"You will have Trouble!..." - Daily Word #59

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Yes, it is coming left, right and straight at you! Perhaps even behind you!! Hey don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing "trouble-for-you", it is just not right to assume that life is going to be without any trials, issues or challenges!

There will be sicknesses, job instability, financial difficulties, relationship breakdowns, inequality, injustice, indifference, discrimination of all kinds and even death to haunt us along the way.


Just look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for a moment... At every level, the human race is seeking out for a different need. Once the level is met (sufficiently enough), people will move up to the next level and will be looking for that need to be met.

For example if the first level -- the Physiological Needs (see below) are not achieved at a certain level, it will bring about many different challenges attached to the lack of need and sub-needs, together with its repercussions.


So now you can see that we are faced with many difficulties every single day and it brings about the variety of issues and problems that needs to be answered. But is there an answer to all of this?

Believers of the Lord Jesus believe so. In John 16:33 (NIV), Jesus had already pre-warned us in His Word...

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have Peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Source

Jesus already predicted Trouble to come...

After all, if you believe in creation, God created man and woman. So I'm sure in the Fullness of His Wisdom, He has foreseen all that is to happen.

And I believe what He is saying is that we cannot run away from the Problems or Troubles in Life. They are there to help us grow and equip us to become someone better.

I also believe that God is also saying, "You can't trust in your own ways to get out of trouble, you need to turn to Me!"

That's why the Lord gives us Peace...

In John 14:27 (NIV) it is recorded, and He said...

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Source


Know that we are ALL bound to face challenges (and trouble), whilst we are still here on earth. But take heart, and know that He has Overcome!!

What trouble are you facing today? Come to Him, and receive the Peace that only He can give!

Blessings & Shalom.



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