February Fierce and Focused (A Steemit Invitation Initiative)

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

I woke up this morning refreshed with much more energy and feeling like I was a Mother Commando for Steemit.

So on that note, I declare the month of February –

February Fierce and Focused Month. I invite all on the Steemit Platform that are interested to embrace this initiative.

This month being the midway point in the Winter season we still have time for a lot of reflection, to discover what we want to make happen in 2018. As we step into this second month of the year it is a great time to make some major decisions about our lives and how successful we want to be on Steemit.

There is no better time than now to create for ourselves a blueprint of the life we want. It’s a time to take a serious look at what is working for us on Steemit and what is not and make the necessary adjustments. A rule of thought: promise yourself that in 2018 you will not be dancing with anything dead and you will no longer tolerate dead weight to occupy space in your life.

So if you are reading this I have shown up to motivate you to get your life together and make new choices that will help you hit the target and reach your goals. Two words of the theme for this month will help you do that.

1. Be Fierce.

By that I mean for the next 28 days starting today, go after what you want and the things you know you need to get done with a fierceness.
Muster up as much energy as possible and approach each day with eagerness and intensity. Take a risk, go that extra mile, work longer hours if you have to.
Rest in the wisdom and certainty of knowing that this you do for self and family, and feel good about every word and paragraph you type and celebrate with every post you submit. Work all your activities and projects with gusto.

And make sure whatever you start you finish. Whatever promises and commitments you make you keep. Also during this time of getting things done in a flow of high energy, be careful not to overextend yourself and come to understand how you flow and be able to feel your flow and rhythm this will help you stay balanced in the midst of it all.




2. No Matter What, Stay FOCUSED! There may be times when you may have to change or rearrange your schedule, That is just life happening. Don't allow stress or frustration to set in, get back on track and do you.

And don’t allow the urgencies or other things that desire to pull on your energy and encroach upon your work time to cause you to lose focus to the point of giving up.
Have a schedule, if things to do list and outlines work for you then do that. Have a systematic plan to guarantee that you remain fierce and focused for the next 28 days. And if you are willing to try it, journaling may be a very helpful tool to add to this initiative.

A little motivation and incentive I offer:

Because my goal in all I do on Steemit is community focused I want to encourage all who agree to take part in this initiative to stay connected as a community and we support each other. I hope many of you use this initiative as an opportunity to get at least one major thing done that you want to accomplish for 2018 and that you get it done by being Fierce and Focused.

So if you accept this initiative and join me tag your post #fiercefocused and that way I can find you and we can find each other. I will also do update posts on how all of us are doing.

Also, I will be giving SBD ranging from .050 SBD to 1 SBD

I will give a one-time incentive to those that create posts in no less than 75 words, on how they are choosing to be Fierce and Focused in February. The incentive amount will be dependent upon the quality of your post and the payouts for the week,
And I will offer the same for the first 40 writers who are literary artists that upvote and resteem this post and follow the theme and use the tag #getmywriteon. If you use this tag and you are writing consistently at least four posts a week, I will give you a one time gift in the range of SBD mentioned above and upvote all of your post with this tag for the entire month of February. And let me add...If the participation and the invites received for this initiative is only a few Steemians they will be the lucky ones upon which I make it rain.

And last but not least I want to include another way that we can stay connected in the ethers and that is by way of three colors that we can use as a point of our focus for the month of February. They are Red, Turquoise, and Orange

A little bit about why I chose these colors

Red ~ is energetic and powerful

Orange is a high energy color filled with the joy of life and vitality.

The third color I chose because at some point we all have a need for balance and we all need to be in control of our daily activities, especially when we are working from a place of high energy. There needs to be that middle ground where we can always land at our center. Being at center also helps to keep us in a state of wholeness.The color Turquoise is healing, thoughtful and controlled.

The attributes and more detailed information for all these colors came from color post series by Steemian @ksolymosi who did an extensive study on all these and more colors.
Here are the links to the three I have chosen for our February initiative.

Cover image by samequizy.com
Images 2,3,4,5,6,9,12 - by twitter.com
Image 8 by Sketchesxo.com
Image 10 courtesy of tumblr.com
Image11 courtesy of fabric-fabric.com


I value all that you do, here on the platform @rensoul17. I support you and your powerful posts. Thanks for all you do for the community. You have been monumental to the change sweeping the blockchain and it's use. Please continue to share with us your enthusiasm and charisma. You make many lives more meaningful and magic. Cheers to you, girlfriend!! XO

Thank you so much for responding to my post, this one word you wrote as a comment warms my heart. Much Success to you on Steemit and in life. @alilabrar

Oh bless your soul Ren! You even make biting sarcasm appear joyous and encouraging.
wipes tear from eye
So beautiful

She does doesn't she😂. But seriously Ren, you have influenced the way I comment. You have made me a more positive engaged open person. Your comments on entries to your contests...any posts, you really feel other people and care. I have tried to be a bit more Ren...That might become a thing , like Zen.. Ren.

Thank you @girlbeforemirror. I hope it becomes a thing. And make sure you check out my new contest. It's bigger and the badest one I have ever done ( bad in a good way)

Wow such a powerful and inspiring writeup,and to round it up, you used simple english, i love this, this is what really caught my eye

"look at what is working for us on Steemit and what is not and make the necessary adjustments"

i have come to learn that steemit isn't all about hardwork.its simple, just knowing what to do,so from now on i will spend as much time and resources knowing what to do and then make the necessary changes,thanks @rensoul17,this post has blessed me.

You are welcome, and you are right it is about knowing what to do. And if you post a lot you will begin to see a pattern of what your readers respond to and what they do not. Also, you may want to read this post again. I updated it just now.

This month has been a scare in my life but this post has given me a notch. To tell my dad to always rest well as he never got to see the man am becoming thank you and a happy new month.

This month has been a scare in my life but this post has given me a notch. To tell my dad to always rest well as he never got to see

Very inspirational @resoul17 , thank you for posting! I am often times scares or nervous to really go for it. Sometimes I motivate myself by thinking of who I want to become and I am 50....but hey, its never too late right?

“I dwell in possibility.” – Emily Dickinson

It's never too late. Thank you for your comments. In three months I will be 58. I am a mother of two and grandmother of 6. I came to the realization of my purpose gradually over the last 30 years and I am still evolving. I too had times when I procrastinated, then finally I asked myself, "Was I afraid of success or failure?" You can do whatever you decide to do. @gails-word-syrup

Thank you for inspiring me.

Thank you @rensoul17 for this divinely timed kick in the proverbial ass! ;) I have been feeling this fire building inside, becoming very aware of my own self-sabotaging behaviours, ready to anything but the very things I love and contain the seeds to my success.

This Feb I will allow my fire to be fuelled by your challenge and share my creative writing through my Galactic Mayan Weather Reports here. I have just started feeling called to create them again, but now, its time to anchor it into Steemit, and hopefully get as many of my 4k Facebook followers to jump ship and come play on the Steemit train! :cD hehe

Thanks again, so much love!

First of all, you are welcome, @thecreativerebel, and you are such a blessing. You are coming into my life with an incredible amount of energy, I can feel it, jumping through my computer screen in an instant you have appeared bearing gifts that are jumping out all over the place. When I saw your name, I was like wait a minute, I was just on his blog yesterday, I browse steemit a lot and somehow, I think you commented on someones post and it led me to you. I remember now you commented on @cabelindsay 's post. Anyway I just went back on your page/blog and absorbed in it all what you do is incredible. I will be leaving comments on your post. Also thank you for taking my challenge you are the first and only one to do so. I will be keeping up with you throughout the month. I am taking the challenge as well you can keep checking the tags and you will see my post as well. Have a great day @thecreativerebel

Thank you for the motivation @rensoul17

I just read about this now. I think this post speaks to me @rensoul17. 2017 has been one of my worst years. I thought I could graduate on time, I was so ready. My family, parents are. 3 days before my graduation, my instructor failed me telling me my performance was not enough. I was extremely devastated. I was depressed for a couple of months. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I feel so stuck with my life. But then 2018 came, I feel like I'm a new person. I want to forget 2017 but it was a part of me. I want to be more focused and motivated. Thinking about the disappointments in life, it made me strong. I hope I was able to read this early so I can join. Thanks for the motivation! Very helpful. I can't thank you enough on how this post affected me.

You hold your head up @reewritesthings and keep going, be strong. Often those that have power over a portion of our life (like your teacher did last year.) has the ability to alter or hinder our destiny but in no way do they define who we are, unless they have walked every mile in our shoes they have no way of knowing who we are nor do they have the ability to measure our life's potential. There will be times in your life like all of us when by way of things that happen we can feel the universe telling us to do certain things over again or to retrace the path. Just follow through, often times you will discover a new part of the journey that you did not encounter the first time around. Take your failures and transmute them into a dose of good medicine and don't waiver from knowing who you are and being the champion and success story that you truly are and don't let anyone make you think any less of yourself because they don't have a heaven or a hell to put you in. And remember beautiful one keep going and dream and live your dreams.

Thank you so much @rensoul17. I will keep what you've said in mind. Because of my failures, I've become more determined not to prove anything to anybody but to prove to myself I can rise up again. Thank you so much for your words of motivation.

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