
Your post brings back memories of blair witch project for me, I think I wanna watch that again after like a decade or so now ;)
Miss the creepy woods aspect. Never liked the Misery movie, the book is so much better in my opinion, but I am an old King fan and apart from the green mile, the mist and shawshank redemption most of the movie adaptations are not my thing.

Good to see you come back to your passion, I feel very similarly - writing about all kinds of things and doing all sorts of stuff while I am actually missing to write what is really dear to my heart. But it requires so much precursor that the detours are warranted.

Guess we want to make well-rounded blogs ;)
Much love to you down there dude <3

You should definitely give the BWP a rewatch and I feel like doing the same. I wonder what kind of impact it has on us nowadays. I remember watching it the first time - about a decade and a half ago - home alone, in the dark. At a certain point, the candles that I had put on for extra atmosphere - blew out. I don't remember there being any open windows. It was kind of freaky but it made me like the movie even more.

I read most of Stephen King's books - as a young teen - before I even started watching his movies. I myself love the movie Misery and think many adaptations of his books are actually an improvement on the books if you can say that at all, it being different media.

The fact that King adapted the Shining himself - not being happy with what Kubrick - one of the best filmmakers ever - did with it, still makes me laugh. He is a pretty good writer but a mediocre director. I didn't like The Mist too much. Apart from the atmosphere at the start, it mainly annoyed me and the octopus like creature made me cringe.

Yeah, we should never drift too far from our passions and I guess it's healthy - and probably quite natural - to return to them anyway.

Much love back to you my friend! :>)

Still waiting for the low budget movie portation of "the long walk" - that ought to be interesting. I think Darabont is the director who got the rights.

Damn I just saw he lost the rights... Hope that Hollywood won't fuck it up purposefully like most other things I have seen come out of there in the last years. But I guess I am a hardliner in that way.^^

Never heard of 'the long walk'. It reminds me of the (music) video that I made for you in an inspired moment and of your song :>)

I had a talk yesterday with @inuke who told me about being disappointed in the movie adaptation of the comic/ manga Bleach. He was very disappointed in it.

Eventually, I ended up telling him that disappointment always comes from expectations. Being disappointed in something (whether it's an adaptation from a book or anything else), just means that we expect too much. It's the Ego that wants to see things work out in a way that fits us. Every reader, viewer, etc has its own expectations. A filmmaker, writer or any artist can't please us all.

Anyhow, I totally get what you say here. I can talk in the same way but I'm really trying to become an improved version of myself in any way possible.

Have a great day my friend! :>)

Nice pictures from the "Barragem"!
Have been out of connection for the last 3 days, but now I am making a side story of the hidden figure in the tent for you, if it's okay! :D
Nice movie associations too. The fist movie that came to my mind associated with water was Miyazakis Ponyo XD - I'm more to animation than horror movies I think ;)

Ah, you were stuck in the wilderness :>)

As you might have seen from me posting 4 days in a row, I have been enjoying a good connection this week.

I actually thought of Ponyo myself. Have seen it several times but I decided not to mention it. I am a big fan of Miyazaki's work and actually wrote some posts on some of his films - and other anime - in the past :>)

And of course you can write a side story on "the hidden figure in the tent". That sounds like a title for a horror movie in itself, haha!

Bye for now,


Haha, yes it does! yes and finished the data on the phone too ;) Now we just arrived in a friend's house! And yes I'm a big Miyazaki fan too!

One of my favorite films revolving around water is the short from Tales From the Crypt, "The Raft". If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. Scared the hell out of me as a kid.

Tales from the Crypt is awesome but I don't remember having seen that particular episode.

Thanks for the recommendation :>)

Sure thing! Enjoy it!

Nice pool. Looks a bit cold? Did you try jumping in the water?

It looked great indeed but the water was really cold and the weather wasn't too great either. Beides that, the water was quite dirty as you can see on this close up...


The monster from the black lagun probably lives down there... =)

Funny you mention that (movie), we ourselves joked about the Loch Ness monster living in that lake. Especially after this picture that I took:


The lake has some weird trace there in the middle right?

"Titanic (just kidding)" lol, I agree. XD

I watched The Swimmer a while back. At first it seems kind of cheesy and you're like, is this just about Burt Lancaster's body? and then as it moves on you're like, wait... whaaaat?

I think the first movie that comes to mind when I think of forests is The New World. For water, it's Poseidon... terrible movie but for some reason I was thinking about it the other day.

Burt Lancaster was apparently an acrobat for quite a while and it's clear in the Swimmer that - even at 50 + years of age - he doesn't mind showing off his body. I didn't really care about that though. It was the story that drew me in from start to finish. And, be honest, it would have been kind of a joke, if he had been wearing a wetsuit throughout the film, don't you think ;>)

I can see why you think of The New World although I must say that it hasn't made such an impact on me as it seems to have on a lot of people. I prefer Malick's Badlands and Days of Heaven.

Poseidon makes me think of the 1970s The Poseidon Adventure which is pretty fun.

Yeah, I can see what you mean. :)

My sister and a friend of hers spent 2 years on a ship going around Asia. They both loved The New World. My sister said when she watched it, it made her cry--she loved it so much because it reminded her of America. When I watched it, I didn't feel much of a connection either, and in fact I felt that some scenes were a little insulting to Native Americans, but I can see what she meant. :)

I do like Days of Heaven. It's so visually beautiful, and the narration is so simple and pure. I love that line, "Well, you saw what happened: she loves the farmer." :)

Thanks for sharing that story. Now I really feel like rewatching Days of Heaven :>)

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