Who Else Has It Really Crazy?

in #motivation7 years ago

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You know if I didn't have this much drama in my life, I wonder what I'd have been writing about! - Fi

The day I made this discovery, I guess the heavens rejoiced; the child was finally coming to terms with the type of life he had been handed. It must have been really cringing to watch the child struggle over many years to grasp the reality of his life, same way you kinda cringe watching a kid fall several times while learning to walk. The fall looks a lot more painful to you watching than to the kid itself. I don't know if they realize that they have no choice than to get this walking thing right but the way they keep at it is something fascinating.

I'm a child of many mistakes and I used to feel insecure about the sheer amount of the mistakes I've made but the funny thing is that my insecurity didn't put an end to the mistakes; they kept pouring in! So why not learn to accept and live with it yeah? There's also the fear of "over talking" about these issues like the entirety of my life is based around my falls. Balance is such a funny thing we keep trying to find and you'll never know except you try. When you try, you either get it right or you don't. If you don't give up on trying, you just might accumulate a huge list of falls but you also earn a bag of experience and loads of stories to tell.

Funny thing about my method of trying is that I usually go all in, heads first! Sometimes there's an hypothesis to be tested, many times it's just the desire to try something different. In all these years of falling and being stupid, I've come to understand two simple but very important concepts; I'm never alone and there's no need to keep beating myself up over mistakes I make.

- You're Never Alone.

No matter what you're going through, it's almost always wrong to assume that you're the only one in that type of situation. Many people go through shit; in fact we all go through shit but the only difference is in how we choose to react. Some people keep stuff bottled up and hide all their pain and frustration while some others prefer to talk about them or scream or break things. Just because you've not heard of someone else still masturbating at 30 doesn't mean you're the only one doing it. It's very crazy to think that out of the over 6 billion people on earth, you'd have a problem that is unique to just you!

- Stop Beating Yourself Up.

This follows the discovery that you're never alone. When people make mistakes, feel tired of their lives because they think they're the only ones making these mistakes, there's the possibility of them beginning to feel depressed. It's common knowledge what the outcomes of depression are and nobody will want to wish that upon themselves so why do things that could lead you down that path? I very much doubt that you were born with every aspect of your life already figured out so you really need to realize this fact and then live accordingly.

So the next time you feel the need to ask yourself who else has it really crazy, just know that no matter what drama might be happening in your life, you're never alone so don't beat yourself up. Deal with life the best way you can and determine that no matter how many times you fall, you'll always get back up with renewed energy and optimism for the next phase of your life.



True. What's the fun if every thing come easy to you. I consider my life a game and it helps a lot. Obstacles don't feel hectic any more, they feel like those missions that needs to be accomplished as it happens in a video game. We take life too seriously and that's when and why we mess it up. Life should be played and enjoyed. Everything will come easy after that. Change your aim to your mission of the game, then no matter how many times you fail, your motivation to succeed will itself double up. We never think that what will happen if we fail in video games? Do we? All we think is ways to accomplish the mission and that's why and how we cross levels. And even if we die in the between, we start all over again, yes may be we actually do, that's where the rebirth theory holds importance. Who knows? What we only know is that the game will continue, until we win :D Nice article there :D I am also a philosopher ! Check out my work if you feel like :D Keep up your good work until then. Upvoted and Following you.

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Thanks... I needed that! Mistakes and events beyond your control make life crazy. I am in that swamp. I'm alive, but still trying. Sometimes it stinks in here!

Yeah it stinks but the stink feels a little better once you stop beating yourself up over stuff you don't necessarily have control over.

Keep the hope alive bro

But... no one pushed me into this mess. I have only mysel to blame. I'm not debating your point, but rather admitting my responsibility.

keep it up
u will achieve something ........special

Awesome post,loved it.Every time i see your posts i get delighted,they are just awesome,keep it up :) good luck and dont forget upvote me back.

My life is crazy right now but art and creativity keeps me smiling

That's another interesting point; finding something to keep you going, a reason to keep hope alive!

thanks for your great sharing. i cant explain how awesome . i love it.

You are right @fisteganos. People have in common. Therefore problem face of everyone may be.closely alike with others. The best example, is here on steemit, my problem is my post not getting a decent reward, how could.I grow. Do you Think I am the only facing that silly problem? Of course not, almost the majority.

The day I made this discovery, I guess the heavens rejoiced; the child was finally coming to terms with the type of life he had been handed. It must have been really cringing to watch the child struggle over many years to grasp the reality of his life, same way you kinda cringe watching a kid fall several times while learning to walk. The fall looks a lot more painful to you watching than to the kid itself. I don't know if they realize that they have no choice than to get this walking thing right but the way they keep at it is something fascinating. @fisteganos

This world sends so many mixed messages it is impossible to get by without making several mistakes. Throw in unpredictable emotions and deep rooted preconceived ideas and it is clear to see the multitude of influences both seen and unseen on life.

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