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RE: Sepia Saturday: An Update On My Apple ~ A Day In The Exciting Life Of D.D.Schteinn ~ Original Photography and Original Discussion About A Large Snow-On-Snow Event ~

Being the fair-weather commenter I have been to you @ddschteinn, I've only just now seen the cute pig story which @winstonalden just mentioned to me today (he being back at Toad Hall). At least I remembered to vote it up back when I had the chance, but I had to confess I hadn't time to read it.

I loved it and petite fours always makes me think of my dear long gone mother. She always had bridge clubs or little 'club meetings' at our house and I got to be the 'helper' and these (though not in pig form) were often part of it. I remember watching the beautiful cool pastel colours drip over the layers of sponge cake and the little frosting flourish she would put on each. Much of my love of design and art probably comes from her entertaining skills and my awe of them.

The Gold Brick butter fence...genius.

Now, none of this has a thing to do with apples and today's post...I'm an odd sort of commentor, eh?

Mostly, it's me trying to ignore that snow exists right now...what's snow? :/


Howdy doo, how are you? And as for being a fair weather commenter , (I'm finding it hard to believe that is not actually a word...), you'll have to get in line. I've not been too great at it myself. Things get busy, and then before you know it, BLAMMO, a week has gone by. But we do what we can do to do what we can do.
I love that Petit fours is such a large part of you DDA history. Though your drawings, in color palette particularly, and in view as well at times, DO remind me of these things, when I see them. So this makes sense. Did you eat Mint Malibut when you were busy in helping 'club meetings' and such? It was one of my Grandmother's specialties. That's so classic, my Mom had bridge club in our living room too...a bunch of ladies sitting around at little card tables, playing bridge. We didn't know what bridge WAS, but were banished to the back yard and beyond anyway. But we always managed to sneak back in now and then, just to 'see what what going on'. "Back outside", was what we usually got. Ah, the fond memories of youth. Mom did serve some snacks for these events, but no petit fours. Maybe Midwesterner's were a bit more simple than the outer coasts. Seems it was tuna aspic, jello molded fruits, or cookies. But we ate it all anyway. Little beggars can't be chooser's. Thanks for stopping in, it's always nice to hear from you. And hope you have a nice day. Cheer(io)s.

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