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RE: Sepia Saturday: An Update On My Apple ~ A Day In The Exciting Life Of D.D.Schteinn ~ Original Photography and Original Discussion About A Large Snow-On-Snow Event ~

Amazing apples in your garden! It's incredible that they are still alive after the snow storm..... I especially like the one that is covering with snow! Very beautiful.

The tree, Cousin What'sIt, that is fully frosted over in snow-white is even more wonderful! LOVE LOVE!

Please stay warm until SUMMER which is coming back to you very soon.... ;)


It is amazing they are still 'going', though I don't think I will eat them. Might be a bit on the funky side. They make good photo fodder though. I will pass on to Cousin What'sIt your nice thoughts. He shall appreciate it. I will stay warm, it is all melting fast, and I can ride my bike now. Which makes me happy. Have a nice night.

Oh! I’m very glad to hear that it’s all melting and you can ride your bike now! So, we can expect new stories of shoes finding soon, right?

Have a wonderful night, GFF! ;)

I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for errant shoes. I have many to do too. Get on with it, DD, get on with it. Have a nice day today, cheerio(s)

Ha ha! You are a very busy guy...... ;D

Have a beautiful day, GFF! ;))

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