When You are Running Behind

in #motivational7 years ago

These days are beyond hectic for me and maybe you know the feeling of being behind no matter how hard your work? I wrote this post as much for you as for me, since I needed some motivation to get all those daunting tasks on my list done.


What are the lasting consequences?

Sometimes there's just no way around it and we get stuck in a situation where we have more to do than can be done in the given timeframe. In this case, the first thing you need to do is PANIC. Oh wait, I guess that is the last thing you need to do. The first thing you will need to do is breath. The second thing you should do is to ask yourself if there is something you need to do that will have lasting consequences. I know it can seem like everything on your list will have lasting consequences, but let's be brutally honest here: Most of the things you are currently panicking over not being able to get done can be done at a later time without lasting consequences.


Do some quick planning

The key here is to remember how you eat an elephant - the answer is, of course, one bite at the time. You don't want to spend a lot of time in the planning phase. We need to get to execution, but this phase is essential, so don't skip it. First, look at your list, or jot down a quick list of all the things in your head. What is your most critical task? The one that has actual lasting consequences? Do that one first. Look at your list again. What things on there could you do later without anyone noticing? I'm sure you can find at least one. Now order the remaining after one of two principles: a) The tasks that stress you the most to the least; b) The tasks with the most lasting consequences to the least. Often you'll find that the two coincide.

Execute Fiercely

Now that you have your bites all lined up it's time to get to work. Try to make an accurate estimate of how much you can do with the time you have. In these situations, I try to underestimate ever so slightly how much I can get done. That way I'm more likely to not fall behind or maybe even get the feeling of being slightly on top of things. Use every moment you have - make it count. It's not enough to have a plan you need to execute it fiercely.


Don't forget the breaks

When we are in situations of complete overwhelm, it can be easy to default into doing nothing. This is something you want to avoid at all cost as it does nothing to better your situation. But wait, you don't have that problem anymore, you have your plan and now you are executing it and you are being fierce, just as I told you too. You are working late into the night and getting up hours before you normally do, basically, you are working non-stop.
If you have a task on hand that will save a life or get you fired if you don't complete it by the deadline, then by all means, work till you drop. We humans can handle that from time to time - it's called fighting and your body will keep you going for as long as you need. However, most of us aren't in that situation and it's most certainly a situation that we shouldn't find ourselves in too often anyway. If you aren't at risk of losing a job or killing someone, then remember to take good, life-giving breaks.


A life-giving break is a time when you allow yourself to relax. It's not 5 minutes scrolling on your phone. It's more likely to be time spent with loved ones or in meditative practices: cooking a meal, working on a hobby or playing a musical instrument are a few examples. You know a break was life-giving if you return to your work with renewed energy. Remember your sleep too. If you have a particularly difficult problem that you simply can't find a solution to, then a nap (or a long walk) may be just what you need. When we sleep or go for a walk, our subconsciousness is hard at work and more often than not, it is better at solving such problems than when we actively think about it.

Try to eat well

Besides sleep, the most import way we can improve our performance is through the nourishment we put in our body. I'm personally inclined towards a nourishing traditional diet, but however, you eat try to eat as you do normally, if not better. The better the fuel you give your brain, the better it will work.

How do you handle cases of overwhelm and the feeling of running behind?

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Good article!

I do something similar when I get overwhelmed, though I often don't actually have the time these days to make a list. I consider which tasks are most important and simply begin with the first small part of the most immediate one. I don't allow myself to think of the pile of tasks behind it, just start with whatever is nearest and most important to hand and MOVE. Don't sit down. Don't start to look at the size of the mountain. If you have to bail water from a boat with a bucket, you don't have time to wish for a pump.

I also often keep an eye on the clock because certain things will make life much harder if I get busy on a task list and don't get those things done - meals, naps for kids, etc.

Thank you.
I love that picture of the boat taking on water, I've never thought of it that way before, but it fits perfectly - no time for wishing for a pump!

It's so true to get those tasks in. The last thing you need is a hungry and or tired little one (or more) on your hands when you are pressed to your limits already.

Thankfully, there is a lot of grace to be found in those situations too.

Some days it seems as though we get so caught up in things. We overload our lives and it can really be detrimental.
Reminds me of a family with two teenagers. They had the kids in so many after school activities,then the homework, the studying, family time and on and on, The kids were NOT happy. No one had down time to let their brains rejuvenate.
I know you are in school finishing your degree and that it amazing; just don't forget to take a moment or two for yourself every once in awhile. Every one needs that


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You are absolutely right about needing downtime. I've actually scheduled in some for next week, some time with a friend, just me and her and some time with some family. Our children will play together and the adults can talk and laugh over coffee. I find that when I know I have things like that lined up, it's much easier to get the work that needs to be done underway.

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