The Psychology of Colours (Part 10) - Mesmerizing Turquoise

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)


We give strong unconscious reactions to different colours, therefore - knowingly or unknowingly - we are bombarded by "colour-coded" stimuli many times a day. I have a passion for colours since my very early teenage years. I even aspired to be an artist for a while, but then I finally chose psychology and for several years after graduation I was involved in a research dealing with the symbolism of colours. In this series, I would like to share this passion with you by having a closer look at the meaning of one colour at a time.

After exploring the meaning of red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, brown and pink, we continue our journey with a magical, transformational dye, turquoise, which is an in-between colour of organic green and contemplative blue, carrying some characteristics from both.


Turquoise is healing

Turquoise has a strong link to the colour of the ocean, so similarly to blue, it can be connected to calmness, serenity and peace. It is strongly associated with uplifting the spirit as well as the body and recharging our inner batteries.

It is believed that this colour has serious healing properties, for example it helps neutralize over-acidity, stimulates growth, increases muscular strength, and soothens gastro-intestinal problems. Turquoise is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect, so it helps us fight against viral infections and rheumatism.

Many healthcare institutions and recreation centers use this colour because of these properties, but we can also use it in our home if someone gets ill. A cup of tea from a nice turquoise mug? :-)


Turquoise is thoughtful

There is some enigmatic aspect of this colour and it probably originates from the contradicting meanings it suggests: turquoise is introspective and very expressive at the same time, suggesting mental clarity, creativity and the ease of self-expression.

This is a colour that stimulates reflection, internal awareness and focusing on one's own needs, thoughts and feelings. Turquoise is a good color to have around you when you feel that you are trapped in a situation and looking for the way out. It helps you think clearly and make good decisions.

In marketing, it is often used in brands centered around communication and computer technology (like Skype, just to name the most obvious one).


Turquoise is controlled

This colour is often associated with emotional balance and strong emotional control (or self-control), which is a very important characteristics of confident and healthy people. But on the other hand too much of it can be negative, as an excess of emotional control can be perceived as indifference (keeping a greater distance than necessary).


What does turquoise tell about you…

If you choose turquoise as your favourite colour, then you are probably a highly intuitive person who prefers dreaming and thinking about the future to living in the current moment.

You are confident and communicative, even find public speaking and having a presentation easy, because you have a brilliant ability to structure your thoughts and focus on what is important.

Though turquoise is a bright colour that stands out, you are not looking for attention, simply wishing to express yourself without looking for the support and approval of others. You are quite independent, having your own values and opinions.

You tend to take on too much which can exhaust you. Although presenting an organized and calm exterior, beneath the surface you may be on an "emotional roller coaster ride", especially when you are too tired. You have a strong emotional reaction to events, but you prefer to hide these from your public - only those very close to you can see what is happening behind the scenes. You keep your emotions under strict control.

You may be intuitively drawn to turquoise - as a temporary choice - when you are suffering from emotional stress; because this is the colour that controls emotions and heals inner tensions.

In the following two chapters I summarised a few interesting details that I found about the colour grey. The sources are indicated in brackets after the lines and are referring to the appropriate book/article listed among the literature used.


Turquoise in different cultures

  • Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets used in many ancient cultures as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It symbolises connections to the spiritual world, and thought to provide protection from harm and negative energies. (7)

  • In ancient Egypt grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from as early as approximately 3000 BC. (9)

  • Tibetans began mining the stone at roughly the same time period as the ancient Egyptians.
    They appreciate the gradual shift of turquoise's colour from blue to green as it is worn (now we know that it can be caused by light, or by a chemical reaction brought about by dust or the acidity of the skin). In their belief this colour-change symbolises the development of wisdom as well as the cycle of life and death, which is central to their religion. (12)

  • In the ancient Persian Empire, the turquoise was worn round the neck or wrist as a kind of protection against unnatural death. Turquoise symbolized heaven for them, therefore it appeared in every aspect of their daily life and ornamentation. (9)

  • According to the legend, Native American Indians danced and rejoiced when the rains came. Their tears of joy mixed with the rain formed the Sky Stone Turquoise. For them, turquoise means life and it is valued for its positive healing energy. (11)

  • In ancient Greece, turquoise signified purity and was worn by maidens. (12)

  • In Western culture, this gem is also the traditional birthstone for those born in the month of December. (2)


Interesting facts about turquoise

  • The name turquoise means "Turkish Stone" as it was originally imported to Europe from Turkey. The best quality turquoise comes from Iran, but the majority of these gemstones are exported from the United States and Mexico. (10)

  • If you're wearing a turquoise ring and once you see a crack in your stone, the Native Americans would say "the stone took it," meaning the stone took the blow that you would have received. (11)

  • Turquoise according to the Colorpoint Institute therapeutic meanings of colours, is the colour of the deep subconscious.

  • Turquoise is formed when water enters an iron-rich limonite or sandstone containing copper, aluminum and other minerals. It takes millions of years and the right conditions for turquoise to be formed. The gemstone's blue colour can be attributed to copper while aluminum adds a greenish shade to the gem. (14)

If you are interested, here you can read the previous parts in this series:

Fiery Red
Cool Blue
Golden Yellow
Forest Green
Vivid Orange
Royal Purple
Chocolate Brown
Baby Pink
Ordinary Grey

Literature used

  1. David Piper: Understanding Art - Appreciation, Method and Technique (1981)
  2. Eva Heller, Psychologie de la couleur; effets et symboliques. Editions Pyramid (2009)
  3. Tracy Edwards-Wright: Your Favorite Color Has a Meaning, Lulu Enterprises (2011)

Sources of pictures


SteemSTEM gif.gif


The beautiful color
This is the color that is often associated with emotional control, which is a very important characteristic of one's confidence. But on the other hand too much of it can be negative, because excess emotional control can be considered carelessness.

But I think this opinion is true, I also like this color like a dress that is in the ladies of celebrities.


Thanks a lot! :-)

Very informative post about this color! I didn’t knew about the Turkish stone origin...

Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot! :-)

If you're wearing a turquoise ring and once you see a crack in your stone, the Native Americans would say "the stone took it," meaning the stone took the blow that you would have received.

This is in fact a very interesting point. So it really represent it's "function" as protective amulet. Nice.

Thanks a lot! :-)

enlightening post, following up after reading your post on Brown

Thank you! :-)

Colour theory is very interesting-- my wife and I work quite a bit in the field of metaphysics, and the color influence of different crystals is quite important in what it tells us about different people.

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