Help Us Create The Musician’s Guide Alpha Version! (6 Steem Gigs in This Post - Each Pays $100+)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

The time is here to sprint towards a bigger and better Steem. We are about to make a ton of noise about the existence of Steemit and how it can help musicians everywhere earn more money.

Can you help? We’re paying $100 per person who works for our Alpha Project, a miniature version of the full book (adapted from Chapter 5) to be created, released, and marketed just like the real book will be. It’s a smallform test run to work out the kinks before we hit the ground running on the final, full-featured book itself.

We have now raised more than $1,000 USD from our first three fundraising posts - which puts us on well on our path towards the total fundraising goal, and gives us enough money to get started on this first leg of the project.

The Alpha Version of The Musician’s Guide

The full musician’s guide will contain about six chapters, plus an intro, one or two appendixes, it’s gonna be big.

The alpha version will be our first “iteration” on the concept, to learn and explore. It will be an adapted version of “Chapter 5: From Good to Great, or, How to Go From 100 to 1,000 Followers on Steem”.

We will turn this chapter into a fully professional mini-eBook: Cover art, lots of internal graphics and visualizations, professionally written + edited text, pro layout, even professional marketing and advertising.

Along the way we will continue to turn heads and gain momentum. More and more musicians on Steem, as well as dolphins/whales who care for the long-term of this platform, will see what we are doing and join in.

Thus by the end of this first project, we will truly have the wind at our backs, ready to soar upwards and onwards to create the full book.

Are you in?

Now Hiring - 48 Hour Application Window - Submit Job Applications NOW!

Here are the six job listings:

(1) Job One: Cover Artist
(2) Job Two: Internal Graphics Artist
(3) Job Three: Editor
(4) Job Four: Book Layout Designer (TBD - I'm in talks with someone about this)
(5) Job Five: Community Liaison
(6) Job Six: Growth Hacker / Marketer

You can apply to multiple jobs if you want. In theory the same person can do two or more jobs if they are able to handle the workload in a timely manner.

I am super duper extra excited to see these job applications roll in. Who wants to work with me?! Lol, hopefully some of you do.

More importantly this is going to be a fun and satisfying project. You will be helping to build Steem from the ground up, creating a beautiful and useful ebook that is both a work of art and a pragmatic guide for anybody who needs it.

Your bank account meanwhile will enjoy the steady flow of steem income :-).

That’s It For Today

I am going to keep this one short and simple. You know what to do - apply for the jobs!! Or if you have a friend who might be interested, please tag them in the comments and tell them about this opportunity.

If all goes well, production on this Alpha Version Musician’s Guide will start in 6 days on Monday. Your help is appreciated as we work towards that goal.



Submitting application now for graphics. Id offer for editor, but my editing skills are poor. However I would be happy to share some real life experiences for content, about touring, technical info from a band and/ or sound engineer prospective. Ive certainly been around the block as you could say, and have seen quite a lot change through the years doing it. keep up the great work!

Thanks @armageddonparty - I am definitely interested to hear more about your experience. There's going to be some sort of interview chapter for this book, and your experience might be perfect to include in there. I KNOW that Im gonna forget a lot of people by the time the interviews happen, so please keep an eye on my posts lol and when I do an interview recruitment post or something, definitely comment in there if youre still interested in being included.

And I'll have a look at the graphics application too later this week when the time comes, have no doubt

Hi Matt! What kind of Editor do you need? My girlfriend is a Cinematographer and Editor but video editing. Let me know if this is something you look for and I can send you some work of her!

EDIT: Okay I had to click on "Editor" I move it forward to her.

Text, as in a book or newspaper article editor. Thanks!

I showed her and yes its not what she does but if you need video editing at some point just let me know!

Do you have any past examples of work like maybe on YouTube for example that you can link to?

Of Course Matt! This here is our own YouTube Channel
Then we made these videos about human trafficking

and this

also, we helped out friends in LA with that video

Let me know if you need anyhing!

What a wickedly powerful initiative you are starting there! Thanks a lot for all you are doing among us, it is much appreciated from this end.

Namaste :)

You are welcome Eric, hopefully this all comes together well! Last night was a more nerve-wracking day than most, making the leap to post all these job descriptions - but I feel energized and excited now that people are starting to apply.

AWESOME!!! It is all worthwhile, as long as you don't burn out!?! ;) Keep it up and namaste :)

This is amazing, I'd love to join this awesome project, Im a graphic designer who had won a couple of contest here ( also still participating in some) and want to share my work as much as I can here. I want to apply to Job One: Cover Artist and also Job Two: Internal Graphics Artist, I think I could make an awesome job and if you need some kind of portfolio let me know.

Great thanks for your interest, make sure that you read this thread as well as the thread for both steem gigs you are interested in and follow all necessary instructions to apply for the gigs.

This is very real sentance ,it is time to steemit.In blog has. Good offer about alpha project so thank you very much

Excuse me sir. I still don't understand about this project. But whether this project aims to create an e-book? Because both my parents are musicians, Maybe I can help, but please explain a little more about me this project. Thanks @heymattsokol

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Am interested in applying as a cover art. The genre of music am good at is Rnb, Pop, Jazz. Am an openmic contestant though new to the community have come out amongst the winners twice... I would love to apply for the post of been a cover artist.

No sorry not that kind of cover, I mean visual artwork for the cover of the book. A book "cover", i.e. the front of the book, not a song "cover". :-)

wonderful music @heymattsokol . i like your Help Us Create The Musician’s Guide Alpha Version! (6 Steem Gigs in This Post - Each Pays $100+) post. thanks for sharing post.

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