"Childlike..." - Daily Word #58

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Have you heard a Child speak about their wishes and dreams? The very question of "what do you want to become when you grow up?" provokes so much creativity, ingenuity and yet simplicity.

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In those days where the NASA projects was still on, some young American child would say an Astronaut or a Rocket Scientist. :) But if you ask a child today, he or she might perhaps state who or what have influenced them especially in their growing up / influential years... someone who help Social Causes or a Vlogger / YouTuber.

The Bible talks about "Childlike Faith", and one very familiar passage comes to mind in Mark 10:13-16 (from the Passion Translation) Source

The parents kept bringing their little children to Jesus so that he would lay his hands on them and bless them. But the disciples kept rebuking and scolding the people for doing it.

When Jesus saw what was happening, he became indignant with his disciples and said to them, “Let all the little children come to me and never hinder them! Don’t you know that God’s kingdom realm exists for such as these?

Listen to the truth I speak: Whoever does not open their arms to receive God’s kingdom like a teachable child will never enter it.” Then he embraced each child, and laying his hands on them, he lovingly blessed each one.

There are many points Jesus wanted to teach us from this one expression of Faith. The focus that I want to delve in, is the "Teachable Attitude / Nature" of a Child.


My wife recently complained to me that our youngest son is becoming more and more rebellious -- "He does not want to listen to me like he used to". I told my wife, "Honey, perhaps he is just growing up and finding his identity".

You see, this also happens when we all begin to suddenly Grow Up in our Faith. We sometimes get into the "I'm too good for this" syndrome or say "we are too matured for this". We may even fall back on our own past experiences of how God works -- in this way, in that way... like there is a Formula to Flow with GOD!

There is actually NO Right Way and the moment we think we have "found" the right way, it may be us just being indifferent or indignant that we already know our Lord and how He operates/works. Am I making sense to you?

I guess that's why when Jesus was on earth, He healed many people in a variety of ways! Why? To simply showcase to us that we are not to BOX IN / BOX UP the experience of God in a certain manner. After all, He Alone is God Almighty and He chooses men, women or young boys, girls to operate in a unique and magnificent way. This is done to remind us that GOD must ultimately be the ONE who receives ALL THE GLORY!!

Here are 5 Characteristics of Childlike Faith


1. Children ask honest questions
- which reveals that they really don't know and want to know the answer.

2. Children ask openly
- without fear, without shame or embarrassment.

3. Children ask with vulnerability
- they often start with total trust and then slowly but surely grow out of it.

4. Children don’t know what’s best but trust their parents
- they may gripe and complain but they still ultimately follow what their parents say.

5. Children trust and find satisfaction with parents
- they understand so little and yet they can find the "joy" in everything.


Ahhh... how I pray and wish that I was a Child again.

Actually we can be. If we really come to God without our grown-up-attitude and without our long-list of instructions, complains and comparisons!

And just like a child say, "Daddy, will you help me with this?", "Daddy, let's talk...", "Daddy, will you carry me?", "Daddy, I'm going to bed now, will you read a bedtime story?", "Daddy, let's go out and play!!!"

Have we become so mature that our conversations with God has become so stale, so quiet, so routine?

I'm throwing you (and I) this Challenge today...
Will you come to our Abba Father (Daddy God) just as you are, his child today?

Over to you.

Blessings & Shalom.



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