Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

The aim is simple, to banish those Monday blues with an eclectic range of music chosen by Steemit friends both old and new.

Music Monday.jpg

Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.

As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

I'm back :) and hoping everyone is well and has enjoyed a really good weekend! First off, I'd like to wish a Happy New Year to #steemit friends old and new! I'm working on a big post and will hopefully have it ready for later in the week .. but enough about me, lets get onto the important stuff .. the music! This week I've decided to go for something a bit unique and experimental, a track that oozes style and creativity from a band that are carving a musical niche of their own. I hope you enjoy!

This isn't about making me Steem so please save your upvotes and reward the songs that you feel are worthy, although equally if my song stands out to you then I'd appreciate the vote. Any resteems would be much appreciated, all are invited and welcomed to join us in sharing and listening to a diverse range of music.


Written by perceptualflaws
Song: Attica
Artist: Vessels
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

Many thanks for taking the time and consideration to read this post. Any upvotes, follows and resteems are greatly appreciated. Follow @perceptualflaws



Back to the Irish sounds this week for me. Not a great fan of the Cranberries but always liked this one

Look forward to the big post later in the week.

Back to the Irish sounds this week for me.

Man, why not .. for a small country you guys have produced some amazing sounds! In fact per capita, you must have one of the highest concentrations of musical talent anywhere in the world! .. Respect!! Not a huge fan of the Cranberrries either .. but you'd have to be deaf not to be moved by this brilliant track!! So powerful, and her voice encapsulates that emotion and message perfectly. Thank you for the music my friend .. been a while since I've heard this and as such, it was a very welcome walk down memory lane.

Working hard to get my post finished, around work and renovations .. so I'm really hoping to get it out by Thursday .. if not early next week at the very latest.

Good track, here I leave you something more calm that I was lucky to hear on my last trip, enjoy it, and thanks for this cool idea and project.

Hey my friend .. glad you enjoyed my choice, and thank you for dropping such a beautiful track. I might not be fluent in the language, but music is a universal language and this speaks to me on many levels. Never heard of Georgia before so I thank you for the music and the introduction .. this was a listening pleasure. Thanks again @alejandr0 :)

YAH! It must be Monday! Welcome back and happy new year.

I post this one because of one of my little ones. She has recently added a bunch of songs to her iPhone so that she can listen while she is walking the dog. She was pretty excited and was proud that she was listening to Boston because she knows I like them. I asked her if it was More than a Feeling and she said Peace of Mind! Blew my mind!

Great range of guitars from beginning to end and the bass is SOLID! Gonna hitch a ride!

Hey my friend, Happy New Year!! .. and what a track to kick it off the first #musicmonday of 2019 with .. your daughter has taste!! A rare commodity amongst much of the musical youth (great name for a band ;) lol) so you've done well .. I'm impressed! Love the energy and guitar work on this .. timeless. :) Thank you for the music and I thank you daughter for informing your choice. Nicely done!! :)

This, because people hate it lol

Haha well I must admit this appealed to my childish sense of humour, and at least they had the foresight not to call upon the vocal talents of R. Kelly, so it's all good! Thank you for the music and the laughter my friend. :)

oh thanks for this I have not heard of these guys, yeah I love new music, what a trip, loved watching them get so into it and wow how it ends xxx I hope you are well my friend xxx
here is mine for today, Esmerine, a band I have shared before but this is a slightly different vibe from them , hope you enjoy it xxx

Hey my friend, hope you're well and enjoying a really good start to the new year. Glad you enjoyed my choice this week, they have a really unique and interesting sound. Love your choice, for me it's like a beautifully hypnotic fusion of eastern soundscapes .. and I really enjoy the relentless minimalistic beat/foundation that it's built upon! Another excellent choice, I really enjoyed listening to this one! Thank you for the music @trucklife-family :)

Been crazy, trying to remember to drop a song by!
I’ve been relaxing to some nice old school rap lately and wanted to share a classic!
Nas - Nas is like

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Sorry dude, Missed this and it's also been my birthday so I've been offline. Great choice my friend .. one that makes me lament the state of much of the weak egocentric bullshit that now masquerades as hip hop. Do you ever listen to Gangstarr and the Guru, Blackalicious? awesome sounds! Thank you for the music @cmplxty this was well worth waiting for!

Happy new year everyone, and all aboard the night train!

Hey my friend .. Happy New Year!!! And you're back with an absolute classic .. no one did it quite like James Brown, no one had quite the same energy or indeed insanity! lol Great choice of song from him as well, one I haven't heard for years .. actually now I come to think of it, I think it's also the track that the band in Back To The Future are playing! :D Sorry I'm also a bit of a film buff lol Thank you for the music my friend .. I really enjoyed this track!!

Oh gosh I loved this one. Had to go and listen to their other stuff, not a bad way to spend a sunny arvo post surf.

This is kinda weird.. it came up on my YouTube via algorithm but it's awesome and I can't stop playing it lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey my friend, glad you enjoyed my choice .. they have a really unique and interesting sound .. I have it somewhere in my mind that they are from Brighton .. but I'll have to check.

Ha yes it is kinda weird .. but I'm of the same mindset as you .. this is awesome!! Love the way they are honoring their roots and ancestry, but with a modern twist. Proud, strong people and great music .. what's not to love?! Thank you for the music @riverflows .. this was a listening pleasure! :D

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