Sepia Saturday: An Update On My Apple ~ A Day In The Exciting Life Of D.D.Schteinn ~ Original Photography and Original Discussion About A Large Snow-On-Snow Event ~

in #myapplesarefine-thankyou6 years ago (edited)

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A Fruit From A Week Or So Ago

In my last Sepia Saturday post, this little Golden Delicious apple was hanging on to it's last hopes, out on the small tree in the front yard. No doubt pondering how hard life can be during the winter months in the Northwest. Little did she know at that moment of time, what was lurking around the corner, blowing in at 40 mph from the Arctic north. Ah, more joy for a small apple in the waning moments of it's fruity, long-lived existence. [Cue Dour Music Here]

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"I Didn't Sign Up For THIS Business! "

The chill winds of winter decided to make life even harder. And added a foot or more of snow to the mix this past week, just for good measure. Surely, our little fruit was finally done-for. Who or what could stand up to this massive onslaught of wintry mix, biting cold, and dead-weight nastiness from the clouds above?

This snowstorm took down wooden buildings and trailer-park porches like they were made of punny straw. How could our little fruit stand up to this battering for days on end? What WOULD become of her? Read on...

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One Sturdy Little Fruit

Our little Golden Delicious, a few days later. Actually, she looks none the worse for wear, as aging apple-fruits go. Still hanging on, laughing at the snow, as it begins to melt away once again into the never-ending water cycle. If I scrunch down my little audiofactor's a bit, I can just hear our apple: "Hey snow, go bug some OTHER low-hanging fruit. In say, Minneapolis. Or Minnetonka. Manitouk, even. I'll still be HERE, hanging out, imitating a lumpy little desiccated form of my previous, glorious self. But at least I'm still hanging ON! "

The drifted, winter snows just whimpered sadly, up toward our little fruit, still attached to the tree. And soon began sloughing away, evaporating into the breezes and heading on their way to the east. To bother OTHER fleshy fruits, still hanging on and down in other parts, unknown. Good luck, other fruits. 'Hang' in there, spring HAS to be around the corner soon. Doesn't it?

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What About The Other Fruits On This Tree?

One Branch Down, And 3° To The Right

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Dag Gum Snow!

Apple number two was having a much more difficult time of it during the storm. She looked a bit bedraggled, swinging about during the brunt of the activity. ( I was WAY too busy chasing the snow off my rooftops, to photograph such things in the howling teeth of the storm.) But the larger question remained: would all this snow knock HER from her tree-branch perch? A huge load was dumped in 24 hours. Let's take a look, three days later...

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"Much Later..."

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One Tough Little Fruit

This one looks a bit 'baggy in the shorts', but is still hanging on, days and days later. I'm sure a handmade poster for the office about PERSEVERANCE could be in order here, if I knew how to make one. But I'll just stick to a full-on appreciation for the toughness of a way-out-of-date apple-fruit, after all SORTS of inclemencies were tossed at her. If only I could be so tough.

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I'm Sure It's On EVERYONE'S Mind...

But What About Cousin What'sIt ?

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'Cuz'-- Fully Frosted Over In Snow-White Joy

Distant relative to Cousin It, of long-ago TV fare, sitting around the yard, just being a Weeping Pussy willow. As only an odd, squat little tree is capable. The area below this tree is a favorite haunt of the cats. Pretty sure if they could talk, or at least say more than "is it dinner time yet?"...they'd describe this bush-shaped tree as their very own, personalized, organic barn. Many of the four-legger's hang out below the weeping branches during all sorts of weather. Hot sun, blowing wind, rain, sleet, the dark of night.

But I did not see ANY of them hunkering down below Cousin What'sIt during this storm. Maybe that's because most were smart enough to come inside to stay warm. And in a couple of cat-cases, probably LESS than smart enough to take advantage.

Though in human hindsight, there ARE no leaves on this funky little tree, during this time of year. So who might we call the dummy now? These types of shelter things DO work best when all the vegetation is intact. I suppose an apology to the less-than-brilliant cats is in order. And a large "Nevermind " as well.

ANYWAY....Cousin What'sIt weathered the storm quite well, and will no doubt be great shade for the cats once again, once the summer heat kicks in. Summer IS coming back, one of these days, isn't it?

Well, that's all I have to say about my apples. But I promise to keep a keen eye on them. I hope everyone had a nice Sepia Saturday today. Stay all warm, supple and willowy, if you are able.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing my Sepia Saturday about a snow storm. And an update on my apples. If you have any thoughts about winter storms, dried up fruits of winter still hanging on the tree, Sepia photography, major seasonal desiccation in the apple-fruits, anthropomorphic plant species, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 03/02/2019 @ 21:30

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 124

Second Use-28 minute freewrite Blood red wine leeches -Domestic Cats - Copy SEPIA SATURDAY My Apple Trees.PNG


Hahaha, these apples are gonna hang there for long my friend :) My uncle has a huge garden with many trees and these fruits can survive anything. I don't know how they do it but they hang in there all winter. Your apples looks strong too! Nothing can beat them, definitely not a little bit of snow :) The second one is giving up but well, that's life. There will come a moment that it will have to give up anyway :)

I see that all your garden is surviving very well. Do you still have so much snow?

Have a lovely Sunday!

They are tough little fruits, aren't they? Nice your Uncle has a big garden. A nice place to hang out, I'm sure. As for our snow, it is melting fast. We usually don't have real cold weather here, maybe 20's (F) at night. But daytime into the 40's in winter. So it melts away quickly. But this was a doozy of a storm for here. And NO ONE knows how to drive in it. Take your life in your hands. I drive around between midnight and 5 am whenever it does this. I'm soon putting out a post of what I saw, driving around all night long. What FUN it was. Cheers, and have a nice Monday.

They are indeed tough! :)

Oh, that is the worst case scenario - when it snows somewhere where people are not used to it and don't know how to drive. It becomes very dangerous. I drove in snow many times and I hate it. It takes you from one side to another and it's too stressful for me so I only do it when I have to.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of FUN you want to show us :)

Yes I think the message to take from the little apple is the importance of just hanging on! Some days it is easier than others, but in the immortal words of Jessi Colter and Waylon Jennings, "Storms Never Last". So, my friend, lets keep on keeping on, Spring must be right around the bend.

It MUST be around the corner soon. Though we've not had half the weather you have. So I cannot complain. Never does much good anyway. But I exhausted myself moving the stuff, which means thinking positive...I got a lot of GREAT exercise. As for Jessi and Waylon, they know what they're on about, that's for sure. Sooner or later, the sun comes up. And soon, we'll be in the swelter, saying, "where's all that cooling snow." The grass is always greener, I'm afraid. Keep on keepin on to you, and cheers to a nice Monday.

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Thanks so much for stopping in and the nice vote and passing on my post to the CCDC. I really appreciate it, and the curation works you do on Steemit. Have a nice day, and keep up the great things you do. Cheers.

Those are some tough little apples! They hung on when trailer park porches were blowing down! That is some incredible fortitude. Wonderful photos!

If only we could all be as tough as the little apple ( : Thanks for stopping in and the nice thought on the photos. They are fun to take, even in the inclement weathers. Well, stay warm and dry, the sun is up there SOMEWHERE. I think. Have a nice Friday (I'm a bit behind on here, but then THAT'S not new news...) Cheers

Ha! We all wish we could figure out a way to invent more time, don't we!? ⌚

You ever figure THAT one out, and we'll probably not see you on Steemit for long...except maybe posting on your phone, sitting on a beach in the tropics somewhere, on your piles of money, sipping endless Daiquiri's and smiling large and long. We can dream, can't we?

Cousin What'sIt looks good with his new hairstyle!

He just came back from the stylist, was very proud of the new 'do', but the evening's date was canceled due to snow. Which is ironic, as that WAS his new style.

Amazing apples in your garden! It's incredible that they are still alive after the snow storm..... I especially like the one that is covering with snow! Very beautiful.

The tree, Cousin What'sIt, that is fully frosted over in snow-white is even more wonderful! LOVE LOVE!

Please stay warm until SUMMER which is coming back to you very soon.... ;)

It is amazing they are still 'going', though I don't think I will eat them. Might be a bit on the funky side. They make good photo fodder though. I will pass on to Cousin What'sIt your nice thoughts. He shall appreciate it. I will stay warm, it is all melting fast, and I can ride my bike now. Which makes me happy. Have a nice night.

Oh! I’m very glad to hear that it’s all melting and you can ride your bike now! So, we can expect new stories of shoes finding soon, right?

Have a wonderful night, GFF! ;)

I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for errant shoes. I have many to do too. Get on with it, DD, get on with it. Have a nice day today, cheerio(s)

Ha ha! You are a very busy guy...... ;D

Have a beautiful day, GFF! ;))

Being the fair-weather commenter I have been to you @ddschteinn, I've only just now seen the cute pig story which @winstonalden just mentioned to me today (he being back at Toad Hall). At least I remembered to vote it up back when I had the chance, but I had to confess I hadn't time to read it.

I loved it and petite fours always makes me think of my dear long gone mother. She always had bridge clubs or little 'club meetings' at our house and I got to be the 'helper' and these (though not in pig form) were often part of it. I remember watching the beautiful cool pastel colours drip over the layers of sponge cake and the little frosting flourish she would put on each. Much of my love of design and art probably comes from her entertaining skills and my awe of them.

The Gold Brick butter fence...genius.

Now, none of this has a thing to do with apples and today's post...I'm an odd sort of commentor, eh?

Mostly, it's me trying to ignore that snow exists right now...what's snow? :/

Howdy doo, how are you? And as for being a fair weather commenter , (I'm finding it hard to believe that is not actually a word...), you'll have to get in line. I've not been too great at it myself. Things get busy, and then before you know it, BLAMMO, a week has gone by. But we do what we can do to do what we can do.
I love that Petit fours is such a large part of you DDA history. Though your drawings, in color palette particularly, and in view as well at times, DO remind me of these things, when I see them. So this makes sense. Did you eat Mint Malibut when you were busy in helping 'club meetings' and such? It was one of my Grandmother's specialties. That's so classic, my Mom had bridge club in our living room too...a bunch of ladies sitting around at little card tables, playing bridge. We didn't know what bridge WAS, but were banished to the back yard and beyond anyway. But we always managed to sneak back in now and then, just to 'see what what going on'. "Back outside", was what we usually got. Ah, the fond memories of youth. Mom did serve some snacks for these events, but no petit fours. Maybe Midwesterner's were a bit more simple than the outer coasts. Seems it was tuna aspic, jello molded fruits, or cookies. But we ate it all anyway. Little beggars can't be chooser's. Thanks for stopping in, it's always nice to hear from you. And hope you have a nice day. Cheer(io)s.

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