Music from the Underground #8 - Three Ridiculous Metal Band Names

in #music7 years ago

For this installment of the Music from the Underground series I'm going to share three interesting metal bands with even more interesting names. I'm doing this instead of focusing on some particular artist I'm currently enjoying because I can't really think of anything to write, also, I haven't been listening to all that much music recently for some reason. But, yeah, this idea came to mind today and so here it is.

About an hour or so ago I was listening to some Gaza (a great band you should probably check out), when I remembered a band I came across early last year with a ridiculous name but I just couldn't remember what that name was exactly, for obvious reasons that you'll see soon. Eventually I found the band and listened to some of their songs on youtube and, thanks to youtube's suggested videos, I found another half decent band with a ridiculous name. That's when I got the idea to do this post, so I started thinking about what I might say, which made me think about band logos, which reminded me of another band that has a ridiculous name but for completely different reasons.

But enough of that, let's just cut to the chase.

Band 1: XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX


So, yeah, let's start things off with probably the most ridiculous band name of them all. And as you can see from their very clear and concise logo in that picture the name I typed out above is merely a quick and easy shorthand for the band, you know, like how System of a Down is known as SOAD, or Rage Against the Machine is RATM, just to make it easier when you need to reference them. "But if that's the case what's the bands real name?" I hear you ask. Well, let's have the band tell us themselves:

"As it clearly states in our logo we are 'Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus' AKA xAxVxLxExGxBxMxAxOxFxFxFxAxSxSxSxSxIxTxIxMxIxWxOxAxMxNxDxUxTxRxOxAxBxCxWxAxPxWxAxExIxIxPxPxOxHxFxFxFx"

Well I'm glad they cleared that one up for us. But how do they sound? Honestly, they sound a lot like this:

Ok, that might not be the best example of their music, but it's not a million miles away from the rest of their songs, I just thought that particular song was a bit of fun and shows that the guys in the band are willing to take the piss sometimes.

I actually quite enjoy these guys, their Gore EP is very listenable and I like sticking it on in the background if I'm doing some light reading, it's just a shame it's only 12 minutes long. You can listen to it on youtube if you want. I think they released an album recently but I haven't checked it out.

Here are some of their tracks I like:

All right, I think that about sums it up for those guys, who's next on my list?

Oh, right, it's this lot...

Band 2: 01101111011101100110111001101001


I don't know where to start with this one. I mean... nope... I got nothing. Well, at least it's in binary instead of some h4x0r l33tsp34k bullshit, and at least it's shorter than having a goddamn poem as your name like the first band in this list.

So, I know nothing about these guys, I only found them today because they were in the suggested videos on youtube after I remembered XavlegbmahfuckitIgiveupI'mnotevengoingtotryX was a thing. From using a binary translator I found out that their name means ovni in human language. I also found this from Encyclopedia Metallum, which explains that OVNI is the French/Spanish/Italian equivalent to UFO. It also seems that they are a very new band that only formed in 2017.

This was my introduction to them:

Ok, so the music is fairly good for what it is. It's heavy, brutal, and even made me groove a little bit, so they get props for that. I might even have to keep an eye (ear?) on them to see how they progress. But... well...

That video. Wow. I don't really like making unfair criticisms of people's attempts at doing something I've never tried to do, but that video is fucking awful. Like, I know, I get it, it's a music video for metal band, it's not like I'm looking for some kind of crazy, far out, cutting edge, innovative piece of art but... I don't even know where to begin with how bad it actually is, and what's with that hilariously bad pixelation filter? I guess they were trying to go for some sort of glitchy aesthetic or something, but that's just a guess based on their name and digitally influenced style. I honestly think, given the same equipment, I could have done a better job at making this music video, and I have zero experience making music videos. I actually think I'm going to download that video and datamosh the fuck out of it. Anyway, if whomever made that video ever sees this post (and I really doubt they will) I would like to apologise for my comments, but it couldn't be helped, I'm sorry.

But anyway, this is a post about ridiculous names and this band doesn't just stop with it's own name, no, the song titles are just as ridiculous. The one above is called R * FP . NE . FL . FI . FC . L = N, and while I was writing this post I found their bandcamp page where they released a little EP in December called S / 2 0 0 4 S 3, featuring songs like KIC8462852, and the ever memorable GROJ1744-28.

Alright, let's look at something a little bit different this time, and I'm going to have to explain a little bit why this next band has a ridiculous name, because, well, I mean, it's a fairly normal name written in plain English and only has two words. Before I get to the name you have to remember that these guys are making music in a genre dominated by names like Cattle Decapitation, Analepsy, Disfiguring the Goddess, and Abominable Putridity, and with band logos that look like somebody used a can of compressed air to blow jizz off some smooth, glossy black surface.





Ok, you get to the idea. So what band am I talking about? Why is it's name ridiculous? Well, because it's...

Band 3: Party Cannon


Now do you see why I think this band's name is ridiculous. I mean, really it's the logo that does it, I just fucking love it.

I can't remember when, where, or why, but I think on twitter somebody I follow shared the poster for some sort of metal festival, or something along those lines, and this was one of the bands on the poster, I think it might have been one of those meme things people always go on about these days.


I mean, it definitely stand out from the crowd, so you have to give them that at least, and, hey, I never would have bothered with them if I hadn't seen that logo, so fair play.

But what do they sound like with a logo like that? Well...

They actually sound pretty good, plus they've got a sense of humour, and that's a nice thing to see in metal because too many bands take themselves far too seriously.

I don't have much more to say about them really. They hail from Scotland, they have a bandcamp page where it says they formed in 2010, and it looks like they released a new EP last year that I'm going to check out. So, yeah, good on them.

Anyway, it's time to wrap this post up, but before I go, I just want to share an honorable mention:

Honorable Mention: Locked in a Room with a Rotting Cadaver

Yeah, so the name isn't that ridiculous, but that logo... man. I don't know if there is a name for that particular style of doing band logos but I think this band has reached peak whatever it's called.

These guys are another fairly new band, I only came across them while writing this post so I don't know anything about the band other than the fact that they hit hard. I was a little impressed by their sound I'm probably going to come back to them in the future when they release more music.

Alright, that's it. I'm finished for now. I'm surprised how much I managed to come up with for this post, when the idea first came to me I thought I was just going to do a super short post about that first band's name and call it Music from the Underground:Lite, or something along those lines, I really didn't think I would get a full post out of it.

I might use that MftU:Lite idea in the future, but I'd prefer to have a better name for it, so if any of you can come up with a better name for shorter, more condensed, less serious posts that compliments this MftU series please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for your time, be sure today to tell someone that you love them.


Previous Installments:

Music from the Underground #1 – Gaika
Music from the Underground #2 – Crywank
Music from the Underground #3 – Various Artists
Music from the Underground #4 – Admiral Angry
Music from the Underground #5 – Benjamin Clementine
Music from the Underground #6 – Denzel Curry
Music from the Underground #7 – XXXTentacion


Those names just roll right off the tongue! my old band used to play shows with this band that had a song about sleeping with your dead relatives. It was called Insestual Necraphelia. It was pretty brutal .

Haha, that's crazy. Song titles are always ridiculous, Gnaw thier Tongues has one called My Womb is Barren and I Want Revenge, and Cephalotripsy have songs with titles like Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies, and, Aesthetic Upholstery of Molested Dead Flesh.

Some of the names bands use these days are just something else too, when I was writing this post I came across one called Begging for Incest.

I think it's funny how it's almost like all these bands are competing to try and come up with the most gruesome, violent, and/or just plain disgusting names they can think of.

That's all it is, tryin for to be brutal. I kinda like it though lol. I'm gonna name my next metal band No Lives Matter ha ha

Haha, nice.

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