack. Happy day. 😘💕

Take care my dear

Oh! Alain is from march madness! I DO remember him!
It's a good idea to give these updates, thanks.

I'm here to deliver the Tuesday prompt so please write us another!

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

Click the graphic to join in the fun!

@owasco You remember Alain? Wow, surprised. I not figured out yet how to fit him in or if they will meet. I guess my story goes on after November. I keep it in mind (the updates). Thank you for the delivery of the prompt..❤️

Saludos. No puedo leer la publicación. Todo el día el traductor no esta constante, va y viene.

@gertu No te preocupes. Yo también tengo problemas. Solo comenta y gana. Disfruta tu día. Abrazos

Saludos amiga. Hoy si leo tu publicación. Internet después de un breve lapso sin conección regresó con su traductor disponible.
Mucho que leer de tus cuentos. Son tantas líneas y yo me pierdo en ellas. No me canso de admirar tu capacidad para escribir tanto y, mantener continuidad con una y otra cosa.
Un abrazo.

@gertu Es fácil perderse. Encima de la foto se encuentra una conversación general y una escritura libre. Debajo de la foto puedes leer una parte de la historia que escribo. Ya no publico todo. Creo que es mejor no. Quién sabe algún día será publicado. Escribo en mis notas primero. Luego lo copio y lo pego en internet.

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