Flooding and Mist- MyPictureDay Submission

in #mypictureday6 years ago

Every so often the power of nature reminds us mere mortals that we are just here borrowing a little space on this amazing planet. After having 9 straight days of "measurable snow" that left us with about 18"-24" on the ground, and a sore back from all the shoveling. A couple days later things started to warm up enough to start to melt the snow and on came the rains. 2 days of rain with about 5" of rain on top of the snow melt have left us flooded all over and the warm air against the snow creates the mist which made the walk a little more interesting.

Below are a few photos from my morning walk. Took about a 40 minute walk killing some time around a golf course.

After my walk I had a meeting that was supposed to be all day, but was interrupted by a call from my Wife. The rains had picked back up and all of a sudden our floor drain stopped draining and in a matter of an hour or so we had 2 inches of water in our basement. She had no idea what to do, but after a few instructions she was able to get a pump running and the water was flowing out of the basement.

A couple hours later the pump burned out and she was done with the whole thing. Had to hop in the car and drive 50 minutes home to take care of the mess.

Mother Nature decided my day for me, first shared it's beauty with me on my walk and then turned around and gave me a serious kick in the balls. Think Mother Nature sometimes take tips from Karma...lol.






Luckily we didn't loose to much and will just sell a couple things that had been sitting in boxes in the basement to cover the losses of what actually mattered. Below is photo of the mint Super NES Donkey Kong system that was sitting in a box and quickly sold to raise a couple hundred dollars.


This is my entry for the #mypictureday contest run by @timsaid. Current weeks post is here which includes some great photos from last weeks winners.

Photos are all taken with my Samsung S8+

All Photos are taken by thedarkhorse and all rights are reserved. Photos are taken with a Samsung S8+

Thank you for your support. All quality same day comments will be upvoted. Enjoy hearing feedback about my posts, writing style, and photos.


Mother nature can be very temperamental at times can't she @thedarkhorse ? I have to say she was tremendously kind to you during your morning walk. Those images are extraordinarily beautiful and I am taking them with me to cool me down as our day is heading towards uncomfortable heat and humidity and its 8.30 in the morning. I hope you don't have any more dramas with flooding.

Yes she really be a witch with a capital B sometimes...but most of the time she provides us a lot of beauty. Heck even storms have their own beauty to them, just as long as they aren't causing damage to your house...lol.

Think right about now I'd take a hot day. Tomorrow we are going to get more snow. Honestly thought we might be done with it when we warmed up and got all that rain.

I’d really love to trade you one of our hot, humid days for one of your snowy, cold days. In fact, I’d love a week of cold days. It was the first day of autumn here but you wouldn’t know it unless you we’re told. It seemed like a normal, summers day here. I’m not really complaining. It’s just that I don’t have a lot tolerance for the heat. I actually look forward to rainy days and staying indoors cooking and baking. Strange, I know, but I was bought up in N.Z. where the rain ☔️ was relentless at times. Where everything felt damp for ages during the winter. Everything balances out and every season has its positives. 😊

We are just moving into Spring and I am looking forward to the end of Winter. We get sub zero temps (F, not C) and those just aren't any fun.

Did get lucky today, the snow didn't hit. Just got more rain and it stayed a little warmer then they predicted.

Wow......that’s cold. I’m very pleased to hear you didn’t get bombarded with more snow and that even though it rained, it was a little warmer for you. I can certainly understand why Spring is so keenly anticipated and appreciated for people like yourselves having to endure such long, cold winters. 😊

Great photos...too bad about the results in your basement and you and your wife's stressful day though. I read thru the comments; this is in the suburbs of Chicago?? That's crazy. My folks are in Southern Ontario right near the Windsor/ Detroit border, and they said the weather has been so erratic this winter.

...and I would say that the great tragedy here is that you sold your Super Nintendo :)

Yes it's the suburbs of Chicago. The photos were from pretty far out as it's 45 minutes from my home and that is almost all highway driving.

Your parents have probably felt a lot of the same oddness we did. It was warm and really dry for the most part, then we just got crushed the last month of winter. Personally I'd rather a normal spread out amount of winter...the cold and snow coming over a period of a couple months vs extreme weather over a short time.

Honestly I had been debating selling it for a while, but wasn't sure exactly where it was. A giveaway from @o07 made me think about it. So it worked out perfect as it paid for the new pump and will replace a few small items that were on the floor. Seriously it was like leaving $250 sitting in a box and never using it.

@lynncoyle1 BTW, for the curate league you might want to consider setting my posts to an autovote with steemdunk (or other service). Tend to pay to upvote them to add exposure as I'm trying to gain followers so as long as you are in front of them you should get some good curation rewards ;) . So far each post I've done this with I've about broke even I think...but have gained some multiple followers and upvotes from hitting the hot page. Don't have the funds to reach trending...lol. Not 100% sure if the ROI is really worth it, but plan to continue for at least the next month.

Thank you so much for the suggestion; my internet is down and I'm trying to do this on my phone, and it is an unbelievable pain in the you know what:) I'm heading to the beach (sorry to say that after seeing your last post!), before I throw this across the room haha

I'll check it out for sure though later!

Hope you enjoyed the beach!

I only use Steemit on my computer...heck it's temperamental enough on a great internet connection and high end laptop. Can't imagine trying on my phone. Best of luck with your internet...hope you are back up and running soon.

ok I'm back up and running! Yes, I used my phone to respond to you then wondered why I was even attempting it. The beach was beautiful today; I actually took some photos of a really cool street art/mural and posted about it, but went philosophical with it. I would love to hear your honest opinion about it.

If you got $250 for the Nintendo, good on ya! You're right, why leave it sitting in a box?

Is SteemAuto the same? I've joined two curation trails there and they have a 'fan' following area I think I can use to autovote you. You might be interested in one of the curation trails. @davemccoy set it up, called @friendsofgondor to help the "healing" during @fulltimegeek's 'battle' here. I set mine for 3% which then leaves 97% for me to still use.

I'm going to sort out your autovote tonight though; I always like your posts and honestly, you are very generous with legit comments and I appreciate that. I can be your guinea pig with this one and we can later analyze it to see how mutually beneficial it all is :)

Oh guess what? It's night time here and I just got back from a walk and wandered by that "poison above the door" photo that you suggested to take a pic at night...Done! I'll post that one later too.

Wow I just re-read this and sound like a crazy-excited kid running in circles hahaha Talk soon :)

I don't know SteemAuto, been using SteemDunk. You can set the time of the vote (number of minutes after posting), how many posts per day to vote on for the author, and what percentage to vote (even if you don't have the slider bar).

Will have to look at the curation trail for the battle. Been giving some votes here and there to help out.

Oh and love your new post! and can't wait to see the night photo. Glad you remembered.

I just set it up on SteemAuto. It defaults to vote at 0 minutes; what do you think I should set that at? I can also change the percentage, but because it's you, left it at 100 :) And it's set to upvote all of your posts. I guess I'll just have to watch for notifications then of the automatic vote so I can comment, because that is what I like to do.

Don't do 0 minutes, that would give 100% of the curation reward back to me (the author). At 30 minutes you keep 100% of the curation rewards earned. This is the whole thing of wanting to be early, but not to early.

Now most people that have me set up tend to upvote before 30 minutes, so maybe around 22 minutes would get you in before the other ones. Think most of my autovotes are set for 22-24 minutes.

I try to make the paid upvotes happen after 30 minutes, but sometimes I do it with a few minutes before just because it happens to be when a bot I like is available.

No matter what I think you will come out ahead if you are commenting on my posts as my upvotes of comments tend to be pretty good to keep rewarding my followers. Looking at leasing even more SP in a couple weeks once my schedule calms down and I can put it to better use. Thinking of leasing myself up to 2000 total SP to jump start my account. Will be able to hand out some nice upvotes at that point.

a hint of nature that is full of lessons, when we are preoccupied with time, sometimes god tells us pause though for a moment, but we are often lulled and unable to take the meaning of a guidance of nature, not infrequently there are people who do not want to know the directions of nature. a beautiful photo and built-in photo description, spawned deep reflection, thanks @thedarkhorse

No question sometimes we really need to step back and take a moment. Next moment I take hopefully won't be ankle deep in water...lol

...I love the 'southern comfort' style photo's !

The US, I presume?

Thanks. Yes the US, I'm in the suburbs of Chicago.

Good read and nice photos. Not much rain here in San Diego, dealing with weather of any kind almost never crosses my mind, awesome to see others world view on steemit, thank you!

Love San Diego. The weather always seems to be great when we go. Need to get back there and bring the kids. Last time they were there it they were to little to really remember it.

Well it is a prime spot for vacation, but probably expensive. Living here can be somewhat draining at times I feel.

Yeah the housing costs and state income taxes will make sure I never move there. CA as a whole is not an option for me as I can't stand the take from the working man to give to the lazy man mentality the state government has. It's a great way to stay in power for the politicians, but really isn't a stable long term platform for running a government.

It is a fun place to vacation as long as you arrive knowing that it's not going to be cheap. First time we were broke pretty fast. But after that we budget properly and it's a great time.

Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale & @ipromote team and mentioned here:


Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

Very cool! Thank you for the link to that. Nice seeing my work appreciated.

It must be rather tough during this period. The effort to clear the snow and many other tasks to complete. Despite all these, you are still posting very nice photographs.

the mist looks absolutely amazing

Thanks. Stopped by your blog and upvoted your last 2 posts for you instead of this comment.

Thanks for stopping by.

You just rose by 2.7342% upvote from @therising courtesy of @thedarkhorse. Earn 43.8% APR by delegating SP to therising. For more details visit: https://steemit.com/budget/@therising/auto-daily-payout-of-43-8-apr-for-steem-power-delegations-starting-from-500-sp-only-limited-period-offer.

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