My 2018 - This is my Hobby: Making Ready-to-Wear Dresses for Women and Children

in #my20186 years ago (edited)


I saw this contest here and I fell in love with the concept. So here is my entry for the contest.

My hobby is making dresses for women and children. I have absolutely mad passion for dress making and do it with so much joy. I got to know about this passion as early as my pre-teen and thank God for that. Actually, my dad was the one who noticed it in me and encouraged it. He would come to my room to give me frequent pep talks. He also praised every little fashion item I did then, even if they looked kind of flawed at the beginning.


Growing up, we weren't so financially buoyant and had do make do without a few luxury toys, one of which was baby dolls. But since I loved these dolls so much I took to making mine. I would get my mom's old outs and cut out a doll shape from it. The rest clothing would be cut in tiny pieces to use as filling for my doll.

Back then, I didn't know how to use a sewing machine, didn't even know one existed, so I would make my dolls using needle and thread. It took me one or two days to make one, but I always completed them and they came out beautiful.

Here began my sourjorn into the world of sewing and designing. Fast word to a few years later and I got professionally trained to design and make clothes and my course was paid for by my father.

Why I Have So Much Passion for Fashion


You've just got to love fashion. Fashion is about bringing an idea to life from your head. I think up a design for a dress, pillow, dolls, or beddings and bring this to reality using a simple machine, some fabrics, and a few sewing accessories.

How Long I Have Been Making Dresses for


This year 2018 makes it the twelfth year I have been making dresses and other fashion items and I have loved every minute of it.

It hasn't always been this easy or fun. Actually, the beginning was quite tough as I would make so many mistakes, ruin a lot of good fabrics and cry.

I also had a few customers whose dresses I ruined and they didn't find it funny. A few came over to my house to rain insults on me. I felt humiliated beyond words. Worse, I also had to replace some of the spooky clothing before the customers were pacified.


In the end, I chalked it all down to experience and pushed on.

Sewing is about learning everyday. The fashion market is vast and dynamic. New styles and concepts spring up everyday and you have to keep abreast of them or you become obsolete.

What I Love the Most about Sewing

I live the fact that you an create beautiful masterpiece CD s from clothing. You take a fabric, sometimes a plain one, mix and match and come up with a m beautiful dress.


I also love seeing look of joy on the faces of my client when they wear a beautiful outfit and subconsciously transform in attitude as they know they look amazing.

When I Sew

Sewing is something you can do anywhere and just about anytime. I sew daily, as I get a lot of orders to meet up.

*Here's How My Typical Sewing Day Goes

I get to my shop by 9am, set about selecting the fabrics to be made that day and also the styles to be sewn. I then proceed to the fabric market to buy everything clothing accessories I'll be needing for that day. Of course, I could buy in bulk to save cost, but I never get around to doing this an so buy in bits.

Once back at the shop, I make the dresses, then call the customers to come pick them up.

The Best Part of My Hobby

I am lucky that my hobby also doubles as my profession. It takes very little to achieve much and I get paid in cash and in kind (customer satisfaction) for every dress made.

If I were to describe my hobby to a stranger, I would say it is one of the best gifts of life. Nothing beats making something from nothing. Sometimes, a fabric is cut into a million little pieces and a tailor still assembles all together to make a masterpiece.

fashion 2.jpg

I also love the fact that this hobby gives me enough time for my family. While this hobby means a lot to me, my family is also top priority and it gives me the opportunity to give them the time they require, especially my toddler.



Thanks, babes and thanks for stopping by.

Oh that's nice. You can make your own fashion line maybe. :)

True that, making something out of nothing is always the best feeling.

Yes, I have a fashion line registered as House of Aviva Fashion and I make all kinds: clothing, beddings, and slippers

a slippers.jpg

Wow amazing! You should make a post in SteemGigs.Org too then so more people will know. :D You'll get some upvote too.

And congratulations they upvoted you. Hahaha. Too bad for my hobby. Must be quite common. Hahahaha.

Thanks. I read your hobby and it isn't the least bit common. Maybe the upvoter wasn't online at the time it was visible.

Nice idea about the steemgigs, but if I make a post and get orders, how do I delivered? Guess I'll need to google that.

Oh yeah, you will have to find out international order shipping? I dunno, maybe just offer within your country. :D

As for Kanye? Who's he? Lol.

Lol. Mistake. Meant to write 'maybe'. For the clothing, that's what I'm actually doing right now, selling within my state.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

Hahaha I thought it was someone who upvotes on Steemit. Well they never did get to voting for me at all. My other online friends have been voted on like you but not me. Oh well. So much for "quality" posts here. Haha.

That's why I am more on the other writing/earning site than here lately. (Not on myLot). :P

Sewing is one of my hobbies too 👍😊

Wow, that's great. What do you make?

Only pillows and shorts haha 😅

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Hello @paigegirl! I really enjoyed reading about your hobby! You have amazing skills and your dresses are so beautiful! I loved reading about how your father encouraged you and even paid your way through design school...what a blessing! My mom has been a seamstress for over 30 years and she tried teaching my sister and I how to sew when we were younger. We were so ignorant back then and thought it was boring and a waste of time. I was so wrong and wish I could go back to those days and have her teach me. However I am learning how to sew now with my 7 year old daughter and it has been fun.

Although I don’t have the sewing touch I do crochet! Crocheting is my passion and my specialty that I love very much. I started a weekly initiative here on Steemit where us crafters can get together to share our passions, support and inspire each other, share tips, ideas and patterns. It has been a blast and is constantly growing with more needle workers.

Every Monday we get together using the tag #NeedleWorkMonday and just share, mingle and have a good time. You will meet some awesome talented people you can connect with. Anyone that does a craft involving a needle is welcome to join (sewing, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, upholstery, needle felting etc). We just ask that you only use the tag on Monday’s so it won’t get confusing and it will be easier for us to find you and support your work.

One thing we do encourage is that you share the process of your work. You don’t have to wait to post until your projects are complete, we love seeing a project come to life. So feel free to take us along your sewing journeys as well as posting archived projects if you like. If you ever have any questions you can reach out to myself or @crystalize who also hosts and organizes the initiative.

When you have some free time please click on the tag and explore some of the other handiwork that is being shared. We hope to see you on Monday’s and I hope you get around to meeting some of the other crafters :) Best wishes for the contest, I entered this one as well!!

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